Pet King

Chapter 1744

When Zhang Zian pulled up the curtain door, a tornado of about three Level 4 was flowing into the room.

    The wind’s up.

    He almost got lost by dust.


    wind continues to be blown from the north-west inland to the south-east sea.

    According to the content of the geography of secondary schools, in September each year, the cold pressure was over Mongolia’s formation, with cold north-west or north-west storms arriving in the north of China before moving south.


    weather of the autumn is very comfortable.

    He drove to the southern beach yesterday and looked at it, and stood on the shore and saw the dark green on the sea, and a large group of green algae was thrown on the shore, and it looked a little disgusting. Well, in that beach, it’s not a landscape, and there’s no one else than catching the beach, and it doesn’t affect tourism revenues or anything because of the eruption of green algae.

    This wind should have blown a large amount of seaweed off the coast of the coast of the coast, or let the fishery administrators rest.

    “Sheriff, good morning…” Jiang Feifei came in and followed the clouds.


    former had recently been talking online to San Francisco, not only about the ocean restaurants, but also about the daily lives and pet stores of the United States, but because of the poor time, she knew that the work of weekly seals was very difficult, so that she could adapt to weekly hours of rest, which had led her to a constant or early conversation with Chow.

    Rui Yun is fighting, and she seems to be very busy lately, grabbing all the time paintings, often going through the night, but every time Zhang Zian wants to see when she’s painting, she switches it quickly, like… sorry? Forget it. He’s not interested in girls’ comics or anything.

    Wang Qian and Li Kun have also come to work, and they’re not doing good, but playing nights. The four of them have become more inactive, and as far as the goal of the future is concerned, they will only consider it slightly when they go to the toilet.

    The stores started their routine work on day after day, and everything was peaceful.

    Just spent a busy Sunday today, Monday, in the same vein, buying and selling rare things, so Zhang Zian doesn’t have much hope for today’s business, and it can be expected that today will be a leisure day.

    Nonetheless, who knows what’s going to happen suddenly to get to the door, and then you can’t talk about it for a while?

    Life is always full of surprises and accidents.

    For example, yesterday he received an email from Los Angeles, Tim and Lauren from Blue Peak Cats inviting him to visit the United States and, in addition to the new Ragdoll cat, to bring back Absinian cats remaining in the United States for the CFA tour to China – Kathy’s death – all her cats left to Zhang Zian, who, in order to be able to keep her heart free from burial, did not bring all the cats back home, but left one or two more Tim and Lauren for the CFA tour.

    By date, they should also return honor to China and bring them together with other Apesinian cats. In order to avoid proximity to the breeding of relatives, the growing adolescent cats in Abidjan need to be integrated into more dynamic blood, all of which has already been written in Kathy’s birthmark, but that is it.

    The far-reaching future is a blank in her festival journal, waiting for the latter to continue writing.

    “Good morning, Captain Big brother!”

    The vegetables rushed as fast as the morning wind, stood a little bit at the store door and breathed a few breaths and said, “Today I’m going to be in on Sunday. Bye! I’ll be back in the afternoon.”

    “Bye! It’s okay to run slowly.” Zhang Zian waves.

    “Good morning!”

    After a while, the bell plain suit came in with a loose sports suit, with a Bighound Snoopy.

    “Good morning, long time no see.”

    Zhang Zian Wind Road.

    “haha, during the summer holidays, I returned home and placed Snoopy in a friend’s house, just two days later.” The bell plain strip remained warm, said with a smile: “Fortunately escaped the typhoon.”

    Since she was going to pick up the shit for Snoopy, she was carrying a little sporting backpack, and then she took out a wonderful box from the bag, and conveyed it to you, “Give it a taste from the old house.”

    Zhang Zian thought that the box was loaded with shit, and there was something in his heart that, although it was in a small plastic bag alone, he still had hold out to receive the box and prayed that Snoopy had not been shitting today.

    “Okay, thanks.”

    He doesn’t understand the Japanese, and from the Box Gang case, it seems to be a Japanese point of view.

    “See you tomorrow.”

    The bell clothing goes on in the morning, Snoopy is happy to follow her away.

    The noodle box just opened up in the house and was robbed by the stores, and Zhang Zian didn’t even share a piece. But just, he prefers meat.

    As he expected, there were very few customers today, and there was a lot of time left.

    “Wu? Son of a bitch playing hideout?” Star Warrior asked a vivid question.

    “Come on, walk! I look at the angels at night. I’m going to win this day!”

    “Blow the bull?”

    The new round of capture starts.

    When he ran through the cat crawling, Fina had a boring nap, and recently it had a longer time to nap every day, and had an interesting role to play with Cleopatra VII, a uniformed play.

    Snow Lion looked at him in disgusting terms and said, “It won’t be so loud when it’s cut.” Your Majesty, it’s a good day. The slaves lick your hair! “

    When he ran across the corner of the wall, Old Tea gathered to watch TV, to keep a cup of tea on time, and to assist the police in their arrests was just a little bit less interesting than television programmes.

    gA! “Richard fell on his shoulder,“ Master Ben, you’ve had a bad time in the morning! “

    “Shit!” Zhang Zian turned a white eye, wasn’t it?

    Richard pushed a narrow black eye and shot his head with a wings. “My lord didn’t say you,” Second brother, the steel gun won’t get rusty. Why don’t we go to the side of the people’s square today? Master Ben must help you find a good man…

    It flew in time before Zhang Zian started reacting.

    Famous, on the side of the stairs, is not eating today, and both ears are wearing an ear blue toothear, listening to the recording repeatedly, with details of the War Dog 2 script that von told Zhang Zian about.


    Star Sea was found on the first floor, Zhang Zian went up to the second floor, pushed the door to the storage room lightly, looking inside.

    There are no stars in the storage room, the way the eyes are closed, the window is sitting in jeopardy and praying in silence. The storage room became the foregoing prayer room, where it could interact with God without interruption.

    Of course, it’s just Zhang Zian’s guess, maybe it doesn’t even pray, but in meditation, in the air, in order to gain spiritual enlightenment.

    The meditation is a good thing for everyone, and he also needs to think about his way forward, but he’s always busy and always quiet, waiting for time, maybe he can push to the law.

    And next to the desk, the paper was screamed and continued to tell readers about the pet store. The long story will end one day, and he has not asked what it intends to do since then, and he just needs to stand next to it and continue to support it.

    Stories may end, but life will never end.

    He didn’t knock on the door, pushed the bathroom doors directly, and Shihua’s ears were spiritual, and he must have heard him coming.

    “Hey! Listen to me! I climbed on Himalayas, and there was only one step away from the peak!” Shihua was angry at the phone, “Why don’t you believe Aaahhhhhhhhh!”

    Normally people don’t believe that, although the peak has become an industry now, it’s not even cat dogs that can get up there, like her, all day in the bathtub playing live women, and cybersecurity doesn’t believe she can go to Himalayas.

    There was no shadow of the stars in the bathroom, and he took another empty, and he was wretched by Shihua.


    the second floor, we still haven’t found the stars.

    The more brave Zhang Zian won’t give up, but he’s lost his habit, neither on the first floor nor on the second floor.

    He’s from upstairs to the roof.


    roof left branches and miscellaneouss from a windstorm that had not yet been cleared – not that it was too late, but that he had forgotten before.

    Zhao wells and Wu electricians are well equipped to build up the roof through the winds without rain.


    are no stars on the roof.

    Zhang Zian stood on the edge of the roof and looked around the pet store.

    The air is good, the vision is great.

    Near that old flat, far away from Green, the covenant can see a blonde with a blonde granny crumbling in the empty plastic bottle, and there’s a puppy that keeps cheering.

    He went back to the second floor, went down to the next floor and looked back from the first floor.

    “Stop it! Stop it!

    two figures, one blue from outside into a pet store, ran in front of Vladimir, chasing white in the back.

    White breath appeal, vomit your tongue and say, “Stop! There’s a fight against me!”

    Haha laughs on the run side of Vladimir, “He’s a dumb fool to fight against you! Enemy me back, enemy fatigue, I beat you. Can you come after me?

    The two of them ran around the shelf for a few rounds, and then sneaked out of the store for a while, unknown.

    Today’s pet shop is another peaceful day.

    He finally gave up, “Star Sea, come out, I lost.”


    And when he comes back, the stars are sitting right behind him.

    Time goes so slowly, I don’t know.


    are fewer customers in the evening, and Zhang Zian and the stores are searching for things in their own hands.

    “Big handsome? Is it better than that?”

    One electric three-wheel parked at the store door, and delivered the little brother’s head into the store door.

    “I am! I’m here!”

    Zhang Zian, stand up from the bench and meet the door, “Is it my quick delivery?”

    “Uh, you’re a big handsome?” Come on, give him a weird eye. “

    Zhang Zian flying dragons and dancing phoenixes signed the words “gorgeous than” on the quick bill of lading.

    Master, what did you buy? Wang Qian and Li Kun are curious.

    “You guess.”

    He swallowed the quick delivery boxes in front of them.

    “Uh… adult toys? Black and white plates? Master, last time you’ve been miserable to us,” Wang Qian and Li Kun complain.

    “What’s black and white?” Jiang Feifei was wondering.

    “Nothing, don’t listen to them.”

    Zhang Zian stared at them, dismantling the letter knife and unloading the seal of the quick delivery box and extracting the contents.

    “Dumb! My new phone!”

    He elated to show them the new phone.

    “Wow! Master, I want it too! Buy us one too!” The shops envy jealous.

    “haha! Then look at your performance!”

    Zhang Zian was like a little child who got a new toy, and he had flowers on his face.

    His old phone, though still available, is a lot outdated, running a little slowly, as a single dog, without having to spend money on a girlfriend, buying a new phone to reward himself for a year of hard work, isn’t it too much?

    No customers, he just let noise shops get out of work in advance and enjoy the moment when they play new phones.

    After feeling the fluid of new phones and simply experiencing the new function of new phones, he felt that the money was too valuable to start installing apps he used to download on a case-by-case basis.

    Time goes in a second, the lights start.

    After the peak of the worker’s work, people cooked at home and walked out of Mrs. Oldman for a while, and the streets remained calm for a while.

    He finally downloaded the usual app, and then placed the account number on a case-by-case basis, moving the information from the old phone to the new cell phone.

    Having done all this, he was going out of the software market, suddenly thinking about it, trying not to be pregnant, and the ghosts put the words “pet hunters” in the search column, and then clicking.

    The results of Somalia are on the brink of the border.


    knew that there would be no definitive results of Somalia, and the software market recommended only a bunch of similar apps based on those key words.

    It should have been.


    The results are not zero.

    [Time to download]:

    “Pet hunter 2.0”!

    New upgrade! New edition!

    This game has a thousand hours and 49 seconds to stop downloading.

    Zhang Zian was staring at a small number of words and decreasing numbers, and breathing was stagnating.

    Is this a new name?

    He clicked “look more” with a slight shaking finger.

    Pet Hunter 2.0.


    1, repair of the old version of bug.

    Two, more elves that can be captured add to the game.

    3, full new play on the line, waiting for your experience.

    He took a deep breath of cold, trying to curb peng peng’s heartbeat.

    Great Thousand Worlds, the wind clouds again.

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