Chapter 1505 He is God!

Yan Fei listened to the cheers on the phone blankly, and his thoughts were confused.

Both shocked and delighted.

I really won!

At this time, Yan Fei really didn't know what to say.

After recognizing the facts, he was completely overwhelmed with excitement.

He didn't expect that he would be able to participate in such a thing.

"Mr. Chen, we won!"

Yan Fei suddenly turned around and shouted loudly.

Chen Jianghai sat calmly in his seat, glanced at him lightly, and then affirmed: "Yes, I won."

Seeing Chen Jianghai like this, Yan Fei suddenly seemed to have reacted, and quickly suppressed his excitement.

For such a big event, President Chen did not fluctuate at all.

Seeing this scene, Yan Fei felt a little embarrassed, and at the same time admired Chen Jianghai more and more.

Is this the momentum of the boss?

Such a big movement can't make him excited?

Thinking of this, Yan Fei really had an unreal feeling.

You know, Chen Jianghai is less than thirty years old.

This calm and bearing, even the old man who has experienced ups and downs can't compare.

In Yan Fei's view, this feeling is very strange.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yan Fei had no idea.

In the end, he boiled down to one reason.

Mr. Chen is an unparalleled genius, so naturally he is so different.

At this moment, Fang Aiguo, who was far away in Siam, was so excited that he didn't know what to say.


They really won!

This time, Chen Jianghai invested as much as five billion dollars in principal.

There is no doubt that this is an astronomical sum.

According to Fang Aiguo's estimate, Chen Jianghai earned at least nearly ten billion dollars this time!

Plus the principal has tripled.

Thinking of this number, Fang Aiguo took a deep breath.

Last time, he earned a billion dollars in the island country, and he already felt that it was the peak that could not be surpassed in this life.

Now, under the arrangement of Chen Jianghai, his cognition was easily overturned.

At the same time, it also let him really know the terrible financial market.

Fang Aiguo no longer cares about how many rewards he can get.

Certainly not less.

He is now financially free.

For the money earned in the financial market, Chen Jianghai gave him a lot of dividends.

Earning this money is much faster and easier than going to work.

"Brother Hai, we won!"

On the phone, Fang Aiguo clenched his fists and suppressed his excitement.

He felt his heart almost jump out of his throat.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "I know, how is it, patriotism, is this exciting?"

"Exciting, it's so **** exciting!"

Fang Aili immediately followed, "Brother Hai, this old guy Sotts is too scary, he really screwed Siam!"

Hearing Fang Aiguo say this, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and did not answer.

Later, Fang Aiguo said with joy: "Brother Hai, but we should earn more than him, right?"

Fang Aiguo had no doubts about this.

Hearing Fang Aiguo's question, Yan Fei's ears perked up.

He was also curious how much money Chen Jianghai made this time.

One billion or two billion?

The five billion that Chen Jianghai brought over this time has been spent.

How much money Yan Fei made is definitely not as clear as Chen Jianghai.

Before Sotts shorted Siam, Chen Jianghai made adequate preparations.

He took the lead in borrowing a large amount of Siam coins, and now the exchange rate of Siam coins has fallen and the value has depreciated a lot.

When the Siam coin fell to the lowest point, Chen Jianghai bought the cheapest Siam coin from the market.

These Siam coins are directly returned to the financial institutions that borrowed the Siam coins.

One high and one low, there is a huge price difference.

This is how the money Chen Jianghai makes.

To put it simply, Chen Jianghai borrowed five billion dollars in Siamese coins.

Now, he may only need to pay back 2.5 billion.

Over and over again, Chen Jianghai made a net profit of 2.5 billion US dollars.

Not only that, Chen Jianghai also shorted foreign exchange futures contracts, shorted the stocks of some listed companies in Siam, and shorted the stock index futures contracts of listed companies.

These places are also places where money can be made, and Chen Jianghai will naturally not let it go.

On the other hand, Sotts's goal is only on Siam.

After all, Sotts is a big gamble. He must use all his power in one place, pay attention to one-hit kills, and pursue the highest efficiency.

Chen Jianghai is different.

He knows the result of this matter, and naturally it is fully blooming, and he will not let go of any place to make money.

And he is not like Sotts and the others, he needs to use some funds as a bait, or make a layout.

Chen Jianghai used all the funds of five billion dollars on the blade, so that every penny realized its value, and naturally maximized the benefits in the true sense.

It is for this reason that Sotts, as the initiator of this war, actually earned far less profit than Chen Jianghai, who knew everything and took advantage of it.

"Should be a little more than him."

Chen Jianghai replied with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Yan Fei's admiration for Chen Jianghai was at its peak.

Does it mean that Sotts has been busy for a long time, taking huge risks and infamy, but he is actually working for his own boss?

Thinking of this, Yan Fei couldn't help but ask curiously, "Mr. Chen, how much money did you make this time?"

"It should add up to tens of billions of dollars! The exact number has not been calculated, but it is not far behind."

Chen Jianghai was obviously in a good mood, and he didn't mean to shy away from speaking out.

Hearing this number, Yan Fei only felt that his head was buzzing.

In just a few days, the money has doubled?

On the other end of the phone, Fang Aiguo said excitedly: "Brother Hai, are we starting to buy now?"

Since the Siamese government completely surrendered and said that it would no longer struggle, everyone's confidence in Siam has fallen to the bottom, and the exchange rate has continued to decline.

The drop on the first day has reached 16%.

Chen Jianghai knew that this number would continue to drop.

According to the experience of the previous life, at the peak, the drop reached 60%.

This is definitely a terrible data for Siam.

Only then can you get the most out of it.

Chen Jianghai has decided to wait until the drop reaches 45% before starting to eat in one after another.

"Don't worry, just wait."

Chen Jianghai said lightly.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Fang Aiguo immediately agreed without any hesitation.

No matter what Chen Jianghai said, Fang Aiguo would believe it without hesitation.

Fang Aiguo thinks that Chen Jianghai is a **** in the stock market!

What God said is absolutely not wrong!

All he needs to do is to honestly implement without any discount.

Following, Chen Jianghai continued: "patriotic, you have worked hard this time. After it is completely over, I will give each of you a big red envelope."

Hearing this, Fang Aiguo couldn't help laughing: "Brother Hai, how big is this red envelope?"

Given his relationship with Chen Jianghai, it is of course not too much to ask this question.

The people on Fang Aiguo's side all had their ears perked up at this time.

They want to know how much bonus the big boss can give them this time.

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