Pet King

Chapter 1743

A lot of

    small, micro-organisms in the sea, a lot of water looking at clean water, actually drinks in the ocean, and maybe some strange guests go further to their stomach.

    The vast majority of these organisms are harmless to the health, but there are always exceptions.

    The thing Zhang Zian wrapped up, because the body was too small, like rice particles, he started to think that he was a small bug on the ground, attracted by the sea of the algae, so the moths landed into the algae to find food. But he looked closely at the sunlight, noting that this “bug” physical structure was rather special, not like a bug on the ground, and it was like some kind of shell animal in the water, like shrimp or something else.

    More detailed things have to be seen through lens or microscopes.

    Kosovie saw his move, said with a smile: “What’s good?”

    “What is this? Do you know each other? Isn’t that shrimp?” Zhang Zian sent shrimp in front of Bishop.

    This thing is too small, Zhang Zian just brought it almost to his own eyes, and he didn’t want to just put his hand in front of people’s eyes.

    Kosovoi’s vision is pretty good, and it’s still a little distant to see it. He used to be a seafarer, and carefree stretched two fingers and tried to put it in front of his eyes.

    Zhang Zian felt somewhat inappropriate, and it was obviously not wise to touch a unidentified creature, but it was too small to hear which shrimp was poisoned, and hesitated not to stop it.

    As a result, Kosovie just squeezed it, and suddenly his face muscled and breathed cold.

    “Shit! This thing really bites me!”

    He dumped it with consciousness, but once he dumped it, he regretted it, because it was too small to fall on the ground, and he couldn’t find it in the mud.

    “Where’d you dump it?”

    He jumped from tires to the ground, cats looking everywhere.

    “Forget it, stop looking. Is your hand okay?” Zhang Zian asked.

    Kosovie’s low head looked at his hand, right hand’s fingernails, and one half of the size of the wounds was infiltrating blood outside.

    “Bastard? Is this little thing so bad?”

    He’s incredibly staring at his fingers.

    You know, he used to be a sailor on a ship, traveling out of the sea for a long and a half years, and life at sea would not be as good as a pig girl, and the seafarers were very rough, together with wheels, cables, floors, fences, and the hands of each seafarer were rough.

    He withdrew from the seafarers in the previous few years, went into the fisheries administration, often approached things from cable ropes to a keyboard, and the fingers were torn up a lot, still rougher than ordinary people’s fingers, even if that was the case, he was bitten out of blood.

    If it was the other part of the bite, he might not react so hard and dump it directly, but the ten fingers were connected.

    “What is that? Why are you so mean?” He despises to Zhang Zian because he doesn’t see anything, and Zhang Zian can at least see it better than he does.

    Zhang Zian also looked at his fingers, shaking his head: Not good said that maybe some shrimp or something else. “


    Kosovie heard it. “The shrimp bites?”

    That’s what he’s been a sailor for years.

    “I don’t know, but the ocean is so vast that people don’t always know the species.” Zhang Zian has not ruled out that, “By the way, have you recently received similar reports from the fisheries administration, such as the fact that tourists or citizens are bitten at sea?”

    “It’s hard to think about it,” even if it is, we should go to the hospital, unless it’s big, we’re probably the last to know. “

    This is also true of the wide range of fisheries management, but it is because it is too broad that there is no way to take care of it, and there are people on the seaside who are bitten by this organism, and if it is more serious, they will go to the hospital to deal with the wounds and then go home, and no one will report to the fisheries administration with consciousness.

    “Do you suspect that something like that was in the sea a lot?”

    “There must be a lot of creatures so small that they can survive. I was born in the shore city, and I never heard of this bite on the sea, and they should have been blown from the ocean from the algae.” Zhang Zian nodded.

    “So, what?” Kosovie’s face looks like a secret, first a typhoon and a algae, and now comes out of mysterious biting little bugs, so that the fishing administration can not resign collectively.

    A bug can bite his rough finger, and if it’s a bunch of this little bug, he can’t think about it.

    What do we do?


    simplest way, of course, is to prohibit citizens and tourists from swimming down to the sea, but this decision, once announced, will certainly cause a huge wave, and people will not believe that a biting little bug is sneaking, but rather to speculate whether there is a danger of terrifying in the sea, from nuclear fuel to Godziland, where people’s delusions are always cowards.

    Zhang Zian took a bunch of children’s algae and looked at it carefully in his hands.

    As pet practitioners, he was good at identifying pet-related animals and not good at plants unless he had deliberately done his homework, for example, before entering the mangrove forest, where plants could eat. However, as a child growing up on the coast, he had some knowledge of the algae, which could be recognized as the algae belonging to the calcium.

    The algae is the total name of the large algae, which includes 40 algae species, and specifically which of the algae in his hand belongs to the algae.

    Marine pollution, water quality deterioration and algae outbreaks often result in extreme tides, leading to massive loss of marine life and being called the red ghost.

    Extreme tides are not necessarily red, but also green tides from green algae outbreaks, with typical representation being seaweed.

    Recognize this as an algae, and remind Zhang Zian of a news that Zhang had seen before, because it was more fantastic and about some kind of shrimp that would bite, so it was more impressive, because it was the first time he heard that shrimp would bite.

    In August 2017, after an Australian 16-year-old young man kicked the ball in the afternoon, because he felt that the legs were soaring, he ran to the beach and stuck his legs in the sea.

    This is not the first time he did it, and he and his friends swim almost every day at the same place, and nothing ever happened.

    However, about half an hour later, when he lifted his feet from the sea, he was frightened to find that the two feet were all minor wounds from the bottom of the leg, densely packed, bitten with blood vague, with little left of a complete skin.

    He felt some pain when he bumped his feet, but thought that it was the normal reaction of the muscles that were bleeding as a result of sport and cold-water contacts, which, after all, was the winter of the southern hemisphere.

    After being taken to the hospital, the doctor can’t judge what bites him.

    His father came back to the same beach to find the truth, put birthmeat in the sea, and when he was raised, he found a bunch of bloodthirsty small crusts, identified, and seemed to be some kind of glass hook shrimp.

    This dangerous glass lobster does not exist only in the southern hemisphere, but as early as 2007, more than one citizen in the eastern part of the island was bitten by them, and it is certain that this glass lobster will be too far away from the algae as the algae travels in the sea.

    In adventure novels, people often portray martial ants as gods, saying that a bunch of martial ants can eat a living man into a bone, which is certainly exaggerating, living people are not stupid, and who will stand there waiting to be eaten by martial ants?

    This bloodthirsty glass shrimp is like a sailor in the sea, and people can’t run in the sea, and when they swim, they should be very dangerous, but normal people don’t swim to large algae? The rate of drowning by algae is much higher than the rate of death caused by glass lobster.

    So generally speaking, these glass shrimp and human beings are everyone minds of their own business, and people are not bitten, at least not reported — they’re too small, their bodies are half transparent, and this makes their actions very hidden, you’re crawled in the sea, you can’t see anything in the water, and you don’t think you’re some kind of shrimp.

    Zhang Zian told Kosovon everything he knew, and comforted that “as long as no one died swimming near a large part of the algae, there should be no major event, nor would there be any special measures to avoid distress, to put a number of brands on a beach where algae appeared, to warn the citizens and tourists not to swim down the sea, or to be trapped by algae.”


    most worrying thing for Kosovon Fain to do with Nodded, Sighed in relief is to mess things up with the city wind and rain, no matter whether anyone is injured or even killed as a result, the final bad luck is the fisheries administration, which can solve the problem if a few branches are put in place.

    “This is just a way to cure the subject, truly to cure it, and only wait for the season to come and blow a large part of the algae back into the deep sea, and perhaps not for a few days.” Zhang Zian supplements.

    “Hopefully.” Kosovie, “it’s really going to be a good thing for us to go to the fishing administration… Then I’m going to take this car’s algae to the place, and I’m going to get a few more plates, all the beaches with algae.”

    Zhang Zian suddenly remembered Zhao’s welder and Wu’s electrician, and said, “Wait a minute, is there a beach on our south side? Anybody digging big shrimp there?”

    “Yes, there’s such a big piece of beach painting.” Kosovie confirmed it, “What happened to that beach?”

    “Uh… does that beach paint a lot of algae?” Zhang Zian’s after.

    “Yeah, well, it’s one of the most dense areas of algae, and algae outbreaks, big shrimp, bamboo, clam, and everything is fertilized by the algae, and there are people who actually caught shrimp there.” Kosophie was so sorry to laugh, “Don’t tell you, my colleague used to be a shrimp housekeeper there, but lately too busy.

    Zhang Zian: “…”

    Others arrested shrimp over there, probably shrimp, but as long as it was possible to be dangerous, Zhao wells would be in danger.

    He all suspects that Zhao’s welder is a hidden isomer who can raise the risk rate close to zero to one.

    His mind just moved, and his phone was ringing, and the telecomer was Wu electrician.

    Kosovie, whispering to him, contacted him more than when he planned, and then returned to the car and drove the city engineers away.

    “Hello? Wu Master, what happened to Master Zhao?” He answered the phone.

    Wu’s electrician hasn’t spoken yet, and that’s where Zhao’s welding worker shouted like a pig.

    “Cough! Stop it!”

    Wu Electricians just said things over again.

    So, the two of them came to the beach when the tide had fallen, parked the motor car on the shore, carrying the tools to catch the big shrimp.

    Zhao wells heard the fishermen say how to fish shrimp, but this guy, who listened to a few words, thought he’d learn, and was confident to walk into the back of the tide, and actually did it, but it wasn’t that simple.

    If there is a hole down there, insert bamboo signatures or similar things in the water, and if the bamboo signals a large shrimp in the hole. Next, we’re gonna put the pencil in the hole.

    The big shrimp has paedophilia, it cleans the anomalies in the hole, it thinks it’s an isomer, it pushes the pencils outside, pushes it out of the hole, and then the eyeballs catch it.

    It seems simple, but the time is not that easy to grasp.

    Zhao Wei was in a rush of labor, claiming that he was going to fish ten kilos of shrimp today, and as a result of which a few had come out of the hole and narrowed it back, he couldn’t stand it, just threw a pen and put his arm in a hole full of water to pull shrimp.

    He even pulled out a couple of fat big shrimp shrimp, and laughed at the silly Wu electrician who was working on a cable with a sweater of shrimp, even though he once again stretched his arm into the water, and he didn’t take it to the shrimp, and his hand was crawled.

    He thought it was shrimp holding him with a clamp, and he didn’t care, and he kept pointing deep, and it turned out that the hole was more distorting, and his hand was stuck.

    Immediately, he felt that his hands and small arms had been touching electrical pain for a while, and it wasn’t very painful, and he was wondering what was going on.

    When he can’t get his arm out of the hole, he finds his hand and his little arm bleeding, and there’s a lot of transparent little bugs hanging on his skin, densely packed.

    The visual shock is far more alarming than the skin pain, and he scares him. Wow, Wu electricians are so shocked by his heart attack.

    Wu’s electrician saw his arm too stupid, and the tools threw it away, pulled him up to the electric car on the coast, intended to take him to the hospital and called Zhang Zian on the run.

    Zhang Zian, after hearing it, is just a meat wound, and there will be no danger, but Zhao’s welding workers will continue so that the rest of their lives will be full of passion and adventure.

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