Play Genshin in the Genshin World

Chapter 182 Kitchen King Competition

After lunch, Lu Shiyuan returned to his tavern. The restaurant was very busy at this time. He walked into the kitchen and saw Bullock standing by the oven, observing the progress of each steak.

"Brock, have you passed the preliminaries of the King of Kitchen Competition?" Lu Shiyuan asked.

"Of course." Brock said, "Although Liyue cuisine is indeed broad and profound, not every Liyue cook is Xiangling. It is easy to pass the preliminaries."

"That's good." Lu Shiyuan nodded, thought for a moment, and then warned, "In this Kitchen King Competition, you have two most powerful competitors. Needless to say, Xiangling, there is also Yanxiao from Wangshu Inn. , this person’s cooking skills are not inferior to you and Xiang Ling.”

"Yanxiao, I remember him!" When Block heard this, instead of being nervous, he was full of fighting spirit.

The King of Kitchen Competition was held as scheduled. After round after round of competition, contestants with poor skills were eliminated one by one.

As expected, Xiangling, Yanxiao and Bullock passed all levels and climbed up the rankings.

Top 16, top eight, top four.

After the three of them advanced to the semi-finals, because the judges saw that they were indistinguishable from each other, they decided to temporarily change the rules. The semi-finals gathered directly at Yujing Terrace to decide the championship and the second season through the judges' votes.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly, and the Yujing Terrace was crowded with people. They were all witnesses of this cooking showdown.

The Lu family siblings, Mona, Gan Yu, Diona, as well as Ying and Paimeng, were all standing in the front row of the venue, watching the game that was about to begin with anticipation.

A pink-haired girl wearing a Xie Zhi crown stood in the center of the field. She had curved eyebrows and a soft face, but she could not stop her shrewd and capable aura.

This is the most famous legal consultant in Liyue Port, Yan Fei.

"Welcome to the finals of this Liyue Chef King Competition. I am Yan Fei, who was invited by the organizing committee to serve as the notary and host of this competition." The girl's voice is clear and resounding, and her eloquence is very powerful. It makes the audience feel particularly comfortable.

Then, Yan Fei focused on the process of this competition:

"This Kitchen King Competition is hosted by Liyue Qixing and hosted by multiple units. It is divided into two stages: preliminaries and finals..."

Then, she introduced the judges. There were three judges on the scene, namely Tianshu Xing Tianshu who was pretending to be a senior gourmet, Tianquan Xing Ningguang, and Yuheng Xing Keqing.

Three Liyue Seven Stars came at once, and the gold content of this final was evident.

In addition to the on-field judges, ten off-field judges will be selected from the crowd. Thirteen judges will vote, and the one with the highest number of votes will be the champion.

Then, there is the introduction of the players.

Smells under the knife, quick knife chef - Yanxiao.

In a hurry, Xiang Ling, a good cook, and her mysterious helper partner, who don't know who.

The fire cooks the oil, and the tyrant in the flesh - Bullock.

And an unnamed bastard player.

The contestants made some oaths, and finally Ningguang decided on the theme of this competition "The Ceremony of Land and Water".

To put it simply, it is to use animals swimming in the water and animals running on the ground as ingredients to make three dishes that can be perfectly integrated.

"Xiang Ling, come on!" In the audience, Paimeng shouted with great enthusiasm, without paying any attention to the strange looks from the people around him.

Not to be outdone, Diona shouted: "Sister Brock, you have to work hard too!"

The two people whose names were called on the stage nodded to Paimon and Diona respectively, and then looked at each other again, and they both saw the fighting spirit in their eyes.

On the competition stage, the top four contestants began to prepare ingredients and cook in full swing.

Among them, Brock's ingredients have been replaced by ingredients presented in the game under Lu Shiyuan's operation and management. This is the limit of what Lu Shiyuan can help, within the scope of the rules.

Next, it depends on how Bullock performs!

The competition lasted for one hour. In this short hour, the chefs had a very heavy workload, and many twists and turns occurred during this period.

For example, Yan Xiao was very nervous because he was unfamiliar with the place and had never been to a place with so many people to cook.

In the end, with the mutual comfort of Guoba and Xiangling, he was able to perform to his due level.

Then there was the unnamed top four who brought finished dishes to the competition in an attempt to get through with the finished products. Yan Fei, who had a sharp eye, noticed the abnormality at a glance and was sent off directly.

During this period, the organizing committee also selected judges off the court. What was unexpected was that Lu Shiyuan was also one of the judges off the court. He thought the organizing committee would avoid suspicion and not select him.

At this time, there were only three people left on the court. Time passed by and the dishes for the three of them were gradually being completed. Finally——

"Time's up!" Yan Fei stopped the competition, and then asked the three contestants to send their dishes to the judges' table in order of the completion time of the dishes, and the judges would comment.

At the same time, the same dish was also delivered to Lu Shiyuan.

Looking at the fragrant food in Shi Yuan's hand, Paimeng standing aside was so greedy that she drooled. She looked at Lu Shi Yuan pitifully: "Shi Yuan, I also want to eat these delicious food, can you share it with me?" I’ll give it a try.”

"Okay." Lu Shiyuan smiled, Gang Meng asked for a plate and passed some of the food over.

"Shi Yuan, you are so kind!" Paimon thanked him excitedly, looking at the exquisite food on the plate, and after some struggle, decided to share it with Ying.

When the food of the three contestants went into their mouths, it was a carnival of taste, but Lu Shiyuan frowned because he discovered that the chef Brock he had bet on had a fatal flaw.

The three dishes did not blend well with each other. To put it simply, they did not match well. Brock's strength is animal meat, and the level of seafood is not as high as barbecue.

That's fine. You can close this gap with the high-grade ingredients, but the bigger problem is that she doesn't understand the "complementarity" that Liyue cuisine advocates. She only focuses on the main dishes and is not good enough in side dishes. Heart.

Although the quality of these side dishes can still kill a large number of chefs, compared with Xiang Ling and Yan Xiao, they are much inferior.

When the voting began, Lu Shiyuan voted for Bullock against his will, but he was not optimistic about her results.

Soon, the votes of the three parties were announced, Xiangling had 5 votes, Yanxiao had 4 votes, and Bullock had 4 votes.

Xiang Ling was naturally the undoubted champion and the king of kitchens, while the other two were tied for second place, but Lu Shiyuan knew in his heart that Bullock's vote was valuable, and the latter must also understand this.

After the rankings were announced, the crowd cheered for the winner, and then gradually left after the judges left.

"Brock, you are good enough." Lu Shiyuan stepped forward and gently patted his chef on the shoulder.

"How can it be good enough?" Bullock's expression was more natural than Lu Shiyuan's, "The ranking is the result of diners' votes. I have tasted their side dishes, and I am far behind in terms of side dishes. I also know that I seem to be It's tied for second, actually third.

From now on, we have to continue to work hard. "

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