Pirate System

: eat and drink

Some handicrafts on Haixing Island are traded with Jingyujiao. There are several simple piers suitable for ships to dock, and special islanders are responsible for receiving foreign merchant ships.

When the islanders saw the boat docked, they immediately greeted them. Because of the plague, no merchant ships have come here for a long time. Only Nahum came here occasionally to sell drugs and squeeze the last penny out of the islanders' pockets.

Tangke headed forward, followed by One-Eyed, Cliff, Sebastian and others.

Plague patients have been quarantined on the island and placed in a corner of the island. People don't have to worry too much about contracting the plague. And they also have medicines in their hands. Even if they are unlucky, if they are infected, they can be cured in time with medicines.

When the islanders saw that a stranger had come ashore, they were somewhat surprised. Fortunately, Hualu grabbed it from the crowd, met the islanders one by one, and explained Tangke's purpose.

Seeing that the savior was coming, the islanders were grateful to Tangke and others, and led the way to see the patriarch.

The so-called patriarch is also Hualu's father. After hearing the news, the patriarch rushed out of the tribe to greet everyone, looking very sincere. Hualu made her own decision to go out for help on this adventure and did not tell her father. This made the patriarch worry a lot, and he had aged a lot during this time.

When the two father and daughter met, they hugged each other and cried, but for a while they couldn't take care of the guests like Tangke.

But Tangke didn't care about these details, he walked along the way, enjoying the scenery of the island. He drifted on the sea for so long, and suddenly stepped on solid ground, and it felt a little awkward to walk.

Everyone said as they walked, and when they asked, the thick smoke they saw just now was really burning the corpse.

Hualu cried even more when she heard it. For her, every islander is as familiar as her relatives, and it would be heart-wrenching pain if one died. With tears in her eyes, the patriarch asked others to take care of Hualu, who was crying bitterly, and sorted out his emotions to receive the guests.

The patriarch took everyone to the tribe. The buildings here are all grass huts, and the round structures are like yurts. The conference room of the tribe was the largest circular grass hut, where the patriarch received Tangke and the others.

Tangke only brought in a few important crew members, and the rest of the sailors were taken to other places to stay temporarily.

The grass hut is dotted with some bone products, including animal bones and fish bones. The patriarch's seat is still a complete animal skin, showing a wild and ethnic style as a whole.

Everyone was seated, and the patriarch ordered the islanders to prepare a banquet.

Seeing that these islanders were so poor, Tangke waved his hand and said, "Forget it. I'll have someone go to the boat to get some food in a while. You don't have to be so polite."

The patriarch thought that Tang Ke blamed them for the poor reception, and said nervously: "How can that be done? You are the guests, so you should be treated well. It just so happens that we have several kinds of special foods here, I guarantee you have never eaten them."

Tangke laughed. It's certain that he hasn't eaten it, but whether it tastes good or not is another matter.

After hesitating for a while, the patriarch probed carefully: "I heard that Captain Tangke, are you willing to donate some of our medicines?"

"I can give you some," Tangke nodded, "but it doesn't have to be too much. I have to sell this drug."

The patriarch was not disappointed, but said dejectedly: "We don't have much use on our island. Now most of the islanders who are quarantined have died, and there are few remaining patients who can be cured with medicine."

Next, the patriarch opened the chat box and told the story of the plague on the island. There were originally more than 20,000 people living on this island, but because of the plague, there are now only 6,000 people left, and nearly two-thirds of them have died.

The nearest to this island is the pharmaceutical factory in Nahum, and other merchants from far away will not deliver medicines. Just because of this, Nahum kept raising the price of medicine, so that Starfish Island couldn't pay for it at all.

The cost of a bottle of medicine for the treatment of black magic is 5 silver coins, but Nahum is priced at 3 gold coins! It's more than 80 times the cost. Later, the island was really unable to make money, so they had to barter with the island's bone products, especially the expensive crystal fish horns.

This kind of crystal fish horn is extremely beautiful, like a transparent ivory, which can be used for carving or directly used as a decoration, each of which is worth around 100 gold coins. However, if the islanders used it in exchange for medicine, it could only be equivalent to less than 30 gold coins, and Nahum extorted a lot of money.

Tangke had agreed with Hualu before that he wanted to claim that he was a medicine merchant on the island, without revealing the truth that he was a pirate.

In this era, the word pirate is very deterrent, and many people are afraid of pirates.

The root of terror comes from the various evil deeds of pirates. Things like robbery of ships are not worth mentioning. Really crazy pirates will choose to attack a certain seaside city, loot it, and threaten the empire with burning the city to pay ransom, in order to get a lot of gold coins.

A pirate who has the strength to attack a port or city is a symbol of strength. Once successful, he can become famous and occupy a place in the sea.

If the people of Haixing Island knew that Tang Ke was a pirate, they would inevitably feel resentment.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Tangke had to say that he was a businessman.

He was very happy in his work. After the conversation, he went directly to the boat to pick up boxes of medicines and distributed them to the islanders.

The work of distributing medicines is done by One Eye. He firmly stated that the medicines sent out must be within the allowable range, and must be deducted from Tangke's due share, instead of encroaching on the interests of the crew and sailors.

There is a strict profit distribution plan in the pirate group. Among them, Tang Ke, as the head of the group, has the largest share, about seven or eight tenths. Sailors are the least, and they can only be divided into less than one-tenth.

It can be said that this batch of drugs is already everyone's property. If Tangke uses everyone's property to send favors, the sailors will definitely be dissatisfied, their loyalty will drop sharply, and they will even rebel and riot.

Donk didn't want this whole to loosen up, or to have any precarious internal contradictions. He often chats with One Eye about pirates, and refines the rules and regulations of some pirate groups.

In his words, evil demons are also Dao, and if they are Dao, there must be rules on Dao.

Fortunately, the looted medicines amounted to several tons. Even if some of them were distributed with Tangke's share, it would still be enough for the patients on Starfish Island.

The Evil Dragon Pirates temporarily settled down on the island and had a few days of peace. The people of the island are so grateful for Donk's good deeds that the pirates are feasted every day with the best food on the island. Seeing the enthusiasm of the islanders, Tangke didn't think about it, and ate and drank safely every day.

To Tangk's surprise, the food on the island is still remarkable, and there are several unique foods.

There is a kind of barbecue on the island. After roasting, it is topped with juice and curry. The seasonings are also quite rich, including pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and so on. This kind of barbecue tastes tender on the outside and tender on the inside, with a bit of sweetness and sourness due to the juice, mixed with the tender meat aroma, making the pirates a feast for the eyes.

There is also a special kind of chowder, which is mixed with pasta and vegetables and fruits, and then micro-fried in oil. The taste of this food is a bit special, and Tang Ke is not used to it. He still prefers barbecued meat.

In addition, there are beef fried horns, three-color ostrich omelette, cornmeal braised vegetables... and so on. In short, the pirates ate all the food on the island.

Except for Stephen Seba, who still looks like a gentleman, the rest of them eat and drink with their whiskers off, making the islanders a big step closer to bankruptcy. However, in the eyes of the islanders, Tang Ke and the others are all benefactors, and they are willing to eat no matter how much they eat.

In addition to eating on the island, the pirates also found a special playground, that is, the place called the Skull Stadium.

The so-called skull court is to drill five holes in the skull, put your fingers in it, and then throw the skull out like a ball. There are two ways to play, one is to roll the skull into the pit, and the other is to knock down the small wooden stick with the skull.

To put it bluntly, this is the skull version of bowling.

People on the island believe that this kind of activity can ward off evil spirits. It is more like a religious activity than a game.

Anyway, there was time, and Tang Ke didn't play less. As long as he didn't care about the skull in his hand, it was quite interesting to play. What made him wonder is that Hualu grew up playing with skulls, why is she so timid?

During this period, the patients who took the drug also improved, saving at least 2,000 lives.

As a doctor, Stephen Seba has been very busy recently~www.wuxiamtl.com~ has plunged into the front line of treatment, teaching the islanders how to treat the infected, how to maintain hygiene, and diagnosing some other diseases for the islanders, all the diseases that he can do , all come to the rescue.

As a doctor, he is not trying to save the dead, but only saves those patients who can be cured.

The elf ship doctor has an indifferent attitude, but is meticulous in his work, and has fascinated a large number of female islanders. Later, even if they were not sick, the female islanders pestered the ship doctor and refused to leave, which made the ship doctor have to lose their temper. But the opposite is true, and the female islanders are more clingy because they find the ship doctor more charming when he loses his temper...

The pirates who didn't have the predestined relationship with women could only have dry eyes, and they all said that they would buy a dress to wear next time they landed on the shore, get a monocle to wear, and pretend to be a gentleman.

However, Tangke said in time that, with the exception of Stephen Seba, whoever wore a dress and shot whoever was on board was not ambiguous at all. He didn't want to take a group of pirates in dresses to go on expeditions. Even if the pirates want to have a uniform uniform, everyone must be like him, wearing black trench coats all the time!

One-Eyed never bothered to participate in discussions like this.

Tangke felt that his stay was enough. If he stayed like this, the pirates would lose their fighting spirit, and the island would soon be eaten up by them. Moreover, both ships have also been overhauled, and the loopholes have been filled with camphor wood on the island, and they can sail at any time.

He told everyone that he was about to go to sea, and the pirates cheered and seemed very motivated.

After learning the news, the patriarch found Tangke and said mysteriously: "Captain Tangke, please come with me, I have something for you."

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