Realistic Game

Chapter 991: Take power!


Mo Lan stretched out his hand, the abyss aura in the black sun surged, and in the blink of an eye, an abyss version of the Four Elements Realm was formed, the world frame was formed, and the illusory rules were formulated.


The terrifying power of disintegration penetrated into all the matter within the envelope, and the remaining sun around the sun **** was torn apart, revealing the golden sun god.

At this moment, the sun **** was also a little embarrassed, and there were several penetrating wounds and countless scratches on his body.

There is a trace of sharp breath left on these wounds, which hinders the healing of the wounds.

Obviously, as the source of the sun god's power, the sun god's power has also suffered a great decline after the sun is torn apart, and it has even reached the point where it is impossible to quickly remove the sharp breath and quickly recover from the injury.

This also means that the Sun God no longer has enough strength to tear apart the illusory world, and has no strength to resist the attack of the world collapse level.


Ping! Ping!

In a deep and crisp sound, the structure and rules were completely broken, and the power of terror was released from it, and the power of the whole world collapsed from the outside to the inside, forming a terrifying wave of energy.

Space, rules, soul, consciousness, etc., everything cannot escape from this wave of energy, and will be blocked inside the collapsed world, and will continue to press inward, allowing the enemy inside to bear the more and more powerful collapse power.

After just releasing it once, Mo Lan has a deeper understanding of the world collapse technique and a more proficient use of it, and the loopholes in the spell are rapidly decreasing.

And in this situation, the Sun God didn't rush out at all. She chose to keep her dignity, and she couldn't escape anyway. Anyway, she was just a clone, and it was just like that when she was destroyed. It is better to keep her dignity and keep herself Decent as a deity.

The sun **** stayed quietly in the core of the collapsing world, his eyes seemed to be looking at Mo Lan through the energy wave of the collapsing world, he shook his head slightly, there was no fluctuation in his eyes, and he was extremely calm.

The golden sun **** died in the power of the collapse of the world!

Many players outside the world who could be observed were full of joy and cheers, but Lin Yuan, Lu Bin, and Mo Lan didn't see the slightest joy on their faces, and their faces were extremely calm.

In the cheers of many players, a sun projection slowly formed, and with the slow formation of the projected sun, all players fell into dead silence and silence.

As for Mo Lan, Lin Yuan, and Lu Bin, they were not surprised or surprised at all. This was what they expected.

The concept of the sun has been deeply eroded into the interior of the abyss continent, and even the projection and concept of the sun have appeared in the source of the abyss continent. Can the degree of erosion of the concept of the sun be imagined?

To this extent, this concept of the sun is no different from the concept evolved from the abyss world itself.

This level of concept, unless the owner of the concept does it himself and pays a huge price to pull out the concept of the sun, it is impossible to strip it off in normal ways.

And since there is no way to strip the concept, what is the use of killing the clone of the sun god?

If he kills the Sun God's body and kills him completely, that's all. Mo Lan can still find a way to master the concept of the sun. If it doesn't help that the concept of the sun is not controlled by anyone, it will have no effect at all.

The only thing that can be killed is a clone...

Although Mo Lan has found the approximate area where the Sun God is located by following the causal connection, it is enough to fight a clone of the Sun God. How can Mo Lan dare to go directly to the Sun God? Who is hitting whom.

Even if they die like this, they are just game characters, but no matter what, they can't make it like this. If it is obvious that they will lose, they have to rush forward. How about courting death?

At most, you can only save the space for later use, and then you know a little.

Although the sun **** is not bad, it seems that he has no ability in causality?

Mo Lan shook his head, no matter how bad the causal ability was, Mo Lan couldn't directly kill his body with causal means.

When one day he has enough strength to kill the sun **** body, he will be able to make a living by beating his avatar and soul completely with the connection.

All in all, just beheading a clone, the rules were not removed, and the sun projection re-condensed in a blink of an eye.

However, a problem arose. This sun **** was sending energy across the sky, and he was going to transform this sun projection into a real sun again!

Not only that, this sun **** forcibly used the concept of the sun to inject capital into the abyss continent, and she wanted more control over the abyss continent!

She wants to deprive Mo Lan of the control of the Abyss Continent, using the most expensive, simplest and most rude means!

Obviously, the sun **** who has tried once is not ready to try again. She will directly use the most rude and invulnerable method to crush Mo Lan and forcibly seize the control of the abyss continent, even if it consumes several times, dozens of times, It doesn't even matter if it is a hundred times stronger.

Not going to play anymore.

At this moment, the extraordinary decisiveness of the sun **** made the faces of Mo Lan, Lin Wu, and Lu Bin change This is different from what is written in the novel. "

Lin Yuan said helplessly.

"If we follow the process, now the Sun God should send a slightly stronger clone to attack us."

Mo Lan didn't speak, he directly controlled the blood pool network covering the entire continent, activated the Demon Throne, condensed the phantom of the fifth-order blood pool, affected the origin of heaven and earth, and then simultaneously destroyed the origin of heaven and earth, the structure of heaven and earth, the rules of heaven and earth, and destroyed the world. cooked.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I couldn't save the world, so just destroy it."

Mo Landan's voice echoed on the Abyss Continent, echoed in the ears of all demons, and echoed in the ears of all players.

At this moment, all players were stunned.


Why does this Mo Lan look so skilled?

At this moment, the world has entered a state of collapse, the world has become dark, everyone feels great fear, and all the demons without wisdom can't help but become arrogant at this moment.

If the world is conscious, it will definitely scold Mo Lan.

It is a pity that Heaven and Earth have no consciousness. Heaven and Earth are like a building, and they will not express any opinion or take any action on their own destruction.

At this moment, one after another hideous cracks appeared in the sky.

At this moment, a valley appeared on the ground.

At this moment, there are invisible and qualityless space gaps between heaven and earth for no reason.

this moment......

"Stop it, how can heaven and earth be such a child's play?"

Originally, the sun **** who didn't say anything and just silently grabbed the authority of heaven and earth finally made a voice again, and there was a sense of helplessness in his voice no matter how he heard it.

But Mo Lan had a sneer at the corner of her mouth when she heard the words, and she didn't mean to pay any attention to the sun **** at all.

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