Realistic Game

Chapter 735: psychic rule

"Illusionary Spiritual Power..."

Mo Lan pondered, looking for the hint of inspiration in the dark.

"Spiritual power is a kind of power that is generated by the soul and supplies the trend of ideas.

According to my current information and understanding, the world of "Real Game" should be like this.

At the very beginning, this should indeed be just a game, but a game with high openness, authenticity and freedom.

These three words are not used to describe the gameplay, but to describe the game itself.

The game itself is not dead, and the game developers have given the game unlimited development space and almost absolute freedom while being as real as possible, and implied that this is a real world for all players, and this level belongs entirely to the game, Caton's character intelligence, ingenious tasks, experience point system, and free resurrection all reflect this.

This should be the first stage and the first step in a plan.

Then, as the game became more and more popular, and more and more people participated, the game official made a hint again, and began to modify some game functions of a relatively serious game nature, and the death penalty was increased for the first time.

Coupled with some of the wording on the announcement and the absolute authority of the game contractor, many players began to doubt it.

This is the second stage, and in this stage, the game is still a game, but I think something should come true, at least starting to come true, and the plan is going well. "

Mo Lan did not blindly search for that trace of inspiration, but calmed down and silently sorted out the game "Real Game", the life experience and origin of this world, but the more this is, the closer Mo Lan feels to that trace of inspiration.

"The next step is that I touch the rules and begin to master the rules. This is the point where I touch the underlying logic of the game and the underlying rules of the world. Perhaps it is the exploration of each player, the whimsy of each player, and the player's Creation perfects the basic rules of the world and the underlying physical rules of the world in the accumulation of time.

Of course, it is also possible that I and countless mages created these rules, but the possibility is negligible and can be ruled out. It should be me and the mages who just caught this key point and touched the rules.

I touched on the rules as a key dividing point, as if to prove the perfection of the underlying rules, to prove that this game is once again taking a critical step towards becoming the world.

The realism of the game has been improved, and at the same time, the death penalty has been increased again.

At this stage, the game can obviously cause permanent damage to the player, but all of them are intercepted by the security measures left by the game developers to ensure the safety of the player's life.

This is the third stage. At this stage, "Real Game" should have crossed the key step from false to real. At this stage, at least a considerable part of "Real Game" has been turned into reality, which may be the same as usual. , a real game world, is the game, but also the world! "

Mo Lan felt that there was only a thin line between him and that trace of inspiration, as if it had been quietly stuck together, as if it would emerge at any time.

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"The next fourth truncation is the stage of legend, this game world may turn into a real legend, completely turn into reality, truly appear in this world, and integrate into this directness.

And reality will also obtain a whole magical extraordinary system without extraordinary power, and obtain the true foundation of extraordinary... the ability to birth and evolve elements.

With extraordinary energy, the world will naturally become extraordinary, which seems to be a grand plan carefully planned to make the world level transition, a grand plan that has almost mobilized all human beings. "

Mo Lan took a long breath. Although this was just speculation, Mo Lan seemed to have seen the day when it all came true.

And he believes that this day will not be far away, it will come!

Mo Lan's combing is not over yet, he continued.

"And the root of everything comes from the belief of countless people. This is the power of belief? No, it's not belief, maybe it's the power of spiritual power? The power of belief? But when everyone believes and believes in your existence, then you really exist?"

Mo Lan thought about it, then shook her head again.

"It doesn't have to be that, or it doesn't have to be just that, and..."

Mo Lan turned to look at the game warehouse, and the core technology of the game warehouse appeared in his mind.

"Sleep technology! Weaving dreams in a directional way through the stimulation of the brain by electric current in sleep state, bypassing various technical thresholds of virtual reality in the way of lucid dreaming.

Because dreams are real, no one will feel that their dreams are false when they are dreaming!

And when billions of people have a dream at the same time, when billions of identical dreams overlap, or when billions of dreams are pieced together and combined, this is reality! "

Mo Lan suddenly thought of a word.

"The world is nothing but human perception. When one closes his eyes, the world does not exist, but when he opens his eyes, the world reappears in front of his eyes.

Anything that cannot be seen does not exist, it only appears when it is looked at.

But when everyone watches together, the world appears.

Perhaps, the power of belief combined with the overlapping and combination of dreams is the source of the game world turning falsehood into reality. With the power of all human beings and the power of the world, we can make falsehood into reality! "

The moment Mo Lan's voice fell, inspiration burst out in his brain and muttered to himself.

"And this is the power of the mind, whether it is believing or dreaming, this is the power of the mind, and it is the power of the soul!

This means that in reality, the soul and the mind also have power.

And this power can also be spiritual power! "

Mo Lan's mind exploded with inspiration.

"This is spiritual power!"

At this moment, Mo Lan had a new understanding of spiritual power. At this moment, Mo Lan's thoughts were all smooth. At this moment, Mo Lan realized and muttered excitedly.

"The illusory world needs real spiritual power, and the illusory spiritual power needs to be turned into reality.

In other words, the mental power rule I want to create is to turn mental power into reality.

Perhaps the meaning of the spiritual power rule is to turn it into reality! "

Mo Lan realized at this moment, he seemed to think everything clearly, but it seemed that the gods didn't think clearly.

Mo Lan seems to know everything, but it seems that she doesn't know anything.


Mo Lan suddenly slapped himself and woke up from the frenzy.

"Falled into a daze."

Mo Lan said slowly, but at this moment, he still understood...

Spiritual power rules!

Chapter 735 Mental Power Rules

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