Rebirth 2003

Chapter 127: Surprise attack


In the next two days, Scouts made a few more calls, and Lu Yang refused to answer them. Lu Yang didn’t want to deal with such people anymore. Two times Scouts called from another number. After Lu Yang received it, he heard yes. His voice still hung up directly. His singing skills were not very good, and he became like this as soon as he gained a reputation. The boy scout has been blacklisted by Lu Yang for refusing to communicate.


May soon ended. This month, "The Three Kingdoms Warlords" ranked 13th on the monthly ticket list. Lu Yang didn't think much, but many readers in the book review section felt sorry for Lu Yang, saying that if Wenda Add ten more chapters, and you will definitely be able to break into the top ten.

   Even those unscrupulous and popular authors in the dark realm were teasing Lu Yang when Lu Yang went in to join the chat that night.

   Wankuqu: "Wenju! Is there no money to buy the small blue `medicine` pill? This month's update is not great! Why doesn't it hit the monthly ticket list?"

  Things are cheap: "Wenju is high and beautiful! Is this making us? Oh! Wenju is so great! People admire you so much..."


   No one knew Lu Yang's plan, but they soon knew.

   In the early morning of June 1, after Lu Yang got up, he did nothing. The first thing was to go to the study to turn on the computer, and then he issued a one-chapter declaration.

  The content is like this: Today, June 1st, the annual Children’s Day, I wish you all a happy holiday! In this festive day, others want joy, but I just want to fight! Are there any brothers willing to follow me to charge and kill the enemy? Those bird people on the monthly ticket list are pressing on our heads. I have been upset for a long time. Are you upset? In the brand new June, my ammunition has been stored up! The deposit of 200,000 is here. Everyone uses monthly tickets to cheer me up! Why don't you add all these 200,000 deposited manuscripts to you? Bros! I have sounded the horn of battle! Add more is here! Whether you rush or not, and how many plus changes you can get, is up to you! 50 monthly tickets plus one more chapter! No capping! Fight to the death! ! !


   The enthusiastic battle post was sent out, and Lu Yang passed a chapter in the back and turned off the computer to practice boxing.

Many people who often surf the Internet are turned upside down day and night. Ma Liang is a small net worm who turns upside down day and night. When surfing the Internet, he likes to read novels and occasionally plays games. After failing the senior high school entrance examination, he has been reluctant to go out because of his wealth at home. Studying technology or going to work, I have been hanging around in Internet cafes for almost a year.

At dawn, Ma Liang was about to go back to sleep. He habitually refreshed the bookshelf for the last time, and glanced casually at the two books he was chasing recently. One of them was Wen Chou's "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms", which he didn't hold. What hope, this early in the morning, very few authors release new chapters in this time period.

   With a casual look, Ma Liang saw an update on the back of "Three Warlords", and Ma Liang's sleepy eyes suddenly lit up. Is there really an update?

   Click to open it, "Three Warlords" not only has just updated one chapter, but also an extra chapter?

   Boss Wen Chou hasn’t issued a single chapter for a long time, has it been added again? Ma Liang also experienced Wen Chou Yongjia to change the monthly pass.

   was so excited that he didn't even have the first time to read the chapter that was just posted, so he immediately clicked on the single chapter.

   Ma Liang glanced at ten lines, and quickly read the battle post that Wen Chou posted, 50 monthly tickets for one chapter plus more? marvelous!

   Ma Liang’s desire to fight was aroused! He likes the book "Three Warlords" very much. Although Wen Chou updates at least 6,000 words every day, he still feels that there are too few, and he is not enjoyable at all. He has been hoping that Wen Chou boss will have another monthly ticket war and replace the monthly ticket with plus. .

   How many days' wish has finally come true!

   Ma Liang has personally seen the combat effectiveness of "Three Warlords" book fans, knowing that 50 monthly tickets can be smashed out at will! In other words, today you can definitely get at least one chapter plus!

   vote! Cast your monthly pass now! As soon as the buddies wake up, there may be more chapters to watch!

Without a second word, Ma Liang immediately smashed his monthly pass of this month to "Three Warlords". This is not over yet. After his monthly pass is finished, Ma Liang immediately went into the book review area, using a very cruel way of slaughtering. , Sent twelve identical calls in a row.

   He has no literary talent, only a simple and crude sentence.

   "Brothers! Boss Wen Chou finally announced that he would use a monthly pass for a plus change! Why are you still hesitating? Clash with Lao Tzu!!!"

There are many net worms like Ma Liang all over the country. Some of them are readers of "Three Warlords". Just a few minutes after Ma Liang posted these twelve posts, one after another appeared in the book review area. An excited reader.

   The brand-new June has just begun. As long as the readers with a membership account have at least one guaranteed monthly pass, the book "Three Warlords" has been collected by more than 30,000 people. How many readers have a guaranteed monthly pass?

  I really like this book. Who doesn't want the author to update it a little bit every day?

I didn’t say anything, all the loyal readers who read Lu Yang’s battle post did not hesitate to smash all the monthly tickets in their hands. So, on this day, many people noticed that the "Three Warlords" was in a lapse of time. Nearly two months later, he began to rush the list again, rushing on the quiet monthly ticket list, all the way up.

  15 people...14 people...13 people...

   Waiting for Lu Yang to come back from school in the afternoon, turn on the computer, log on to the starting point, and see that "Three Warlords" ranks 7th on the monthly pass list.

   There are a total of 552 monthly tickets.

   I clicked on the works ranked before and after "Three Warlords", Lu Yang saw all the chapters, and without exception, all the red letters for asking for a monthly pass appeared in a single chapter.

   A great **** ranked 6th, even wrote alarmistly at the beginning of the chapter: SSS-level alarm! SSS level alert! Extremely dangerous Extremely dangerous! A monster that has killed 8 people in a row is killing us! Please all our brothers and sisters emergency fire support! The situation is very critical The situation is very critical! ! ! Warning warning! This is not a drill! This is not a drill!

Lu Yang looked at the book review area below his work again. There was already a lot of joy there. Many people were clamoring for him to cash in on today’s 11 chapters plus changes, as well as another chapter with guaranteed guarantees. A total of 12 chapters were sent to everyone. come out.

  Vest of the Winged Demon: Wenda! Hurry up, we have already given you the monthly pass you asked for, so we have to cash in on the plus and more we asked for! There are more monthly tickets waiting to be dropped! 200,000 deposits? very good! On behalf of my brothers, I announce that we need all 200,000! ! ! Leave a word! ! !

   Bubble Love: Wenda! Stop the ink! Do you still want the remaining monthly pass? If we don't send out the plus update, we will smash the monthly pass to someone else!

   Yiqiu: How can Bubbles be like this? It is wrong to threaten Wenda! I firmly believe that Wenda hasn't added more updates until now, so I must be hesitating whether to send us an extra chapter!

  Sunflower on the other shore: Where's Master Wen? It’s not your style to play and disappear! Brothers are ready to smash the pot and sell iron to support you, you can't lose the chain at the critical moment!

  : I don't speak, I just watch.


  Looking at the comments of these happy readers, Lu Yang smiled slightly, right? Chapter 12?

   Lu Yang opened the file where the manuscript was saved, and passed 13 chapters up in one go. At the end of the last chapter, Lu Yang wrote such a sentence in brackets!

  ——The message in the book review area, Wen Chou saw it, chapter 12, right? I will advance you one chapter ahead of time! What about the monthly pass owed to me? Get it quickly! hurry up!

  The many readers who have been waiting, when refreshing the page one time, suddenly saw the 13 new chapters that were suddenly added, and they screamed with excitement.

Especially when I saw the sentence left by Lu Yang at the end of Chapter 13, some people who had just come from the book review section were all laughing. Some who have not yet gone to the book review section also quickly went to the book review section to take a look. , After reading the witticism of those people, they all enjoyed themselves.

   Boss Wen Chou is looking for the monthly pass they owe? How many? Forty sheets? That's it, here it is!

   So, just after Lu Yang added the 13th chapter, the book on No. 6 was exploded less than half an hour later, even if the author had sounded the SSS alarm, it was useless.


   After Lu Yang passed Chapter 13, more than 40,000 words, he went to the kitchen to cook dinner.

   The readers of "Three Warlords" were crazy, he didn't see it, and he didn't watch how the supergroup was making noise. At this time when Lu Yang was cooking, some popular writers in the dark realm began to Something cheap: scolded the next door! Wen Chou is not funny! Yesterday I just made a joke about whether he was letting us, this guy broke out today, 13 chapters in one breath! Chapter 13! What do you want to do? They are all brothers, there is no need to be so cruel, right? Grandma's! It's a pity that I can't save the manuscript, or else I can fight him with a bayonet. How can I be so useless as today, he killed it in seconds! Oooooo...please ask for comfort*...

   A black hole: Wipe! I was also exploded by him! That guy is not a thing! Yesterday, I called us brothers and sisters, and today I will kill the brothers! So Tamar fucked!

   Xiaoqiao flowing water: Hahaha! Dong cried, right? Make you bitch! Make you shit! Do you dare to provoke Wen Chouju? Forgot how you died last time?

   Things are cheap:...

  The authors who were exploded by Lu Yang expressed their depression, but the other great gods who had nothing to do with them were talking jokes cheerfully beside them.

In fact, the big reason why these great gods who have been exploded are so depressed is that they were so wronged today. Wen Chou has been silent for nearly two months, and no one is guarding him. There are several great gods in the past 5 years. In the monthly ticket battle, I was already badly injured. I was thinking about taking advantage of the beginning of the month of June to slow down the update, take a short rest, and wait for the adjustment to be done before working hard. Who knows that Wen Chou has been in the past two months. So shamelessly prepared a deposit of 200,000, just to sprint this month?

   Before many people could react, they were exploded by Lu Yang who exploded with all his strength.

   If they were prepared in advance, and they would try their best to mobilize the readers today, and they would also use more incentives, they would certainly not lose so fast. RS

   The fastest update, please read without pop-up window.

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