Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Chapter 410: Can anyone afford it?

After the Griffin Knight came in, he reported to Habayashi Bloodhawk that the head of the Olympian Legion had taken the Wildhammer dwarves to Proudmoore's Menethil Port, and told him that the troops could be withdrawn.

Habayashi Xueying and all the officers were astonished, and quickly asked if it was true, how could so many people be sent to the city so quickly?

The Griffin Knight said it was true. After the orcs stopped chasing, Aurelia returned to Daha with the Wildhammer dwarf civilian team, and Lord Mezdra, the Wildhammer dwarf, also summoned a large number of humans in Proudmoore. The carriage kept sending the Wildhammer dwarves back to Menethil Harbor.

The last batch of Wildhammer dwarven civilians has safely arrived at Menethil Harbor at noon today. It's just that Menethil Harbor has become overcrowded now because so many Wildhammer dwarve civilians entered at once. Captain Alleria wants you to return quickly and have the Wildhammers transported to Hinterland by ship.

The officers looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally decided to bury all the dwarf landmines in the waist of the little gourd at night, and then they all returned to the city quickly at night.

The elves suddenly stopped bartering, and the orcs were guessing what the elves were up to, and the orcs raised their alert level at night.

On the morning of the second day, it was the orc patrol who first discovered that all the elves on the opposite side had withdrawn. When the soldiers came back to report, the orc leader still couldn't believe it, but when he ran out and saw the empty space on the opposite side, he was convinced. At the same time, I also lamented that the battle with the elves was really an unprecedented battle. After thinking about it carefully, I even shook my head and felt funny.

He sent a small team of orc heavy shield soldiers to take a look at the little gourd belly where the elf used to be. Unexpectedly, the team ran back when they reached Huluyao, saying that there was a flag planted by the elves, and there were words on the flag that they didn't know.

The leader of the orcs led people to look at it together, and saw that it read: Friends of the orcs, be careful! There are more than 200 dwarf mines buried in the ground, take your time to find them, we are leaving first, and there will be a period later! Have the opportunity to trade again next time.

Orc officers, you look at me, and I look at you and smile bitterly. Let's go, these elves! Still leaving so many gifts.

"Summon an infernal to clear the mines! Voidwalkers are also fine." The orc waved his hand with a wry smile and said, "They run fast!"

Habayashi Blood Eagle and the others spent two days rushing back to Menethil Harbor day and night. The fleet and all the transport ships have sent some of the Wildhammer dwarves to Hinterland and have not yet returned.

Seeing him, Aurelia smiled and said, "Good job! The orcs have been held back for more than 10 days."

"Uh... no... I didn't command it, it was him!" Habayashi Xueying was embarrassed to claim credit, and he blushed and pointed at the temporary combat commander.

"Oh?" Alleria looked at the temporary commander of the elves unexpectedly and appreciatively: "I didn't expect you to have such abilities. I will ask the military department for your credit after you go back."

"No...it's not like this...the legion commander...is commanded by the officer, I'm just doing what I need to do." The interim commander's face turned redder and he was even more embarrassed.

"What's going on?" Aurelia frowned and asked, "Are there many casualties?"

"Not big!" said the temporary combat commander. I thought to myself, just hit twice, and spend the rest of the time chatting, beating, and doing business, so how could there be so many casualties?

"I heard from the Wildhammer dwarf Griffin Knight that you killed the orcs and destroyed dozens of hellfires?" Proudmoore asked Admiral Daelin.

"Almost!" said the interim combat commander. I calculated in my heart, the orc wolf cavalry of a regiment that Habayashi Blood Eagle had killed earlier plus the orc infantry they defeated later, the total was almost the same number.

"How many casualties did you have?" Daelin asked.

"This..." Before the interim commander could say a word, Habayashi Xueying took the conversation away: "Not many died, but the life potion for all of us is basically used up, um, we need to go back and replenish. This time The battle consumes too much potion!"

The temporary commander looked at Habayashi Xueying in surprise and did not speak.

I thought to myself, of course it consumes too much, and you took the lead to exchange those messy things. In the end, I couldn't even think about running away, and I didn't even look at how many messy things those elf soldiers carried on their mounts.

"You are..." Dai Lin looked at Habayashi Blood Eagle suspiciously.

"He is the lord of Quel'Thalas Free Trade City, Quel'Dannis City," Alleria said, "The fleet you saw belongs to him!"

"Oh! I know you." Daelin said, "I heard that you took hundreds of thousands of refugees from Stormwind in Hinterland."

"Uh... that's it!" Habayashi Xueying said.

"I didn't expect you to have such a powerful fleet!" Daelin sighed, "I thought the Quel'Thalas elf kingdom didn't have a navy!"

"Hey! No wonder you have such an idea. The navy! It is a rich and noble arm. Without money, you can't even shoot a single shot. In the past, the elf kingdom didn't build a free trade city, so naturally it didn't need to build such a powerful navy.

But after the Free Trade City is established, it is necessary to maintain the safety of the sea trade routes! Last time, if the 30,000 sets of armaments were to be transported to Stormwind City without any sea power, it would be troublesome if they were robbed by pirates, right? "

Yubayashi Xueying said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com saw Dai Lin nodding, and said: "This time the war is bigger than the previous one. No, we have received orders from the king and the Silver Moon Council to build six One hundred sets of excellent armaments dedicated to the newly established paladin unit of you humans, to support the war at any time.

More than 6,000 Wildhammer dwarf blacksmiths and more than 100 elf mages worked around the clock. You said that such an expensive thing was transported without a fleet **** and was robbed by pirates. Who should I complain to?

You must know that we have even stopped manufacturing domestic army equipment, and are working hard to make these 600 sets of paladin suits. "Habayashi Xueying took the opportunity to sell products.

This time, it wasn't just the temporary commander who was surprised, even Aurelie looked at him in surprise. She knew that what she said to Lin Xueying was exaggerated and false. How could the king and the Silvermoon Council give him any order? Will he listen to orders given to him? But she chose to remain silent.

"Six hundred sets of excellent paladin suits made jointly by dwarves and elf mages?" Dai Lin was quite surprised.

"Yes! There are too many processes for this thing. It requires a set of people, a horse, a set of weapons, and high-quality weapons. It is really difficult to make. If you make heavy infantry suits, you can make 1,800 sets Yes. But the domestic order is to fully support the alliance's operations, so we have no choice but to do it."

Habayashi Xueying sighed and said: "Do you think our king and the Silver Moon Council are confused? The paladin suit! It doesn't emphasize the ordinary infantry suit, nor is it the general knight equipment. It must be strong and have a certain enchantment effect. Expensive stuff, can anyone afford it?"

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