Each consortium is composed of a dozen or twenty companies.

These companies hold shares in each other, forming a closed industrial circle.

Therefore, the consortium of the island country is more like an alliance of interests.

In contrast, the Hong Kong Island Consortium is more like a name, a representative of spirit.

Because the Hong Kong Island consortium is composed of twelve chaebols, and each chaebol has many companies under its umbrella.

Therefore, each chaebol can be regarded as a small consortium.

Of course, except for the Galaxy Group.

Today's Galaxy Group has grown into one of the largest financial groups in the world.

One's own strength is greater than that of Mitsubishi in the island country and the California consortium in the United States.

Therefore, the Hong Kong Island consortium can also be regarded as the general name of the twelve consortiums.

After experiencing this financial crisis, the Hong Kong Island consortium, which has seized the opportunity to take off, can already be compared with the combined strength of the six major consortiums in the island country.

You must know that the island country is the second largest economy in the world, but Hong Kong Island is only a tiny place. In terms of innate conditions, the Hong Kong Island consortium is at an extreme disadvantage.

Now it is catching up head-on. The biggest factor is the financial crisis, and the Hong Kong Island consortium has successfully captured a large amount of capital overseas.

The expansion goals and influence of the Hong Kong Island consortium have already been placed globally.

Therefore, this made the six major consortiums of the island country very unhappy.

"We're going to buy the whole of America."

At the Mitsui Consortium's top organization, the "Nikikai", the rotating chairman Mitsui Ojiri once again shouted this resounding slogan.

Buy the whole of America!

Islanders have crazy genes in their bones, dare to think and do.

Since the signing of the Plaza Accord three years ago, the yen has ushered in a sharp rise.

The real estate market in the island country is booming, and all walks of life are developing explosively. Almost all residents of the island country have become middle class. Those high-end luxury goods in the past seem to have become their daily necessities.

The bubble is getting bigger and bigger, but the islanders don't know it.

Or even if you know it, you are still immersed in this drunken dream and don't want to wake up.

Now is the craziest moment for these islanders, and it is also the last peak of the island economy.

They have a lot of money in their hands, and they are ambitious and want to buy the entire country of America.

This time, seeing the Hong Kong Island consortium's massive acquisitions in the United States, several major consortiums in the island country couldn't sit still.

They also want plaster flags to be planted all over the United States.

"Hong Kong Islanders bought Coca-Cola, Miguo Telecom, Bank of Mississippi, NBC Broadcasting Network, Universal Pictures..."

"Too many American companies have fallen into the hands of Hong Kong Islanders."

"Galaxy Group, Kowloon Group, Cheung Kong Group, New World, New Henderson..."

"Over the past six months or so, they have made a splash in the world."

"Our Mitsui consortium can't lag behind these Chinese people."

Mitsui Oshiri, the rotating chairman of the consortium, said in a deep voice.

Although the Mitsui family is the founding family of the Mitsui consortium, their control over the consortium is not that strong.

Because the following companies all hold shares with each other and form an alliance of interests.

The relationship between the Mitsui family and their own parent company and subsidiaries is more like a leading brother.

It is impossible for Su Shaoze to give Yinhe Group all the promises.

Therefore, when facing Mitsui Ojiri, the others just nodded slightly.

"Mitsui Bank and Mitsui Fudosan are preparing to invest in the financial industry and real estate industry in the United States." Mitsui Ojiri said.

These two companies are both owned by the Mitsui family. They wanted to enter the United States, and they discussed it at the Ermuhui to seek help from all members of the consortium.

"Everyone, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~"

940 "Galaxy Group acquired Universal Pictures, and we islanders also need to have our own voice channel in the United States to export culture and spread the influence of our island nation."

"So, we at Sony are also preparing to acquire a Hollywood company."

"The initial goal is to put Paramount, Columbia and Fox on the three large companies." Sony Chairman Akio Fukuda said.

His words were immediately recognized by others.

Exporting island culture is politically correct.

Although Sony's fundamental purpose is to promote its products, it uses Hollywood's seven major distribution channels for videotapes to set a Sony benchmark for the world's recording industry.

And after Akio Fukuda finished speaking, several companies spoke, also preparing to enter the United States.

The money in their hands can't be spent, and they can't just watch Hong Kong Islanders make a lot of money in the United States.

They are also greedy.

But they don't think that in less than a year, the economic bubble will burst, and they will all be poor as pants.

But when these islanders were ambitious and wanted to enter the United States, Yang Guangjun and his four brothers were apprentices who set foot on the island for the first time.

After receiving the order from above, I am ambitious and want to do something big.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The establishment of NBC Universal Group has had a huge impact.

He represents the Galaxy Group's worldwide media empire, which has been formally formed.

No one dares to underestimate the power of public opinion.

Compared with the NBC Universal Group in the previous life, the NBC Universal of the Galaxy Group has stronger power, larger funds, and broader world influence.

It can be counted as the world's first media empire.

As for the establishment of Su's media empire and the ambitious hungry wolf of the Galaxy Group, many American capitals are wary.

But it also gave a lot of people great confidence.

For example, other members of the Hong Kong Island consortium, or Island Capital.


When the news of the establishment of NBC Universal Group reached here, these islanders could no longer sit still.

They are jealous.

In the huge conference room of the Mitsui Building, a group of Chinese people are sitting together.

Most of them are in their fifties or sixties, with half-bald hair, short stature, and wretched looks.

But this group of people is one of the most powerful people in the island country today.

Everyone is the head of a major well-known company in the island country.

And the more than [-] people sitting together formed a huge consortium.

Mitsui Foundation!

Consortiums in island countries are not the same as those in Hong Kong Island.

There are six major financial groups in the island country, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Miwa, Sumitomo, Fuji, and Daiichi Quanye.

Each consortium is composed of a dozen or twenty companies.

These companies hold shares in each other, forming a closed industrial circle.

Therefore, the consortium of the island country is more like an alliance of interests.

In contrast, the Hong Kong Island Consortium is more like a name, a representative of spirit.

Because the Hong Kong Island consortium is composed of twelve chaebols, and each chaebol has many companies under its umbrella.

Therefore, each chaebol can be regarded as a small consortium.

Of course, except for the Galaxy Group.

Today's Galaxy Group has grown into one of the largest financial groups in the world.

One's own strength is greater than that of Mitsubishi in the island country and the California consortium in the United States.

Therefore, the Hong Kong Island consortium can also be regarded as the general name of the twelve consortiums.

After experiencing this financial crisis, the Hong Kong Island consortium, which has seized the opportunity to take off, can already be compared with the combined strength of the six major consortiums in the island country.

You must know that the island country is the second largest economy in the world, but Hong Kong Island is only a tiny place. In terms of innate conditions, the Hong Kong Island consortium is at an extreme disadvantage.

Now it is catching up head-on. The biggest factor is the financial crisis, and the Hong Kong Island consortium has successfully captured a large amount of capital overseas.

The expansion goals and influence of the Hong Kong Island consortium have already been placed globally.

Therefore, this made the six major consortiums of the island country very unhappy.

"We're going to buy the whole of America."

At the Mitsui Consortium's top organization, the "Nikikai", the rotating chairman Mitsui Ojiri once again shouted this resounding slogan.

Buy the whole of America!

Islanders have crazy genes in their bones, dare to think and do.

Since the signing of the Plaza Accord three years ago, the yen has ushered in a sharp rise.

The real estate market in the island country is booming, and all walks of life are developing explosively. Almost all residents of the island country have become middle class. Those high-end luxury goods in the past seem to have become their daily necessities.

The bubble is getting bigger and bigger, but the islanders don't know it.

Or even if you know it, you are still immersed in this drunken dream and don't want to wake up.

Now is the craziest moment for these islanders, and it is also the last peak of the island economy.

They have a lot of money in their hands, and they are ambitious and want to buy the entire country of America.

This time, seeing the Hong Kong Island consortium's massive acquisitions in the United States, several major consortiums in the island country couldn't sit still.

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