Realistic Game

Chapter 848: The origin of space and its coordinate system

"Prepare first."

Lu Bin replied, Mo Lan nodded, and walked towards the center of the floating city with Lu Bin, thinking while walking to Mo Lan.

After Lu Bin finished defining the concept of the origin of space, Mo Lan immediately noticed the concept itself, but it just disappeared without a trace at the moment of its birth, and could not be found in any way.

This concept has been integrated into the world and has become a part of the world. If Mo Lan can find it, it basically means that Mo Lan can try to control it, but this is naturally impossible.

Just like the authority of a mage, no one can master or even touch the authority of a mage until Mo Lan is dead. Only after the path of the mage has reached its peak will there be a chance to comprehend and grasp this authority.

This is the common characteristic of this artificially created concept.

The concept of the origin of space defined by Lu Bin naturally also has this feature. Before his death, no one could grasp this concept and its accompanying authority for a long period of time after his death.

If you master the concept of the origin of space and its authority?

Discovered and observed there is a slight chance of mastery, at least one chance of trying.

If you discover and observe the concept of the origin of space?

It is enough to grasp the concept of the origin of space and its authority.

Walking on the road, Mo Lan said to Lu Bin.

"You haven't fully grasped this concept yet, have you?"



Mo Lan was a little surprised at this moment, and looked at him in surprise.

"Mastered? How is it possible?

"The mastery I said is a bit different from the mastery you understand, President.

Well, how should I put it, it's like a master level. President, you directly broke through, so you can't understand the existence of a half-step master level. You think that you have failed to break through if you don't reach the master level.

But although I did not become a master, I have already broken through the original realm and became a half-step master, all of which have been successful for me.

The reason is similar, I have mastered the general. "

Lu Bin laughed.

"After all, the concept of the origin of space was created and defined by me. How can I be unable to control what I can create? The concept of the origin of space has been under my control since its birth, and no one can take it away, but This kind of control is similar to the half-step master level I just told the president.

Although I have mastered the concept of the origin of this space, but due to my lack of strength or lack of a suitable medium to fully develop its properties.

If I am at the legendary level, then I myself can become this medium to make me a god, blooming the strength of the gods, blooming the authority of the concept of the origin of this space, and using its power.

Or like the president, the power of belief condensed by the title of mage condenses into a priesthood. The priesthood is built according to the concept of mage. The concept of mage is integrated into it, and using it as a medium can still release the power attached to the concept. strength. ’

Lu Bin said slowly

"So now I grasp the concept of the origin of space, but I don't have the relative authority, because I lack a tailor-made medium, so I can't attach it to any object, that is to say, I can't make it into an artifact. "

"This is easy to handle. You just need to spread your concept of the origin of space and make it an axiom. In terms of the applicability of the concept of origin of space, any space channel, space spell, and space structure can be used, and any mage can use it. Will not give up the use of space spells, and no force will give up spells such as space passages and storage spaces.

And as long as they use it, it means that the use of the concept of the origin of space naturally brings together a part of the power of belief, and

Mo Lan looked at Lu Bin.

"If I'm not wrong, the more people use your concept of space origin, the better it will benefit the concept itself? It's easy to understand, at present your concept of space origin is just a point, the origin point, you just Since a fixed point is called the origin, the word "Original" must also be reflected.

This original character should be reflected on the core point of the coordinate system. No matter which point it is, there is only one origin. No matter which spatial coordinate it is, as long as your system is used, then the reference point is your spatial origin.

The origin has meaning only when there is a coordinate system. All the use of the spatial origin and the appearance of all spatial coordinates are the perfection, supplement and reinforcement of this coordinate system.

Although I have no proof, I absolutely do not believe that the strengthening of the coordinate system has no effect on the closely related spatial origin.

There is definitely reinforcement, right?"

Mo Lan looked at Lu Bin with a smile and said.

"President, did you infer these from the name of the concept of "space origin"?"

Lu Bin didn't answer, but asked instead, Mo Lan nodded.

"I was the first to define a concept. I think I have a good understanding of the concept, and the name of the concept contains a lot of information and is enough to explain a lot of questions."

Lu Bin heard the words and nodded.

"President, you are right, all coordinates with the origin of space as the reference object will become part and component of the spatial coordinate system. In addition to the power of belief, there will also be a power to bless the origin of space and enhance the origin of space. , enhance the concept of the origin of space and its authority.

But I didn't expect you to infer so much information just from the name of the president.

President, it seems that we need to keep the name of the authority secret in the future, at least not to make it known to the public. After all, for us now, the concept of definition and the authority we hold are the main This kind of critical information is leaked, and once it is known by people with ulterior motives, the risk is not small. "


Mo Lan nodded.

"Then you can sort out the location of the origin of space and how to use it as soon as possible and publish it. As long as it is published, I hope that you will be able to condense enough power of faith to rely on the concept of the origin of space, so as to use its authority."

"Well, it's simple, by the way, President, I'll send you the way I've sorted it out. You can use the official account of the association to send it. There are a lot of people who follow that account.

And the information we send is small, basically all heavyweight, as long as it is sent, it should be on the hot search, so that the spread of the news will be faster. "

"it is good.

Mo Lan nodded, there was nothing wrong with this trivial matter.

"By the way, you can't use your authority yet, can you construct the gate of this world?"

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