Pirate System

: starfish island

The Evil Dragon Pirates were still on their way to Haixing Island, but they didn't know that a cloud of haze had already crushed them.

These days, the busiest person is Sebastian Stephen. He heals the pirates every day, taking off the clumsy bandages one by one and tying them back up again. He also rescued two pirates who were dying and won the unanimous love of the pirates.

However, this elf ship doctor has a very cold attitude towards the pirates, he is just doing his duty.

The helmsman, Cliff, drives the boat leisurely every day, because he has a bold nature, and he quickly becomes involved with the pirates, and he is an excellent drinker. Even after drinking two bottles of rum, he can still steer steadily. .

The eight spit frog brothers lived a life of eating and waiting to die every day, and occasionally bullied and bullied troublemakers. Looking at it now, it's more appropriate to change the name of the troublemaker to the unlucky one.

One-Eyed is still on the Luck. The two ships can only communicate by semaphore every day.

Tangke explained to One Eye that the new crew members were all summoned, which was half-truth.

However, the one-eyed can't understand the game system, and he is more likely to accept it by explaining it with the reason for summoning. He was very happy to see that these new crew members had two strokes. The growth of the Dragon Pirates meant that he was one step closer to his goal of revenge.

Today's sea breeze is a bit frantic. Tangke is standing in the captain's room with a wine glass in his hand, watching the churning of the waves while drinking. The hull was rocking, but he was so used to it that it was like flat ground to him.

Someone knocked on the door, only three times, neither light nor heavy, unlike pirates who like to slam the door hard.

"Come in." Tangke said.

Stephen Seba opened the door and came in. He was still in his gentleman's attire, with a monocle on his nose and a chain of glasses hanging from one side of his long ears.

"Good noon, Captain." The ship doctor greeted.

Tangke said straight to the point: "Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

Sebastian pondered for a while before answering: "I want to ask about memory. Many people on this ship have lost their memory, including me. But we all think that you are the captain. , isn't that weird?"

"It's quite strange." Tangke poured a glass of wine for Stephen Sebas.

Stephen Seba took the glass, but didn't drink it, reminding: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Tangke was really embarrassed. This ship doctor is thoughtful and smart, not as easy to fool as sailors. As long as the sailors are paid enough, they will be very happy, and if they have rum, they will be able to get rid of a thousand worries.

"Your name is... Seba... What's the matter?"

"Seba Stephen."

Tangke still couldn't remember the name of the ship's doctor. He nodded solemnly and said, "Sebastian, I can tell you the truth, but you are not allowed to tell other sailors, because it will inevitably have an impact."

"I promise you. Please speak, Captain."

"Actually, you were summoned by me. Didn't your memory stay at sea? You were summoned at that moment. I am the summoner." Tangke made a full confession.

The answer is outrageous, but this is the case, and only this answer can be embedded in the mystery.

"That means... I don't have a past, do I? I don't have any family?" Stephen Sebastian seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer in the chest, his slender and beautiful hands trembled, and the wine splashed out.

"Yes, not at all."

"Then what's the point of my existence? Who am I?" Sebastian asked in a gaffe.

"I advise you not to think about this question. As far as I know, there are two results of thinking about this question. One is that you have an epiphany after you understand it, and the other is that you go crazy without understanding it. Most of the latter ." When Tang Ke answered this question, he thought of Buddha, Ouyang Feng and Ji Wuming respectively.

Stephen Sebastian's face was gloomy and uncertain, he took a sip from the glass, and a wisp of wine dripped from his rosy lips to his collar.

"Actually, no past doesn't mean no future." Tangke said with a smile, "Don't you see that the other people on the boat are living happily?"

Sebastian shook his head and said, "I'm not like them."

Tangke pouted and said, "I just hate that you pretend to be different."

Stephen Seba didn't argue for nothing. He also hated Tangke. The attitude of both of them was written on their faces.

Tang Ke took the time to look at the loyalty of the other party and found that it had dropped to 50. It was not certain whether he could keep the ship doctor in the future. He asked, "Seba Stephen, do you like being a pirate?"

"I don't like it." The ship doctor replied neatly.

Tangke looked at the ship doctor in dissatisfaction.

"Farewell." The ship doctor put down his glass and left, but before he closed the door, he left another sentence, "But I like being a doctor, and there are indeed many patients who need me here. Although they are all sinful souls , but the Lord never said that he would abandon them."

"The other thing I hate about you is beating around the bush." ​​Tangke muttered.


The Black Pearl sailed steadily, surrounded by the boundless sea, which always gave people the illusion that it would never reach the shore.

Hualu stood on the observation deck, picked up the telescope every few moments to look around, and was meticulous about this job. Because of her good eyesight, she has been the lookout these days, helping everyone avoid coral reefs and storms.

This time, she saw a miniature of a piece of land in the telescope. Her heart moved, and a sense of homesickness came out. She prayed that this was Starfish Island.

The Black Pearl rode the wind and waves, getting closer and closer to the island, and the appearance of the island became clearer and clearer.

"It's Starfish Island! It's really Starfish Island!" Hua Lu shouted happily, jumping and jumping on the observation deck. She told the good news to the people on the boat.

The pirates looked in the direction of the island, but they couldn't see anything, and the ship approached a lot, and only then could they see a foggy outline.

Continuous sailing is hard work, especially for poorly lodged sailors. The captain can live in a single room and sleep in a bed. But the sailors are different. They all have to sleep in sleeping bags woven with ropes, hanging on the upper deck like silkworm cocoons.

One can imagine the scene of dozens of strong men sleeping in one space. They had to endure the crowds and smells in the cabin together. Therefore, pirates will cherish the time to rest on the shore.

Hearing the noise outside, Tangke also came out, looking at the gradually clear island with interest.

Starfish Island is named after the shape of the island, which is pentagonal and looks like a starfish. The island looks quite big, but on the map, it is only the size of a pinhead.

"Ding! You arrived at an island and obtained basic information about the island."

Island: Starfish Island.

Country of Origin: Greenland Empire.

Description: This is an inconspicuous island, poor and backward. If it weren't for the sale of crystal fish horns, it would have been forgotten by navigators.

Armament: 89.

Commercial degree: 355.

Technology degree~www.wuxiamtl.com~favorability degree: ☆

Buildings: handicraft workshop, leather workshop, bone products shop, crystal fish corner exchange, shrine, altar, priest's house, patriarch's house.

Special Location: Skull Stadium.

Coordinates: W238N99.

Tangke glanced at the island information, and it was really shabby. The data was a long way behind Port Carlin, giving the impression that it was an aboriginal tribe. The main purpose of his visit this time was to deliver medicines and distribute the stolen medicines to some of the islanders.

Tangke did a rare good thing this time, mainly because Hualu begged so hard that he couldn't refuse.

At this time, someone noticed that there was thick smoke rising from the island, and there were flames flickering below.

Hua Lu was so shocked that her face turned pale, she covered her mouth and said, "Could it be that... it's my father..."

Tangke asked, "What's the matter? Could it be a clan rebellion? Or is someone attacking the island?"

Stephen Seba interjected: "You mentioned that there is a plague on this island, maybe it's burning the bodies of the dead."

After hearing this, Tang Ke was slightly moved, glanced at Hua Lu, and found that Hua Lu had already cried. He patted Hua Lu on the back to show consolation.

Two ships docked and dropped anchor. One of the pirates stayed behind, and the rest went to the island. Sebastian put on a mask and strongly suggested that Donke wear it too.

Others followed suit, but because they had no masks, they had to cover their mouths and noses with white canvas strips.

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