Rebirth 2003

Chapter 128: Desperate battle

In June’s monthly ticket list, because of the sudden power of Lu Yang, the dung stick, from the 1st day of the month, it has entered a climax of war. The five places on the top of Lu Yang are "Profanity" by Yanyu Jiangnan. , "The World of Mercenary" by a master, "The Good Reaper" by the Three Masters, "The Resurrection of Rogue" and a book that is also very good, this book is ranked in the "Three Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" by Lu Yang "First name, ranked fifth.

   This author is considered to be a great **** in 05, but after a few years, I don’t know why it disappeared. I have written two books in total, and now this one is her pinnacle.

At present, her monthly ticket is only 200 more votes than Lu Yang's "Three Warlords". Lu Yang's fans are still working hard to get tickets. The gap between the two is narrowing a little bit, and it will explode one day. This book was dropped. The author of this book did not add any changes. He only posted a single chapter asking for votes in the chapters. A great god-level author who almost never asked for monthly passes suddenly issued a single chapter.

   The content of the single chapter is very simple, only a few sentences or two.

   "Today, June 1st, the code word just ended, the author group last time, I learned that a book has already reached our feet, do you allow it?"

It's such a simple chapter. Those old bookworms who have been silently following her book seem to be awakened from their sleep. The originally quiet book review area is suddenly swiped by new posts. , A monthly pass, like hail in the sky, slammed on the book, what is the real god?

In just one day and one night, countless readers and authors have learned that when Lu Yang came back from school and turned on his computer the next evening, even though the monthly ticket for "Three Warlords" increased by more than 400 chapters, he was still caught by the above. The book is far behind, and the gap of more than a thousand votes makes people desperate to look at!

   The blood pressure of the fourth ranking was not very strong, but as a result, he was not exploded by Lu Yang, but was killed by the next great god.

In 2005, Blood Red had not yet fully condensed the Godhead. The previous book "I Am a Rogue", now this is his second book. Although it is very popular, it is far from the kind of appealing power that would have responded a few years later. , No matter how he coded 18,000 words a day like a convulsion with both hands, he still watched himself being exploded.

   Someone might ask what book is so awesome?

Readers who have experienced 05 years should know that it is the book-"Following the Trend of a Generation of Soldiers", a masterpiece of a female great god. This book is very famous in the history category. The decisive victory over a thousand miles away has attracted a large number of loyal readers. It can be said that the role of a military teacher has been written to the extent that there is no one in the past. At least Lu Yang has been in the starting point for more than ten years. The characters are so classic.

Just like Lu Yang's new book chooses the historical category, although the number of collectors of the book "Following the Current" is not the top, but there are many die-hard fans. As long as the author shouts for a monthly pass, countless die-hards are willing to drop it. A lot of money was dropped just to respond to her call.

   Because of a single chapter by the Great Goddess, Lu Yang's direct opponent turned blood red.

  Who is Blood Red?

   Lu Yang heard a rumor in his previous life that the highest codeword record for a day of blood red is 90,000, 90,000! Lu Yang really didn't have any advantage in saving the manuscript in front of the blood red, especially now it is the beginning of the month, even if the blood red bursts for a while, the blood red will be able to find the venue in the next half month.

In the days that followed, Lu Yang's guess was verified. The blood red really broke out, with more than 20,000 words a day, every day. His readers naturally saw it, and the readers were refreshed. His monthly ticket naturally showed an explosive growth. Lu Yang is also constantly adding updates. Readers of "Three Warlords" also voted very happily. Regardless of whether they can get blood red, as long as they cast 50 more votes, Lu Yang will have to add another chapter.

   Lu Yang has fewer and fewer manuscripts at his disposal, and the total number of monthly tickets is also increasing by one to two hundred per day, but it is always not close to the blood red.

   occasionally pulled closer, and would soon be pulled away again.

   This situation really left Lu Yang speechless.

   I thought that the great **** was indeed a great god, and he broke out, without a manuscript, he could fight against hundreds of thousands of manuscripts.

This month, the monthly tickets of the top six books on the monthly ticket list have risen very quickly, because Lu Yang, a lunatic, is chasing too tightly. 200,000 manuscripts are saved, and there is a normal 6,000-word guarantee update every day. The 200,000 manuscripts have not been saved. Before it runs out, his book fans will not stop voting for monthly votes. In order to keep their rankings, fans of the five books ranked on the "Three Warlords" this month are blessed, and the five great gods have entered the state of spelling updates. A large number of fans happily drop monthly tickets to support their favorite authors, while thanking Lu Yang as a shit-cutter in their hearts. If he hadn’t been chasing after him desperately, these great gods who had always sat firmly in the Diaoyutai would never follow I have been so desperately updating codewords at the beginning of the month.

The monthly tickets for several books ranked under "Three Warlords" are very bleak in comparison. The monthly tickets of this number are also very popular on the monthly ticket list, but because the top six monthly tickets have risen too much. Crazy, they lost the confidence to defeat Lu Yang, and naturally there was no explosion in the update, and they became an audience completely.

   Within a few days, the sixth-ranked "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" dropped more than a thousand votes for the seventh-ranked book, and the gap is increasing day by day.

   Lu Yang has not dared to enter the dark realm recently. As soon as he enters, he will be scolded by those people as mad and perverted, and he will shamelessly ask Lu Yang to comfort his wounded soul.

   Although they were all jokes, Lu Yang was a little embarrassed to see everyone condemning himself like this every day.

It's his own reader group. Recently, many readers have sent him private messages every day, praising his recent update and encouraging him to keep it. Lu Yang occasionally thinks, if it is a few years later, the starting point has a reward system. , Like his own addition and change, there must be a lot of people every day, maybe there are more than ten and twenty leaders.

Speaking of the hegemon, Lu Yang II has never encountered codewords for more than ten years. A few years before rebirth, although he can support himself by codewords, the books he wrote are not good enough to make people willing to smash them. The next thousand yuan.

   After rebirth, although the popularity of his own writing works is high, it can't stand the starting point, and there is no such thing as a reward at the moment!


   Lu Yang's mind suddenly flashed, an idea appeared in his mind, an impulse dominated Lu Yang's hands, Lu Yang quickly found the editor's number on Q`Q, and sent a message.

   At that time, it was not long after school was over in the afternoon, and soon after Lu Yang's message was posted, the editor-in-chief old Z responded.

   The content of the chat between the two is as follows:

   Wen Chou: Boss! I want to make a few suggestions for the starting point. Do I have time to listen to them?

   Old Z: You have been so bad recently. If you don't pay attention to the time code word, you still have time to worry about the website? What advice, let's talk!

   Wen Chou: I think the website can add rewards, fan value, reminder votes, evaluation votes, chapter gifts, and author rating systems!

  Old Z: Oh? Be specific! What you said is too general, I didn't understand it.

  Wen Chou: The reward system is that readers can make a starting point for their favorite works with varying amounts of money. The fan value is through...

  Old Z:...


   It took more than half an hour for Lu Yang to explain these things clearly to Old Z. When they were all finished, Old Z was silent for a moment and sent a message: "What major are you studying? How did you come up with so many ideas?"

Lu Yang only talked about some of the parts that are beneficial to him at the moment, and the rest is considered to be ignorant, and it is not good for him to say it. Anyway, after starting from two years, he will become wealthy and he does not need to help himself. help.

   Originally, these suggestions were made into planning books, and maybe they could sell for some money. Lu Yang found it troublesome. He was just a novelist and didn't study related majors. How much money he wanted to sell these ideas was too difficult to operate.

   is also a favor to the starting point.


After the suggestions were made, there was nothing for Lu Yang. Old Z told Lu Yang that he would put forward these ideas at the company's regular meeting on Monday for everyone to discuss. No matter what the result, he would tell Lu Yang~www. On the monthly ticket list, "Three Warlords" still can't catch up with the blood-red "Rogue Rising Storm". Lu Yang has already wanted to stop this meaningless matchup. The 200,000 manuscripts have been consumed almost. It doesn’t make much sense to continue to consume it. It’s a pity that his book fans are enthusiastic about voting, and they all know that his deposit has not been over. I'm sorry to say forget it and stop fighting.

   Lu Yang still cares about his image in the hearts of book fans, and he can’t get rid of his integrity!

If there are no other unexpected factors, Lu Yang will be able to take sixth place at most by the end of June. However, only the last week will be left in June. When the overall situation is set, it will be unexpected. The factor appeared.

   This morning, Lu Yang was sitting in the back row of the classroom listening to the class. The professor was spitting out and speaking intently, when someone knocked on the front door of the classroom.

  Professor's interest in the lecture was interrupted, and he was a little unhappy, but he still maintained the professor's self-cultivation, and shouted please come in. Then everyone saw a capable woman in a professional skirt push the door in, followed by a scumbag man with a camera on his neck.

   Everyone looked at the past and became curious and confused, and so did the professor, and Lu Yang looked at it, completely unsure of which man and woman were going to make a fuss.

   "Excuse me, are you?" The professor subconsciously pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked questioningly.

   The capable woman in a skirt is about 27 or 18 years old. She laughed before she said a word. She walked a few steps to the professor, stretched out her slender right hand and shook the professor first, and then said what they were coming from. RS

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