Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1540: Confidentiality must be done

Chapter 1540 Confidentiality must be done well

Before that, in Fang Aiguo's impression, Chen Jianghai was a perfect and capable man.

But this decision made him completely unacceptable.

Xiangjiang has returned at this time, and it belongs to the territory of China.

If Chen Jianghai did this, wouldn't he help Zhou to abuse him?

Isn't it traitorous?


These three words suddenly appeared in Fang Aiguo's mind.

If Chen Jianghai bears this infamy, what will Qiuhai do in the future?


But Fang Aiguo also knows very well that once Chen Jianghai decides, no one can change it.

Even if he has a good relationship with Chen Jianghai, there is nothing he can do.

Thinking of this, Fang Aiguo was very painful.

After a while of silence, Fang Aiguo had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

At that time, this matter is really exposed, then he will take all the responsibility!

If he takes it down, Chen Jianghai will be fine.

Chen Jianghai now has many auras, and he is also the ruler of Qiuhai, so it must not be an accident.

If something happened to him, it would be a devastating blow for many people.

The entire Qiuhai Group, Jiamei Food, Chenjia Village...

Just can't imagine.

Fang Aiguo couldn't let this happen, he didn't want to see Chen Jianghai's image collapse in the country.

The only way is to let him, the executor, carry this infamy!

Thinking of this, Fang Aiguo's eyes became more and more firm.

He felt that this approach was the best approach at the moment.

For Fang Aiguo, things like fame are useless.

Even if he is accused of being a traitor, as long as Chen Jianghai is safe and sound, he will not hesitate to patriotism.

Fang Aiguo silently remembers Chen Jianghai's kindness to him over the years.

Now that Chen Jianghai has made a wrong decision, that's all he can do.

After thinking about it, Fang Aiguo took a deep breath, calmed down a little bit of confusion, and walked into the room with firm steps.

No matter what happens next, the other side of the country will bear it.

If Chen Jianghai knew that Fang Aiguo thought this way, he would definitely not know whether to laugh or cry.

This matter is of great importance, and Chen Jianghai will not tell Fang Aiguo the truth so quickly.

If you want to be fooled by a cunning and cunning person like Sotts, confidentiality must be done well.

Let out a little bit of wind, Sotts will definitely not be fooled.

In order to avoid any unnecessary accidents, Chen Jianghai even hid it from Fang Aiguo.

After Fang Aiguo came to the room, he simply announced Chen Jianghai's order.

The trader in the room has been fighting with this party for nearly three months this time.

In the past three months, the funds flowing from their hands are absolutely astronomical.

They are now arguably grinding their fists, wondering where Sotts will attack next.

More importantly, they wanted to know whether Fang Aiguo would continue to follow Sotts this time.

Because they also got some rumors, or they are also experienced industry insiders, they already have a hunch that Sotts' next goal is Xiangjiang!

After hearing Fang Aiguo's order, everyone was very surprised.

Sotts' next attack target is Xiangjiang, which in itself is nothing to say.

But what they didn't expect was that they would one day follow along to attack Xiangjiang.

In all fairness, most of them are from Xiangjiang, and they have extremely deep feelings for the city where they are located.

To let them attack Xiangjiang, there is also a sense of resistance in their hearts.

Of course, they also have their own work ethic.

Now that you have done this, you have to honestly obey your employer's instructions.

Even reluctantly, the order must be carried out in earnest.

Because even if they don't do it, someone else will.

Moreover, the remuneration offered by Fang Aiguo is also very attractive, and they simply cannot refuse.

However, from a professional point of view, some of them couldn't help but question the operation.

You must know that Hong Kong's foreign exchange reserves at this time were as high as more than 60 billion US dollars.

It is definitely not easy for Sotts to attack Xiangjiang.

After all, attacking is more powerful than defending, and it needs to be doubled or even more.

But after a moment of astonishment, the operator present suddenly reacted, as if it were not impossible.

You know, in their hands, there are already more than 80 billion US knives.

If you add Sotts and those speculators, it seems that it is not difficult to break through Xiangjiang.

Thinking of this, everyone is tangled in their hearts.

On the one hand, it is the city where they live, and on the other hand, it is a rare opportunity for their career.

Leaving aside the feelings for Xiangjiang, in terms of career, if they really do it, they will definitely leave a deep impression on their career.

Southeast Asia at this time can be described as earth-shattering.

Factories in the Siamese countries have collapsed by more than 50 percent after being swept away by speculators led by Sotts and his Quantum Fund.

Banks are closed, workers are unemployed, malls are closed, it's all over the place and it's devastated.

Those foreign capitals are now starting to withdraw their capital one after another.

This series of chain reactions caused those countries that Sotts did not attack to be greatly affected at this time.

The most obvious of these is the island nation, where the overall economy is in jeopardy, as if it could collapse at any time.

On this day, for the first time, the economic crisis swept across Southeast Asia was named the financial turmoil.

As the initiator of this financial turmoil, Sotts is regarded as the beginning of the financial turmoil since he attacked Siam.

Most of the people in Hong Kong saw this report.

In this case, they are even more worried about the future of Xiangjiang.

Even if Chen Jianghai brought a few rich people from the mainland over, he couldn't stop their worries.

Not even a country can deal with Sotts, let alone a group of people like Chen Jianghai.

The only hope for all Hong Kong people is to look forward to the mainland of the motherland to see if it is possible to resolve this crisis.

Although at the beginning, many people in Xiangjiang were not optimistic about China's economy, but with the deepening of understanding of China's economic development level in recent years, many people have realized that comprehensive reform The open Huaxia is no longer the Huaxia it used to be.

In particular, the Chinese government's foreign exchange reserves have blinded many people's eyes.

Everyone is willing to believe that as long as the Huaxia government takes action, Xiangjiang will hopefully survive the impact of Sotts.

Looking at the news in the newspaper, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and did not express any opinion.

But several other rich people looked worried.

They did not expect that the storm caused by Sotts would have such serious consequences.

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