Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2030: Easier said than done

Remember for a second【】

What does it mean to step through the iron shoes and have nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it, that's all!

After a lot of work, my mobile phone technician actually fiddled with a color screen.

Even if there are still problems that have not been solved, and it is not stable at present, it is still a great achievement.

Compared with the high-definition LCD color screen technology of the mobile phone in the island country, it is estimated that it is not much different.

You know, the one in the island country today also has problems that cannot be solved.

I just mentioned it briefly, while the island country spent a lot of energy and money on research.

Not to mention the treasure island, there is still no shadow at all.

All in all, Chen Jianghai is full of admiration for the technical staff of Eastern Communications.

Where there is reward, there is punishment, and when there is merit, there is reward.

This is the principle that Chen Jianghai has always been doing.

He thought for a moment, and then reminded Duan Yongping: "You first reward them verbally for me, they did a good job. I will give them the specific rewards in person."

"I'll go there tomorrow morning... Forget it, I'll go there now!"

Duan Yongping on the other end of the phone was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

He also felt once again how much Chen Jianghai valued this technology, and immediately arranged for relevant technical personnel to come over and convey Chen Jianghai's reward to them.

At the same time, waiting for the arrival of Chen Jianghai.

After Chen Jianghai briefly explained a few words to the entourage, he flew back to China by plane.

As soon as the plane landed, Chen Jianghai hurried to Dongfang Communications non-stop.

After coming here, it was actually late at night.

However, the waiting technicians did not complain about it, but felt that Chen Jianghai was a trustworthy and respectable boss.

People who do practical things are like this, and they never care about formal things.

The late-night inspection also showed that Chen Jianghai attached great importance to them.

Chen Jianghai didn't say much nonsense. He directly fulfilled his promise on the phone first, and rewarded these technical personnel with merit.

The reward is also a real thing. The leader who proposed the idea received 200,000 yuan, and the five members of the R&D team each received a bonus of 100,000 yuan.

This is absolutely unique in the country.

Whether it is a state-run unit or a private enterprise, it is unique to give out hundreds of thousands of bonuses at once.

What's more, the technology has not really matured yet, and they can get such a generous reward. These technicians are all excited.

After all, most people at this time earn only six or seven thousand a year, and the better ones are eight or nine thousand.

There may be more technicians, but their basic salary will never exceed 10,000 yuan.

Even if you add the usual performance and bonuses, it is quite amazing to be able to make 20,000 yuan in a year.

And Chen Jianghai directly rewarded the equivalent of several years of income, which naturally won the cheers of these technicians.

At this moment, they felt a sense of belonging to Chen Jianghai and Oriental Communications from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, everyone is secretly ruthless in their hearts, and we must further improve this technology. …

After all, they can also feel that Chen Jianghai attaches great importance to this technology.

Otherwise, they would not have rushed back in such a hurry, and given them such a huge reward.

After the bonus was distributed, Chen Jianghai glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "I have worked hard tonight, everyone, and I have to continue to work overtime. I need you to tell me in detail about the development progress of the high-definition LCD color screen of mobile phones. The future development is of great significance.”

The technicians naturally didn't mind this, and they all agreed.

With such a strong reward, let alone overtime, now let them do whatever they want.

In the next few hours, Chen Jianghai patiently listened to their reports and read the research and development results, which can be said to be fruitful.

What he didn't expect was that these technicians are really good, and without any external force, they have fiddled with the general principles of high-definition LCD color screens that can be used on mobile phones.

After all, color TVs have been popular for many years, and computers are starting to take off.

Everyone has seen a lot of color screens now, and they have the most basic understanding of two, five, and six color screens. It is nothing more than to reduce these things as much as possible, increase the resolution at the same time, and then convert them to the mobile phone screen.

Of course, these things are easier said than done.

As far as the high-definition LCD color screen they are tinkering with at present, it is not actually a mobile phone LCD color screen technology in the full sense.

It still has a lot of flaws to fix.

The main one is the material limitation.

For example, the LCD screen, now the world has more advanced LCD screen technology, if the mobile phone color screen is equipped with the latest LCD screen, some difficult problems will be solved.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai said to them: "I have already understood all your problems here. I will find all the most advanced materials in the world for you, and it will be much more convenient for you to study at that time."

"At the same time, I also have a top-secret information on the latest mobile phone color screen technology in the island country. You can also study it and learn from each other's strengths."

"This technology is very important to me, yes

^0^ One second to remember【】

Eastern Communications is also important. So I ask you to be a little bit, temporarily put aside other work at hand, and do your best to conquer this technology as quickly as possible. "

"The development of mobile phones is changing with each passing day, and the speed is too fast, so if we want to overtake in a corner, we must work overtime and race against time."

"Actually, I can tell you other countries are also racing against time to study this technology, hoping to be the first to come up with it."

"But now that we have such a good start, I hope that our company will be the first mobile phone factory that can research and release it."

"At that time, we, Eastern Communications, will shock the whole world and become a top mobile phone maker."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said confidently: "Today's reward is actually just an appetizer. If this technology can be successfully perfected and used on our pioneers, all of you here are the heroes of Eastern Communications."

"I, Chen Jianghai, never like to talk about something false, let alone draw a big cake with everyone like others."

"Your Duan can always testify that as long as this technology is really successfully completed, I will take out a 5% bonus of this technology as a bonus for your R&D team."

"With these bonuses, you can fully realize the value of your life, you can also retire early and enjoy life to the fullest."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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