Plane Master Copy

Chapter 811: : The guest of the universe

On this day, Wuyan was lying in his room like a salty fish. There were several empty cola cans in the trash can next to him. He was holding a large package of potato chips in his hand, crunching, and life was very pleasant.

In front of Wu Yan, there is a large TV, and the TV program is displayed on the TV.

"The first-class hero is also our Uranus superstar. Sweetheart Mask will hold a concert in half a month. Please look forward to it ...", the TV host, with some excitement in his voice .

The sweetheart mask of the first-class hero, although it is only an A-class hero, but as a big star, his reputation is much higher than many S-class heroes. As long as there is news about him, it is very Easy to attract the attention of many little fans.

After a brief look, Wu Yan picked up the remote control in his hand and jumped off the stage.

Then, this TV station broadcasted the news of the Three Musketeers of the Heroes Association. The three men joined forces to successfully solve a strange monster in the city of Y, which made the Musketeers even more famous.

Jenos, Sonic and Undocumented Cavaliers, all three are S-class heroes. The three have joined forces to make their title of the Three Musketeers louder and louder in recent months.

The fire power of Jenos provides powerful attack power, Sonic's Ninjutsu assisted attack, coupled with its own speed and Jenos complement each other, and the undocumented knight also has the ability to protect himself and provide powerful healing. means.

Together, the three have become increasingly tacit.

"Well, some of them are pretty good, are the Three Musketeers? I hope they can continue to form a team after I leave," Wu Yan nodded secretly after seeing information about the undocumented Cavaliers.

Able to work together to eliminate dragon-level disasters, Sonic and others are stronger than in the original work.

After roughly looking at it, Wu Yan followed the platform, and this time the skipped TV station was the most authoritative TV station in the country.

The TV station broadcasted a major news, a press conference held by the headquarters of the Hero Association.

"Everyone, the Heroes Association organized this press conference. The news released was shocking. A stranger everyone named Saitama was invited to join the League of Heroes by the Algoni Monopoly, and his The hero level is an unprecedented SS level. "A reporter, with a surprised look on his face, spoke.

With the announcement of this news, naturally, it has shocked countless people.

The first hero of the SS class was born, and it is still a strange face that has never been known. Of course, reporters have a lot to ask.

Among them, the most important thing is the strength of Saitama.

As we all know, the hero association was sponsored by the monopoly Mr. Algni, and Mr. Algni personally invited Saitama to join the Heroes Association, but was rated SS-level strength, is this because of the monopoly Mr. Algni?

Is this a back door for Saitama?

Although the press conference of the League of Heroes was slightly confusing, in general, it was still under control.

As for the strength of Saitama, the people of the Hero Association are naturally supportive. Others are not clear. Of course, the senior management of these hero associations are very clear.

shock! A little-known mysterious man was born and became the first SS-level hero of the Heroes Association. Naturally, this thing shocked the whole country. With the shock, of course, there were more questions of doubt.

Of course, it's not just people in the society who question this matter. Many heroes of the League of Legends are even more skeptical.

The sudden emergence of SS-class heroes has made many people react differently.

Bingxue, the first B-level hero, looked strange after watching the news on TV.

My sister is not easy to match. She was only ranked second in the S-class, which made her a little upset. Now she has a SS-level hero. I do n’t know how my sister will face this matter?

The sweetheart mask of the first-class hero was still preparing for his concert half a month later. An assistant suddenly came over and told him the news of the SS-class hero Saitama, which slightly raised his brow.

"Is Mr. Algni invited to join himself? SS level? This is really big news. Is it the question of the rich man's face? Or is it because this Saitama has great power? Well, what do you think of it? Not like a strong man ... ".

Looking at the photos of Saitama, she looks so cute, which makes Sweetie Mask slightly shake her head. In any case, SS-level heroes, Sweetie Mask do not think it is just the face of the rich man.

Of course, there are other S-class heroes who have also learned about this news, such as zombie men, such as metal baseball, such as vest vest and others.

Suddenly, there was a bald head that looked unattractive and became an SS-class hero, which was pressed on everyone's head. This incident naturally caused the dissatisfaction of these S-class heroes.

However, despite their dissatisfaction, these people did not show any performance, just waiting quietly.

After all, these people rank relatively low among S-class heroes. The top ones are the first blast, the second tornado, the third silver fangs, and so on.

"Are they SS-class heroes? I believe that these top-ranked guys must also be very angry, can't sit still? Let's see how they will act then", the zombie man and others secretly murmured, Wait and see the action of these top S-Class heroes.

Others don't say that, at least, the second-ranked tornado will never sit idly by someone suddenly pressing her head, she will definitely make trouble.

However, after waiting for several days, whether it was a dragon roll, silver fangs, or atomic warriors, etc., all of them did not react in any way, which made everyone else feel shocked.

Incredible, at least the tortoise must be shot, right? What is going on with this weird peace?

The heroes in the lower S rank are not clear about the strength of Saitama, so they are dissatisfied. However, those who are relatively high in the ranks of Silver Tusk and Atomic Warrior have seen the video about the battle between Saitama and Dragon Roll. .

The dragon roll was stunned by a punch, which made them very clear about the strength of Saitama. Therefore, the SS-level hero identity of Saitama was also recognized.

In this way, the identity of Saitama's SS-class heroes was announced, shaking the country up and down, and suspicions continued, but no one came to Saitama.

Similarly, because it is an SS-level hero, Saitama is aloof in the Heroes Association. Some people below Dragon level will not contact Saitama to take action. After all, letting him do it is completely useless.

Therefore, since the announcement of Saitama's SS-class hero identity, under the shock and suspicion of many people, Saitama has not done anything.

Ordinary news is time-sensitive, that is, no matter how shocking the news is, as long as no one mentions it for a few more days, it will slowly be forgotten by the world.

However, Saitama's news is exactly the opposite.

As the saying goes, the new officer took three fires, and Saitama became an SS-level hero and an existence that has never been known. It stands to reason that in the face of so many doubts, he should rush to show his strength and show great strength. Power to break these people's doubts about themselves.

However, Saitama did not take any action, and even out of the sight of the public, which made many people question him a bit more intense.

The less he shot, the more he questioned him.

"Saitama, sure enough, he is a person who doesn't care much about other people's opinions ..." These days, staying in the supermarket, Wuyan certainly has a general understanding of the situation of Saitama. For the situation of Saitama, Wu Yan shook his head secretly.

It can be seen from the original work that Saitama does not value the so-called reputation and others' views on himself. Otherwise, with his strength, he would have become a world-renowned superpower.

Yes, these days, Saitama stayed in his home, and his life was very comfortable. For Saitama, he didn't care about the sound of questions outside.

Since becoming an SS-class hero, Saitama also changed her previously-strapped life. The salary of the Hero Association suddenly made Saitama feel rich.

Of course, Saitama also has some troubles. That is the ordinary time. When walking on the street, many people can recognize themselves.

This allowed Saitama to experience the pain of being a big star for the first time. Therefore, when going out often, Saitama has learned to wear a wig or a hat.

The days are very peaceful. For Wu Yan, although the one-punch superman plane is full of various disasters, it doesn't really need to do anything on his own. It is a life of salty fish with peace of mind. Make Wu Yan very comfortable.

Every day goes by ~ ~ Wu Yan's injuries are getting better and better.

Of course, the computer graphics on Wu Yan's palm are becoming more and more complete, and it is getting closer to the day he left the punch.

"Well, it looks like I should be back in more than half a month. It looks like I have to find a day to return the undocumented knight. His ability to heal immortals should be quite proficient, as well as the Evolution House. "Kinos's side ...", lying at home drinking Cola, Wu Yan glanced at his palm, secretly murmured.

However, for the earth, life is very peaceful, but in the depths of the universe, a huge spaceship is approaching the earth quickly.

Looking at the hugeness of this spaceship, it looks like a fortress in the universe.

Thousands of love

(PS: I wish you a happy Children's Day on June 1 ~~ I also wish myself happy, I am still a 9 years old and 240 months child ~~~)

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