Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1506: Has something happened?

Chapter 1506 What happened?

"A red envelope of one million dollars per person, is it big enough?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Fang Aiguo said quickly: "Enough! Enough!"

At this moment, there was a burst of cheers from the phone over there.

With the high remuneration promised before, plus such a big red envelope, it is completely worthy of their hard work day and night during this period of time.

They only have one idea now, can such money-making opportunities come more often?

But next, they do have to do this a few more times.

Waiting for a wave of financial turmoil to end, they will be able to retire early and enjoy life.

"Quick, thank you Mr. Chen!"

Fang Aiguo followed and shouted loudly.

Then, there was a uniform thank you from the phone.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Then, the cheers over there grew louder and louder.

Chen Jianghai smiled and signaled that Yan Fei could go back.

After leaving the exchange, Chen Jianghai was in a good mood.

With the opportunity of the financial turmoil, his capital has been greatly improved.

Having mastered such a large amount of funds, he no longer has to worry about funds.

And, this is just the beginning.

Next, Chen Jianghai will have the opportunity to follow Sotts to earn greater profits with the funds he has on hand.

Of course, the most important thing is to be able to snipe Sotts and his Quantum Fund in turn at a critical moment to bring this gluttonous feast to a successful end.

The mantis catches the cicada, followed by the oriole.

It's obviously a great feeling to be the final winner.

The next thing to do is to liquidate the results of the victory.

It is enough for Fang Aiguo and Yan Fei to take charge of this kind of thing, he only needs a result.

As long as the price set by Chen Jianghai is reached, it can be sold and realized without any hesitation.

Yan Fei quickly assured: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will continue to watch."

"Well, I'll give you a big red envelope as well."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yan Fei's breathing became heavier.

He doesn't expect one million, and he can get three points... No, one tenth is enough.

Thinking of this, his heart was hot.

He is Chen Jianghai's secretary, and his salary is certainly not low.

But a hundred thousand dollars...

Before that, Yan Fei couldn't even think about it.

Of course, even if there were not so many, Yan Fei would not be disappointed.

Being able to follow Chen Jianghai to experience these things and become a witness to history has already made him emotional and excited.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Yan Fei said quickly.

Chen Jianghai was quite satisfied with Yan Fei's secretary.

After earning so much money this time, he was busy working in the saddle, and of course there was no problem with getting a red envelope.

At this time, the exchange rate of the Siamese currency dropped sharply, and many people hurriedly took the money and ran away.

In their opinion, this is an extremely safe choice, and there is no need to continue taking risks.

Either way, they made a lot of money.

Although the money they earned can't be compared with a predator like Chen Jianghai, it's beyond their imagination.

As for Chen Jianghai, Sotts, and others, they were not in a hurry.

If you want to maximize the benefits, you naturally need to wait patiently.

They're destined to be one of those guys who leave at the high post.

After returning to the hotel, Chen Jianghai called Lin Wanqiu to take care of him, and after teasing the baby girl, Meimei fell asleep.

He is in a good mood now and everything is going according to plan.

On top of that, Siam was only Sauters' first target.

Next, the remaining four tigers and four dragons will become his targets, and they will be defeated.

In this case, as long as Chen Jianghai continues to follow up, the money he makes can be worth at least two Qiuhai.

However, he also knows that if Sotts wants to attack other countries, he still needs enough time to prepare.

The fruit on Siam's side has not been picked yet, and Souters simply does not have enough funds to fight the next battle.

To repeat this success, Sotts still needs a lot of money.

After all, with the lessons learned from Siam, other countries will definitely be vigilant and somewhat prepared.

Siam directly doubled the assets of Sotts, and also made the fame of Sotts and the Quantum Fund, with a large number of followers.

After he is ready, even if the following goals are also prepared, it will not help.

If nothing else, it will take at least half a month.


Huo Jiaxiang just woke up the next day when he heard the news that the Siamese government had completely given up resistance.

Watching the news on TV, Huo Jiaxiang didn't even bother to eat breakfast.

What Chen Jianghai said a few days ago, without any accident, has all come true!

At this time, Huo Jiaxiang was very happy.

Fortunately, I chose to believe Chen Jianghai.

Otherwise, the Huo family will miss a good opportunity to make a fortune.

Thinking of this, Huo Jiaxiang really wanted to call Chen Jianghai immediately.

However, Huo Jiaxiang immediately stopped this thought in his mind.

Because he knew that Chen Jianghai must have stayed up late yesterday.

If there is no accident, it is estimated that he is still making up for sleep at this time, and he must not be disturbed rashly.

Big things have to wait until Chen Jianghai wakes up.

Suppressing his inner excitement, Huo Jiaxiang took a few bites, and then went into his study.

The three wives of the Huo family were very surprised when they saw this situation, and couldn't help but look at each other for a while.

You must know that Mr. Huo's requirements for breakfast have always been very high, and he attaches great importance to it.

Every time I eat breakfast, I take a long time, one is to be able to digest the food well, and the other is to take advantage of this time to calm down and watch yesterday's news.

For decades, this habit can be said to be unstoppable.

Today, Mr. Huo made an exception.

He ate two bites hastily and then went into the study, which was a bit unusual.

Seeing such a situation, the three wives of the Huo family had a big question mark in their hearts, and they were nervous for no reason.

Did something big happen?

After waiting until twelve noon, Huo Jiaxiang couldn't bear it any longer and called Chen Jianghai.

It was Yan Fei who answered the phone.

At this time, Chen Jianghai had just woken up and was having breakfast after a simple wash.

Knowing that Huo Jiaxiang was calling, Yan Fei didn't dare to neglect at all, and hurriedly called Chen Jianghai.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Huo's phone number."

He covered the microphone and lowered his voice slightly.

Chen Jianghai nodded, and then brought the phone over.

Huo Jiaxiang called him at this Chen Jianghai knew what he wanted to say.

The results from Siam must have given Huo Jiaxiang great confidence.

Last time, Huo Jiaxiang proposed to take out two billion US dollars for Chen Jianghai to operate. If he said that he was not worried, Chen Jianghai would not believe it.

After all, Mr. Huo has worked hard all his life to accumulate tens of billions of wealth.

Many are fixed assets, and being able to come up with $2 billion in cash is the limit.

If there are any mistakes, I am afraid that the Huo family can't bear it.

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