Plane Master Copy

Chapter 810: : Maka

The harvest was very good. For the person in charge of the Heroes Association, this time I came to Wuyan to inquire about Saitama.

Although Wu Yan did not mean to join the League of Legends, he knew from his mouth the information about Saitama, and even the deep roots of him and the League of Legends. In this way, it seems that he used the former friendship to talk about things. If so, should it be possible for Saitama to join the Hero Association as much as possible?

"Thanks to Mr. Wu Yan for telling us the news, we have to go back and discuss it carefully, and discuss how to dissolve with Mr. Saitama." Now that the gains have been made, the person in charge of this hero association is not prepared to stay too much. Farewell to Wuyan.

Especially the relationship between Saitama and the Heroes Association, it is even more necessary to find a report from the rich man Mr. Algni.

It is believed that after knowing this news, Mr. Algni will also be very happy.

"Well, wait ...", just watching the members of this hero association come and go in a hurry, Wu Yan called and called each other.

"Mr. Wu Yan, do you have anything else to order?", Stopped, the head of the Heroes Association turned curiously.

"There is no important thing to order, I just want to give you a deep reminder. If Saitama is unwilling to join, you may wish to tell him about the treatment of the hero, especially to solve the bonus problem of the dragon monster alone.", Wu Yan spoke to the person in charge of the hero association.

"Ah? The issue of treatment? Especially the bonus of dragon-level monsters?"

Because of the first impression, the person in charge of the Heroes Association never thought about how the Saitama would be really forced by life, and he would never think about Wu Yan's remarks.

Because of this, the head of the Heroes Association was very surprised by this reminder from Wu Yan.

"Well, remember what I said, I wish you every success ..." Without explaining too much, Wu Yan waved his hand and said goodbye directly to the person in charge.

Watching the figures of the leaders of these hero associations turning and leaving, Wu Yan's mouth slightly raised.

Saitama is willing to join the Hero Association, even SS-level heroes. Wu Yan's heart is very happy for him. It is a win-win situation for both Saitama and the Hero Association.

Sure enough, after getting the news he wanted to know, the person in charge of the association quickly rushed back to City A, and then summoned the senior members of the Hero Association, and even found the rich man Mr. Algni and asked him to come. Attended this meeting.

Then, the person in charge threw out all the information he had obtained while talking with Wu Yan.

"Oh? Was that Saitama the one who saved my grandson that year? Really so, I'd like to see him well, thank him a lot, okay, Mr. Saitama's invitation to join the League of Heroes, I will Ask him in person. "

After getting the relevant information of Saitama, and knowing that he was the unsung hero who saved his grandson at that time, the rich man had a joyous face on his face.

Then, Argoni returned home and found his grandson, and told him about it. Hearing the news, his grandson was also very happy.

Soon, Algoni sent his butler to personally dispatch a private helicopter directly to City Z, inviting Saitama to City A.


This day, Saitama slumbered, and suddenly, the sound of a propeller sounded, making Saitama frowning.

Opening his eyes slowly, and after putting on the slippers, he walked to the balcony and could just see a helicopter landing in a square in front of him.

"Is this Mr. Saitama? Mr. Algni has invited ...", an old butler who came down from the plane, with a humble appearance, was like a nobleman who came out of the Middle Ages, and invited Saitama.

"Mr. Algni? It sounds familiar. Does your boss have anything to do with me?" Saitama scratched his bare back and asked strangely.

"Mr. Saitama will know when you go. Mr. Algni is grateful to you." With a smile on his face, he bought a key, but it made people look angry.

Persuaded by the old housekeeper, Saitama nodded, then boarded the helicopter and headed directly to City A.

"Is this a private jet? It's luxurious ..." After getting on the plane, Saitama looked left and touched her right, and Liu Ye looked into Grand View Garden.

Although this is just a helicopter, the equipment and even the internal layout of the aircraft give a very luxurious feel.

For the first time in a private jet, Saitama was completely shocked.

Judging from the strength, Saitama's strength is indeed invincible, but judging from the money aspect, Saitama is completely like a silk reel. The first time he took a private jet, it was so luxurious, which naturally made him amazing.

However, for Saitama, the luxury of this plane is nothing more than an appetizer. After a few hours, after the plane really landed in the estate of the Monopoly, Saitama stepped out of the plane and looked at the extravagant luxury. The big manor was truly deterred.

The snow-white walls of the whole body feel like they are carved from white jade. At the entrance of the manor, there is a huge fountain square. The fountain is sprayed with the rhythm of comfortable light music, giving a feeling of relaxation and joy. .

Under the leadership of the old housekeeper, Saitama entered the manor house, and along the way, she could see a well-dressed maid and maid, bowed and saluted to Saitama, and said hello softly.

This situation made Saitama startled, and it turned out that this is the life of a rich man? Is this where the rich live?

"Mr. Saitama, welcome and welcome ...", walking all the way, in a hall, the rich man Algni took his grandson, waiting long ago at the entrance of the hall, watching Saitama, Al Gurney said with a warm smile on his face.

"Hello", looking at the enthusiastic Argoni, Saitama greeted him a little.

"Grandpa, it's not him!"

But just then, a little boy in his early ten's side suddenly opened his mouth, pointing at the bare head of Saitama and saying, "I remember when I saved my big cell from the weirdo, it had hair, wasn't it? Bald. "

"Grandson, you ...", listening to his grandson's impolite words, the tycoon of Algni was a bit ugly.

Even though Saitama wasn't his grandson's life-saving benefactor, he also surpassed the existence of S-class heroes. Such talents must be drawn into the Hero Association. It is rude to say that they are bald.

"Ah? Is it you? A child with a chin-like buttock, you have grown a lot", but although it was said to be bald, but Saitama inherited the chin inherited from the child ’s iconic family and still recognized this The identity of the child said hello.

"Ah? Really you?", Listening to Saitama's title to himself, exactly the same as that year, Algni's grandson stunned, and then asked Saitama a few words about what happened when he encountered a strange person. .

The events of that year were also an important turning point in Saitama's life, so Saitama also remembered it well.

In the face of this child's inquiries, Saitama also answered, exactly the same as the child's memory.

"Brother, really you? But how did you become bald?" After some confrontation and verification, Algni's grandson recognized Saitama's identity, and then asked strangely.

"This is the result of my hard training. Although I am bald, I have become stronger!" Regarding his baldness, Saitama was helpless, but he tightened his fists, but felt proud. .

In Saitama's view, all his strength was obtained through "hard work".

"Did you just have the strength to surpass the S-class heroes just by practicing?", The Algoni Monopoly next to him, with a slight movement in his heart, remembered the words of Saitama in his heart.

One is to invite Saitama to join the Heroes Association, and the other is that Saitama has great gratitude for himself. Therefore, the Argoni rich man is very enthusiastic about Saitama and soon arranged an extremely rich dinner.

During the banquet, the jade jade was eaten freely. You chatted with me, and the two parties also looked like each other.

Seeing that the timing could not be worse, the Monopoly Monopoly also raised the matter of wanting Saitama to join the League of Heroes. After making this request, the Monopoly Monopoly looked at Monopoly a bit sternly, and wondered if he would agree.

"No ~ ~ I don't agree!" However, for the invitation of Algni, Saitama shook her head and refused.

Whether or not to join the Hero Association, Saitama didn't really care, but Saitama knew that Wu Yan had refused when he faced the invitation.

Taking Wuyan as his own imaginary enemy and competitor, since Wuyan has refused, Saitama feels that he should not agree to it, otherwise, would he not lose to Wuyan again?

Seeing that Saitama didn't want to, he refused, and the Algoni monopoly sinked his heart, and immediately thought of the killer who the head of the Hero Association told himself.

Although it felt strange, it should have no effect, but hesitated, and the rich man spoke.

"Don't rush to refuse first. I invite you to join the Heroes Association. They are SS-level heroes. To this extent, our Heroes Association will subdue you with a monthly salary of 20 million. And, if you solve the dragon-level disaster alone If you do, you can get at least 100 million bonuses. "

"I promised!".

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