Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2031: Can you come to my house?

Remember for a second【】

???? Those technicians who were holding back because of Chen Jianghai's generous reward just now were stunned when they heard this.

???? However, they soon recovered and quickly assured Chen Jianghai that the task would be completed.

???? After Chen Jianghai personally sent these technicians away, he turned around and found Duan Yongping to discuss with him carefully.

????According to Chen Jianghai's request, Duan Yongping will find a way to purchase all the most advanced materials for the research of high-definition LCD color screen of mobile phones.

???? At the same time, Chen Jianghai also asked Duan Yongping to personally discuss the possibility of cooperation with these manufacturers.

???? In a word, when this high-definition mobile phone LCD color screen technology has no problems and can be mass-produced, it is necessary to ensure that all raw materials are in place to keep up with production needs.

???? Duan Yongping nodded immediately and assured: "Mr. Chen, I understand, I promise to complete the task."

???? As long as it is for the future development of the Forerunner mobile phone, Duan Yongping will complete all the instructions of Chen Jianghai without complaint.

???? Chen Jianghai also gave him the authority to a large extent, so that he should not take into account the price, and should give priority to the purpose of technology being developed.

???? Many technologies require large investment, and Chen Jianghai has never been stingy in this regard.

???? Even if it is a temporary loss, he doesn't care.

???? Because he knows very well, it seems that he has suffered a small loss now, but as long as he can firmly hold the technology in his hands, he will earn back hundreds of times of profits in the future.

???? After all this was done, Chen Jianghai went to the hotel to sleep.

???? On the third day, he said goodbye to his wife and children, and when he returned to the Qiuhai Group headquarters, he learned that he had returned. Yue Hongsheng had been waiting in the office for a long time.

???? Yue Hongsheng came here in such a hurry, mainly because he wanted to report to Chen Jianghai the situation of cleaning up commercial espionage in the past few days.

???? In Yue Hongsheng's eyes, this is a very important matter.

???? can even affect the operation of the entire company to a large extent.

So he didn't dare to make his own opinions on many things, and he needed to listen carefully to Chen Jianghai's opinions.

???? Chen Jianghai heard it, and couldn't help feeling that Yue Hongsheng was too nervous.

???? In fact, with Yue Hongsheng's ability, he can handle these things very well by himself, and there is absolutely no need to ask for instructions.

Of course, Chen Jianghai is quite satisfied with Yue Hongsheng's attitude.

???? Let Yue Hongsheng be the big housekeeper of Qiuhai Group, which really relieved the boss of Chen Jianghai a lot.

???? After dealing with the company's affairs, Chen Jianghai decided to rest at home for a few days and quietly accompany Lin Wanqiu and the children.

???? However, life is unsatisfactory nine times out of ten, and his thoughts are wishful thinking after all.

???? Because Lin Wanqiu has been very busy recently.

???? The diaper that she and Bai Xiaoyue got into is the most important part of the distribution process. Every day, she is busy with her feet not touching the ground, and often she can return home very late.

???? Chen Jianghai was also very helpless for such a result.

???? After all, the product of getting diapers is still his own idea, and now it can only be said that he shot himself in the foot.

???? Father Chen Liye called and said that the ancestral hall in the village had been repaired. …

???? At the same time, according to Chen Jianghai's previous instructions, a lot of greening was also carried out around it, and it was transformed into another cultural landscape worth punching in Chenjia Village, as well as agricultural products and other things. advance.

???? Chen Liye couldn't help but ask Chen Jianghai if he wanted to take time to go back and have a look.

???? In this regard, Chen Jianghai didn't even think about it, and refused directly.

???? There is absolutely no need to make a trip to this trivial matter, it can be handled by the second uncle Chen Congjun.

???? Although Chen Liye really hopes that Chen Jianghai can go back, after all, this is the ancestral hall of the Chen family, and it is a major event for the entire Chen family.

????Chen Jianghai, as the pillar of the Chen family today, would be best if he could appear at the completion ceremony.

???? Of course, since Chen Jianghai refused, Chen Liye would not force it.

???? He also knew that his son was very busy, and also knew that Chen Jianghai didn't want to be too high-profile, so he chose to avoid it.

???? Otherwise, if Chen Jianghai does come back, he will not only attract a large number of leaders from the town and county, but also a large number of reporters.

???? At that time, it will go against the original intention.

???? Time hurried by like running water, and in a blink of an eye came the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the traditional Chinese New Year.

???? Early in the morning, Chen Jianghai received a call from Chen Shuyao.

???? When he saw the caller ID on the phone, he couldn't help frowning. He didn't know why the other party suddenly called him again.

???? Is there something wrong with the new winery...

???? Chen Jianghai quickly pressed the answer button and asked directly, "Shu Yao, is there something wrong with the winery when you called so early?"

???? "Jiang Hai, are you only thinking about the winery, do you know that today is a small year? You

^0^ One second to remember【】

Do you still remember what you promised me? "

???? Chen Shuyao's three consecutive questions, who were covering his face, made Chen Jianghai ask dumbfounded.

???? Why is this woman so angry in the morning!

???? But then he remembered that they had made an agreement to invite Chen Shuyao to dinner.

???? Chen Jianghai smiled and replied unhurriedly: "Of course I remember what I promised you! Isn't it just to eat, what do you want to eat? Just say it."

???? Chen Shuyao, who heard this, was a little relieved, ignoring the question about the winery that Chen Jianghai asked in the first sentence.

???? Sure enough, the creatures of women are hard to understand.

???? said, naturally it is to be done.

???? So Chen Jianghai planned to take Chen Shuyao to a restaurant with a good environment and good taste for a meal.

???? This is also a make up for her.

???? Besides, today is a relatively special day.

???? But what Chen Jianghai didn't expect was that Chen Shuyao refused.

???? I just heard her say directly: "It's boring to go to a restaurant to eat, why don't you go to my house, you can cook for me yourself, okay?"

????Chen Jianghai can cook, and his cooking skills are good.

???? Chen Shuyao also knows It's just that in normal times, Chen Jianghai rarely does anything.

???? As the saying goes, those who can work harder.

???? From another point of view, when one thing is done too well, it is often repeated.

???? For example, Bai Xiaoyue from before would find various reasons from time to time to come to his house to eat rice, and insisted that Chen Jianghai should cook.

???? Of course, Chen Jianghai didn't have much resistance to cooking in the kitchen.

???? However, as the company has grown and there are more things to do, sometimes after a busy day, when I get home, I don't have the time to go to the kitchen to cook.

???? Especially recently, his time in the kitchen is really getting less and less.

???? Chen Jianghai's eyelids twitched slightly when he heard that Chen Shuyao invited him to cook at home.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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