Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1541: 1 gold signboard

Chapter 1541 A golden signboard

Before coming to Hong Kong, they didn't really know much about this matter. They just said some things through hearsay and had a rather one-sided impression.

The main reason is that this turmoil has nothing to do with Huaxia.

It is precisely because of this situation that they do not pay enough attention to this matter.

The only thing they know is that Sotts, with his own power, has successfully overwhelmed the financial systems of several countries and reaped huge rewards.

In the eyes of many, this is definitely a feat.

Even in the hearts of some people, Sotts has been regarded as an idol.

At this time, China's financial system is actually relatively backward.

It is precisely because of this that they have not been able to imagine the consequences of a country's financial system being breached.

From the newspapers today, they clearly know how serious the consequences are.

In this case, they also began to worry.

Just relying on a few of them to follow Chen Jianghai to snipe Sotts and fight against the large group of international speculators behind him, can they succeed?

Most of Asia has been turned upside down by Sotts and the people behind him. With just a few of them, can they really stop Sotts?

Everyone's face was full of doubts, but in the end they couldn't help asking Mu Hongzhong to ask Chen Jianghai.

Mu Hongzhong has the best relationship with Chen Jianghai, so it is naturally the best to let him speak.

The two brothers Liu Zhenxing thought that Mu Hongzhong was unreliable before, but now they changed their impressions.

Before, they thought that Mu Hongzhong would be opportunistic, but now it finally comes in handy.

Mu Hong's center was also full of doubts. Even if these people didn't come, he was going to ask Chen Jianghai privately.

So he didn't refuse, he took over the job, went directly to Chen Jianghai, and asked with a smile, "Jiang Hai, what are you busy with?"

Chen Jianghai vaguely guessed the other party's intention, and said with a smile, "Brother Mu, are you okay?"

Originally, he invited these mainland entrepreneurs to come and stand on the platform together, but he and the two Hong Kong tycoons really contributed.

However, when they found out that Chen Jianghai and the two Hong Kong rich people actually took out tens of billions of dollars in total, they couldn't help but be deeply shocked.

At the same time, I also felt their determination, so after discussion, they decided to really join in, and also come up with real money and silver to do their part to defend the merchants.

This is undoubtedly a big gamble.

It has to be said that once these mainland entrepreneurs take action, their energy cannot be underestimated.

In a short period of time, they have assembled two billion dollars, and said that there will be more in the future.

Under such circumstances, their nervousness is completely understandable.

"I know that nothing can be hidden from you."

Mu Hongzhong smiled awkwardly and laughed a little at himself.

Afterwards, Mu Hongzhong told Chen Jianghai all their worries.

Chen Jianghai also expressed understanding for Mu Hongzhong's concerns.

The amount involved in this war is more than ten billion dollars.

The worth of Mu Hongzhong and the others was simply not enough in the face of this kind of battle.

Even if what they took out was only a part of the working capital of various companies, it would be very troublesome if something went wrong.

Of course, it is an exaggeration to say that it will never end, but it is inevitable that it will hurt the vitality.

Chen Jianghai said lightly: "What?

Are you starting to worry? "

"Jiang Hai, not everyone is as bold as you.

Brother, I made great efforts this time, and took out all the funds that could be used. "

Mu Hongzhong was scornful.

Hearing what Mu Hongzhong said, Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Mu, if you say other people are timid, I can still believe it.

With your guts, I definitely won't dare to compare with you. "

Chen Jianghai couldn't help joking with him.

However, Chen Jianghai knew that the funds provided by several other entrepreneurs were still within their control.

But the Mu Hongzhong in front of him was different.

Not only did he take out all the funds he could use, but he even borrowed a lot from someone in private.

As for how much interest, Chen Jianghai did not ask much.

But definitely not low.

Of course, Chen Jianghai is fully confident to help Mu Hongzhong and the others create at least 20% of their profits.

So it doesn't matter if you pay some interest.

Mu Hongzhong blushed slightly when he heard this, waved his hand and said, "Jiang Hai, why are you still making fun of me?"

Chen Jianghai completely understands Mu Hongzhong's worries.

After all, what is at stake now is the future of their company for a period of time in the future.

Chen Jianghai followed and comforted: "Don't worry, it will never be a loss."

Regarding Chen Jianghai's words, Mu Hongzhong could not be reassured.

It can be seen that Mu Hongzhong, who has always been courageous, is also a little uneasy at this time.

After seeing the information in the newspaper, Mu Hongzhong and the others knew how severe the financial crisis brought by Sotts was.

In this case, Chen Jianghai's words alone could not reassure him.

Even if he already vaguely knew that Chen Jianghai had made a lot of money following Sotts's back.

But this time it was the other way around to deal with Sotts. The more successful Sotts was before, the more terrifying he would be.

Seeing Mu Hongzhong's appearance, Chen Jianghai said very frankly: "In this way, you can go back and tell them that if there is an accident, I will pay for the funds they took out."

This sentence, Chen Jianghai said very confidently.

If ordinary people said this, Mu Hongzhong would definitely scoff at it.

Because Chen Jianghai said these words, it is estimated that everyone will be desperate to collect money.

Adding all these money together, does it mean that you can lose it if you lose it?

But the person who said this now is Chen Jianghai.

As for Chen Jianghai's strength, Mu Hongzhong had no doubts at all.

Qiuhai is now a Fortune 500 company.

The current Qiuhai is definitely a golden sign in China.

This golden signboard alone cannot be measured by money.

Mu Hongzhong clearly knew that Chen Jianghai also invested in many other industries.

The profits of these industries are definitely not a small amount.

Of course, there is no problem in compensating for Mu Hongzhong and the others.

Money is on the one and on the other hand, that is Mu Hongzhong's trust in Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai dared to say so, enough to see his confidence.

As long as Chen Jianghai has confidence, then Mu Hongzhong has no doubts about what he does.

Mu Hongzhong had known Chen Jianghai for a while, and he knew exactly who he was.

If there is no full confidence, Chen Jianghai will definitely not do this, so to speak.

Now that Chen Jianghai dared to make such a guarantee, then Mu Hongzhong would not have any worries.

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