Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1542: 0 states in the world

Chapter one thousand five hundred and forty-two

Afterwards, Mu Hongzhong directly relayed Chen Jianghai's words to the rest of the people.

After hearing this, they were all very surprised.

Why is Chen Jianghai so confident?

You must know that the current financial turmoil has had too many impacts.

Chen Jianghai dares to face Sotts at this time, is there any secret weapon?

It has to be said that no one is a fool to become a first-class entrepreneur in China.

They immediately guessed that Chen Jianghai dared to do this, and he must have relied on it.

However, what the specific reliance is, no one can guess.

They guessed right, Chen Jianghai did rely on it, and there were still many.

The first is his dragon fund, which is definitely a secret weapon.

Except for Fang Aiguo, even the traders he recruited did not know the true identity of the big boss behind the scenes.

The second is naturally to know that China will make every effort to support Xiangjiang against Sotts with a huge amount of foreign exchange.

Relying on these two points, it is enough for Sotts to drink a pot well.

Chen Jianghai brought so many people this time to give Xiangjiang a strong momentum.

As long as the people of Xiangjiang do not lose confidence in themselves, Xiangjiang will definitely win the final victory in this tough battle.

After all, in addition to the Hong Kong government, businessmen and ordinary people in Hong Kong also hold a huge amount of money.

As long as they still have confidence, don't panic, and unite as one, Sotts doesn't even want to please.

At this time, Sotts can be said to have achieved a great reputation with the previous series of operations.

Of course, his reputation is not very good.

It would be strange if the reputation of the so many countries was so miserable.

Many reporters went to interview, wondering if Sotts would feel guilty about his behavior.

Sotts is very proud of this.

He thinks that he is completely capable of doing such a thing.

After all, individuals challenge the country, and ordinary people don't even dare to think about it.

He was able to achieve the final success, enough to prove his success and ability.

As for those countries and people who have been damaged because of this, Sotts can only say that all this is a normal business behavior, and there is no right or evil.

And so many followers behind him have made enough capital, it can only be said that others are not smart enough to eat this dividend.

In the face of Sotts' bold speech, the people of Southeast Asia can be said to grit their teeth with hatred, and greeted his eighteenth generation ancestors in the bottom of their hearts.

However, all they can do is this, and then continue to live in misery, silently licking their wounds.

After the interview, Sotts began to prepare to attack Xiangjiang.

According to his estimation, he and the Dragon Fund, together with a bunch of speculators behind him, can have hundreds of billions of dollars in capital.

It's just that speculators have always chosen to follow suit, and it is absolutely impossible to run out and take the lead.

What Sotts has to do is to take the lead in attacking.

He took the lead with the Dragon Fund, and as long as those speculators saw an opportunity, they would surely swarm up.

In this way, Sotts' goal can be easily achieved.

All that's left is to harvest the wealth of Hong Kong and continue to enjoy the most sumptuous meal.

I have to say, Sotts' idea is still very good.

It's a pity that Chen Jianghai will tell Sotts at the right time, the idea is very beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Sotts' attack made the situation in Xiangjiang start to become chaotic.

On the first day of the attack, Sotts directly smashed an empty order of nearly 10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The Hong Kong government immediately convened an emergency meeting after learning about the matter.

The purpose of the meeting is also very clear, that is, Sotts must not succeed.

The 10 billion empty bills on the first day, the Hong Kong government took all of them without any hesitation.

It was also on this day that the prelude to the Hong Kong Financial Defense War officially kicked off.

Under such circumstances, the Hong Kong government must not be soft.

If it is soft, Sotts will definitely take advantage of it.

More importantly, the Hong Kong government did this to give people confidence.

They just want to use practical actions to tell everyone that it is not so easy for Sotts to attack Xiangjiang.

Faced with this situation, Sotts has long been surprised.

The previous countries all performed very tough on the first day.

Sotts knew that as time passed, these countries would definitely not be able to withstand this large number of empty orders.

Once the foreign exchange reserves bottom out, it will be time for them to conquer the city and gain the fruits of victory.

Of course, the first time Sotts attacked, many ordinary people actually didn't know it.

Their lives are still far from the foreign exchange market.

Even the recent rumors that Sotts is going to deal with Xiangjiang have only caused a burst of panic.

For ordinary people, life must go on, and it is time to eat and drink.

But early the next morning, the news of Sauters' attack on Xiangjiang spread throughout the entire Xiangjiang.

At this time, Xiangjiang can be said to be unstable.

Many people in Xiangjiang think that this time, Xiangjiang is going through a catastrophe.

Even if the Hong Kong government came forward to take the empty order in time, panic still bred in Hong Kong.

If Xiangjiang is really like several other countries, then the lives of these ordinary people are really in dire straits.

In this case, Huo Jiaxiang and Li Mingnan also made a joint voice.

They sternly denounced Sotts' behavior and firmly supported the Hong Kong government's decision.

No matter what Sotts wants to do in Xiangjiang, they will resist to the end at all costs.

The voices of these two highly respected rich people can be said to have given a lot of confidence to the local people in Hong Kong.

However, a businessman like Li Shengli was silent at this moment.

For this matter, Chen Jianghai can see through it.

Businessmen pay attention to interests. As long as the interests are in place, everything can be discarded.

Pure businessmen like Li Shengli and the others might even take this opportunity to benefit from it.

As for patriotism, it doesn't matter to them at all.

They don't care about the life and death of the people of Xiangjiang.

If Li Shengli really cared about the life and death of the people of Hong Kong, he would not have shared the area and kept looking for various excuses to raise electricity bills.

It can only be said that each person's attitude is different, and the decisions made are naturally different.

Huo Jiaxiang and the others have a country in their hearts.

What is done is of course the country.

As for personal interests, in the face of national interests, it can be completely sacrificed.

What they want is to make Hong Kong better.

Businessmen like Li Shengli, they feel that making money is the most important thing, and everything else is irrelevant at all.

Therefore, in the face of such a financial disaster, the land of Xiangjiang can be said to be full of human expressions.

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