"In addition, we deliberately publicized the news that News Corporation will be forced to integrate, and the market has lost confidence in News Corporation."

The assistant happily reported to Huang Xizhao.

In just two weeks, News Corporation has gone from being a worldwide media group to the point where everyone shouts and beats them.

It also proved the strength of the Galaxy Group from the side, and Huang Xizhao organized the plan this time.

Huang Xizhao was quite satisfied with this result.

However, he did not forget their ultimate goal.

Acquired the NBC Broadcasting Network!

"How many shares of News Corporation did you acquire this morning?" Huang Xizhao asked.

The assistant replied without hesitation: "[-] million shares."

"Combined with our previous acquisitions, we now have 18.7% of News Corp's shares."

Huang Xizhao nodded lightly: "18.7%"

With this ratio, it is already possible to request to enter the News Corporation board of directors as a shareholder representative.

And once the Galaxy Group occupies enough board seats within News Corporation, it is tantamount to introducing a hungry wolf.

I'm afraid Modoc can't even sleep well.

"Continue to acquire and increase the shareholding ratio." Huang Xizhao ordered.

Although the ultimate goal is to acquire the NBC radio and television network, News Corporation holds more than [-]% of NBC's shares.

If Modoc does not let go, it will be difficult for Galaxy Group to succeed in the acquisition.

Therefore, Huang Xizhao could only surround Wei and save Zhao.

The acquisition of News Corp.'s shares made that old guy in Modoc feel threatened.

Finally, the purpose of share replacement is achieved.

Of course, it doesn't matter if Modoc is really stubborn and won't let go.

Anyway, News Corporation is also a worldwide media group, and holding its shares will not lose money.

And as long as the Galaxy Group is allowed to join the board of directors, it can increase the shareholding ratio little by little.

In the end, the dove occupied the magpie's nest and kicked Modoc out of News Corporation.

Anyway, no loss at all.

At this time, the Yinhe Group took the initiative, and Huang Xizhao was leisurely.

But Modoc was anxious to get angry.

Because of the eavesdropping incident, News Corporation fell into a crisis of public opinion.

Because of Charles' death, Modoc himself became the target of everyone's suspicion.

For all these reasons, News Corporation's stock price plummeted, and the group's internal capital chain was nearly broken.

A careless handling may cause a collapse, and Modoc's years of hard work will be wasted.

But fortunately, Modoc's efforts over the years were not in vain.

Well connected, plus another billionaire.

The death of Charles is just a suspicion, there is not enough evidence to point out that the behind-the-scenes ~ Department/Group: 9.8/0'2? 0"5:8,'5,6 is the instigator of Modoc himself.

So Charles' death only caused Modoc to suffer a lot of criticism, and his reputation was not very good, but there would be no legal punishment.

On the contrary, it was News Corp.'s business, but it made Modoc anxious to get angry.

Because he just got a very bad news.

"Someone is stealthily buying News Corp shares."

"who is it?"

In the office, Modoc asked with a frown, smoking a cigarette.

The occurrence of a series of things made Modoc seem to be five years older in just two weeks.

My hair fell out a lot and my face got more wrinkles.

"Probably the Galaxy Group." News Corp.'s chief operating officer replied.

Galaxy Group?

Hearing these four words, Modoc didn't react too much, he didn't have the anger he imagined, and he was very calm.

Perhaps it was because his anger had been drained for a while.

Perhaps, he had already expected that the Galaxy Group was making a move.

In the case of NBC before, the conflicts between the two companies were not small. Now that News Corporation is in trouble, Galaxy Group is about to make trouble.

"How many shares does the Galaxy Group hold?" Modoc asked calmly.

The operating officer under him shook his head helplessly: "I have already called several shareholders, and based on the estimation of the stock market situation, the shares held by the Galaxy Group should be around 20%."

Twenty percent?

It's already a terrifying ratio.

News Corporation was created by Murdoch, and he holds about 40% of the shares.

Although the Galaxy Group could not threaten his status, it had to guard against it.

Because Galaxy Group's next step is definitely to enter the board of directors of News Corporation.

That would be tantamount to introducing a wolf, a poisonous snake.

Modoc must always be vigilant, when the Galaxy Group will take action against him, and whether he will join other directors to kick him out of the board of directors.

Didn't sleep well.

Therefore, Galaxy Group cannot be allowed to enter the board of directors of News Corporation.

Thinking of this, Modoc fell into deep thought, and unknowingly, he finished smoking a cigar.

Then he sighed and waved to the subordinates in the office to let them leave.

Then he took out a business card from the drawer and dialed the phone number.

The business card said, Huang Xizhao, President of Galaxy Group North America.

Modoc would like to talk to Su Shaoze, but he is not qualified yet.

"Hello. Who is this?"

After connecting, a middle-aged man's magnetic voice came from the phone.

"I'm Rupert Murdoch!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for two seconds, then immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, Mr. Modoc, hello!"

"I didn't expect to receive your call today. It's a great honor!"

Huang Xizhao smiled happily.

But Modoc sounds like a winner's show off, a mockery of himself as a loser.


Even if they are not the mastermind of the Galaxy Group, they must be behind the scenes.

In the world of adults, interests come first.

Modoc can only endure this tone, and find the place later.

"Mr. Huang, I heard that your Galaxy Group is preparing to acquire the NBC Broadcasting Network. I have some shares of NBC in my hand. I don't know if you are interested, Mr. Huang."

Hearing this, Huang Xizhao smiled triumphantly again.

"Interested, of course I am interested!" said Shao.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The establishment of NBC Universal Group has had a huge impact.

He represents the Galaxy Group's worldwide media empire, which has been formally formed.

No one dares to underestimate the power of public opinion.

Compared with the NBC Universal Group in the previous life, the NBC Universal of the Galaxy Group has stronger power, larger funds, and broader world influence.

It can be counted as the world's first media empire.

As for the establishment of Su's media empire and the ambitious hungry wolf of the Galaxy Group, many American capitals are wary.

But it also gave a lot of people great confidence.

For example, other members of the Hong Kong Island consortium, or Island Capital.


When the news of the establishment of NBC Universal Group reached here, these islanders could no longer sit still.

They are jealous.

In the huge conference room of the Mitsui Building, a group of Chinese people are sitting together.

Most of them are in their fifties or sixties, with half-bald hair, short stature, and wretched looks.

But this group of people is one of the most powerful people in the island country today.

Everyone is the head of a major well-known company in the island country.

And the more than [-] people sitting together formed a huge consortium.

Mitsui Foundation!

Consortiums in island countries are not the same as those in Hong Kong Island.

There are six major financial groups in the island country, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Miwa, Sumitomo, Fuji, and Daiichi Quanye.

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