Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Chapter 409: Habayashi blood eagle who takes the lead

After dawn, the orcs discovered that there were only poisonous needles on the ground of the big gourd pit where they had been on guard all along, not a single one, but colorful strips of linen were everywhere.

This made the orc leader very disappointed. He originally wanted to break into the big gourd belly. After driving the elves away, he could discover the secrets and rules of poison needle insertion from the single needle array left by the elves.

But this wish came to nothing again, and he looked up at the elf formation in the belly of the little gourd. There were also strips of linen cloth fluttering in five colors. I don't know if there would be poisonous needles there?

For three days in a row, the orcs did not attack, and the elves did not dare to pass by. The people on both sides stared at each other across a narrow gourd waist.

At the beginning, the two sides sent some sporadic arrows back and forth to each other to show that they were still in a hostile fighting state. Later, the orcs got lazy, and so did the elves, and they didn't care about each other.

You shoot one, I pick it up and put it in the quiver, to show that I have seen your sincerity, and put it away as a treasure. However, you kid, don't let me take the opportunity to send it there, it won't be very good if it is accidentally sent into your body or your comrade-in-arms.

After the orc and the elves played the game of giving each other arrows a few times, they found that they were the ones who suffered the most, and they didn't like to play anymore. Especially among the elves, there is a guy who looks like an officer, who is most hated by orc archers.

This guy's arrows not only shoot far, but are also extremely accurate and very fast. No orc archer who has the guts to play with him will not suffer a loss. And all the people who play with him can only suffer once, there has never been a person who can suffer twice, because everyone who has suffered before has died.

So he is the most annoying to the orc archers who play the game of cold arrows. After playing a few times, no one will play with him. As long as you see him, hide yourself well from a distance.

On the fourth day, Habayashi Xueying still wanted to fight coldly. , when it sneaked into the position where it could shoot the orcs, the orcs in a depression on the opposite side hadn't even held the bow, and threw an arrow and landed more than ten meters in front of him. He saw a white paper tied to the arrow shaft. note.

**? Tip-off? A few big question marks popped up on the head of Yulin Xueying, it's just... just the word **, why does it sound so twisted?

He quietly crawled over to take it back and opened the note, only to see that it was written in common language: I saw you, I will not hit you. We only shoot you with one arrow, and you shoot us with dozens of arrows. If we don't fight, you shouldn't either.

? ? ? Three big question marks appeared from Habayashi Blood Eagle's head again. what does this mean? Are we fighting a war or are we talking about business? Orcs are so cute? They don't look like they are so big! Rare and rare! Such a big guy with such a rough look can have such a cute guy!

He couldn't help laughing and stood up, and walked back swaggeringly, which made the six guards around him break out in cold sweat.

Sure enough, since then, the orcs have not sent a cold arrow. Seeing that the orcs are so sincere, the elves are embarrassed to shoot cold shots again. Gradually, the soldiers on both sides dared to move forward some distance.

On the fifth day, a kind owl ranger let the owl grab a small bag of Magic Spring ham and fly to the edge of the orc camp, throw it away and fly back. There is also a note on the small bag of Magic Spring ham, which reads: Quel'Thalas Elven Kingdom Specialty~Magic Dog Ham, it's delicious, I'm treating you.

Unexpectedly, after a while, an orc carried a small cloth bag, put it in the buffer zone of the two positions, and ran back quickly. The owl ranger asked the owl to bring it back, opened the cloth bag, and there was also a small cloth strip inside.

Take a look: the dried fruit jam produced in Delano is very sweet, and I invite you to eat it too.

The elf didn't dare to eat it casually, so he came back with the dried fruit and asked the mage if it was poisonous. Unexpectedly, this scene was seen by Habayashi Blood Eagle. He remembered that there was a kind of berry in Nagrand, the hometown of orcs, and he could breathe underwater for a while after eating it.

He snatched the dried fruit, looked at it for a long time but couldn't see anything, so he talked to the mage general about some things he knew.

The arcane mage simply checked it repeatedly for a long time, and said that it was that kind of fruit, but this kind of dried fruit needs to be further refined to have a better effect. If you eat like this, you can have 5 minutes of effect.

five minutes? Habayashi Xueying was a little disappointed, he felt that five minutes was too short. But when he fetched a basin of water and held his breath once in the water, he realized that five minutes could be such a long time.

So he confiscated the bag of dried fruit without hesitation, and asked the soldier to contact the orc to see if he could get some more dried fruit.

The orc was very honest, saying that he didn't have any, and there might be others. Yubayashi Xueying found a few bottles of primary life potion and asked the owl to bring a bottle, and also brought a note saying that we will not fight, let's do business! A bottle of Little Red Medicine is exchanged for ten catties of dried fruit. This bottle will be given to you first. It can save your life in critical times.

Unexpectedly, this incident also alarmed the leader of the orc, and he also sneaked up to the front, checked the primary life potion in the orc's hand, and asked the shaman to check and confirm that it was useful. So I started to search for that kind of dried fruit among the orc crowd.

Magic Potion! Something that can save lives. Such an expensive thing, and only a prodigal like an elf can exchange it for dried fruit. All right! Let's not be in a hurry to fight this battle, let's draw a knife and fight desperately after the friendly transaction is over.

Habayashi Blood Eagle's behavior of leading the prodigal family temporarily eased the tense atmosphere on both sides for a few days. There are frequent barter transactions on both sides of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com. It doesn't look like a battlefield at all, but looks like a market.

It's just that the buffer zone around the gourd waist, no one dares to take a step further. At the beginning, it was just a small fight, exchanging some gadgets for food, drink and clothing. Unexpectedly, four days later, an elf secretly took out a primary mana recovery potion to exchange for a complete dire wolf fur from an orc.

The temporary combat commander was so frightened that he quickly ordered the barter transaction to be stopped. After checking, all the elves actually took out dozens of bottles of primary mana recovery potions to exchange for the orcs' messy things.

And there are more primary life recovery potions. Because the primary life recovery potion was the old chief's blood eagle Habayashi who took the lead in prodigal, the elf's temporary combat commander looked at Blood Eagle Habayashi with worry and resentment.

"This... this... mistake... is purely a mistake! Or... I think we'll run away tonight!... Uh... no... not running, but retreating...!" Yubayashi Xueying was extremely embarrassed, his face was red and his ears were red. Knowing how crazy these elves would be.

Mana restoration potions are no different than life restoration potions. Orcs have fewer occupations. If they are given mana restoration potions, the endurance of the orcs will be virtually increased. This poses a considerable threat to the elf troops.

The elf's temporary combat commander didn't know what to say. At this moment, an elf griffin knight flew from behind, relieving him of his embarrassment. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to deal with this matter. Is this a war? Still doing business? How should the old chief be punished if he took the lead in violating the military law?

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