Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 538: best springboard

Chapter five hundred and thirty eight best springboard

Qiuhai is about to launch a brand new product, a DVD upgraded from the original vcd.

About this product, there are more detailed introductions on many TVs and newspapers that day.

Simply put, there are three sentences: DVDs are more advanced, the picture quality is clearer, and a single disc can hold more things.

Seeing the pricing of DVDs, many people suddenly realized why Qiuhai lowered the price.

Four thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight!

This is exactly the price of vcd before.

Everyone immediately understood that Qiuhai's price cut yesterday was to launch a new DVD product!

I have to say that Qiu Hai's move made many people not expect it.

After Zhou Houjian heard the news, he did not speak for a long time.

Liu Yingqi, who has always been very proud, suddenly lost his voice this time.

"How about it?

Do you still dare to look down on people? "

Zhou Houjian asked.

"Mr. Zhou, Chen Jianghai is really a scheming person. It's really terrible."

Liu Yingqi said very seriously.

"Then what did you learn from this incident?"

Zhou Houjian still values ​​Liu Yingqi very much. He hopes that Liu Yingqi can grow up faster and become the backbone of Hisense.

"No matter what you do, keep your back."

This is Liu Yingqi's answer.

"What about the company's operations?"

"I think in product development, you must be ahead of all opponents in order to take the initiative."

Hearing Liu Yingqi's answer, Zhou Houjian nodded with satisfaction and said slowly:

"In the end, Qiuhai can grow from a little-known small factory to a current upstart in electrical appliances, relying on the same thing."

"Mr. Zhou, is it foresight?"

Liu Yingqi couldn't help but say.

Zhou Houjian waved his hand and said, "No, it's the only product on the market!"

When Liu Yingqi heard this, he suddenly woke up. Qiuhai was able to get to where he is today because of this.

"I think our factory also needs to be reformed."

Zhou Houjian said meaningfully.

"Mr. Zhou, the pressure of reform is not small!"

Liu Yingqi said with a bit of concern.

"If we don't reform, we really won't be able to catch up with others."

Zhou Houjian looked out the window and said quietly.

The emergence of DVD has brought the domestic player market back into the hands of Qiuhai.

Basically all the big cities in the country, Qiuhai has been fully recognized.

In fact, the domestic market is not bad. The companies who just fought against Qiuhai are all small companies.

In foreign countries, pirated vcd has become a disaster.

If Chen Jianghai had not come up with an upgraded vcd, the overseas market would have shrunk significantly.

As for the upgraded vcd, imitations soon appeared in the foreign market at this time.

Once the market is invaded, it will be extremely difficult for Qiuhai to re-enter the international market.

But the advent of DVD has changed this situation.

Smith rushed over from abroad overnight and asked to meet Chen Jianghai early the next morning.

At this time, Chen Jianghai was still at home with his wife and children, and he hadn't even gone out yet.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Smith is here to find you."

Liang Haoyang called and said.

"Uh... so early?"

Chen Jianghai was a little surprised.

"Yeah, he looks like he's in a hurry."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai gave a slight sigh, and he could guess the reason why Smith came to him.

"Old Liang, tell him to wait a while, I'll be here soon."

That said, but after Chen Jianghai put down the phone, he continued to hold Xiao Huanhuan and amused.

Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but said, "Jiang Hai, isn't there someone waiting for you in the factory?

Why don't you hurry up? "

"Don't worry, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I'll be ready to eat, so don't worry."

Chen Jianghai said indifferently.

Since Chen Jianghai said so, Lin Wanqiu didn't press it any more.

In her opinion, no matter what her husband does, there must be his reasons.

After eating breakfast leisurely, Chen Jianghai set off to the factory.

Seeing Chen Jianghai walking into the office, Smith, who had an anxious face, stood up directly, walked up to him quickly, and blocked the other party directly at the door.

"Chen, I want to stock up!


Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, "Man, don't worry, let's sit down and talk!"


Smith quickly waved his hand: "Let's talk about the purchase first!"

"Okay, how much do you want to buy this time?"

Chen Jianghai asked with an ok gesture.

"Chen, I'm going to enter DVD this time, I want to enter this!"

Smith followed suit.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, "Smith, the shipping price of DVDs is a little higher than that of VCDs."

"Chen, as long as there is stock, money is not a problem!"

Smith said immediately.

"Smith, let's sit down and talk slowly."

Chen Jianghai pointed to the sofa and said.

"No no no, Chen, I'm in a hurry, I need goods now!"

Smith said very seriously, "As long as we have this batch of goods, our company's disadvantage in the market can be completely reversed."

"Okay, man, but as a rule we need cash to pick up."

Chen Jianghai said in a businesslike manner.

"Of course I know your rules, I have already brought the money."

Smith clapped the briefcase in his hand, apparently carrying a checkbook.

"How many do you want this time?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

"The more the better, I can't wait to spend all the money."

Smith grinned.

"Haha, since you are in such a hurry, I will arrange for someone to pick up the goods in Pingshan."

Chen Jianghai said.

"No, my people have already arrived in Pingshan. As long as we sign the contract here, they will pick up the goods at any time."

Smith said immediately.

"Okay, okay, then I'll ask someone to prepare the contract, wait a moment."

Chen Jianghai made a phone call and asked Liang Haoyang to come and arrange.

After the contract was signed, Smith paid the check on the spot, and left without leaving a meal.

It seems that the appearance of DVD this time has given him a lot of stimulation.

"Hongsheng, go check it out and see what happened to Smith's company."

Chen Jianghai could not help but exhorted.

Chen Jianghai saw all of Smith's abnormal performance.

In the past, Smith would not be in such a hurry to pick up the goods, there must be something wrong.

If there is a chance, Chen Jianghai wants to buy Smith's company.

In this way, this company can become the best springboard for the overseas export of Qiuhai products in the future.

Of course, the premise is that Smith's company is in a big situation.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any thoughts on Smith's company?"

Yue Hongsheng quickly guessed what the boss wanted to do.

"Yes, this is a great opportunity for us."

Chen Jianghai did not deny it, and simply replied.

"Mr. Chen, since you want to do this, why are you selling your products to them?"

Yue Hongsheng is a little If their company is not exhausted, how can the acquisition price be low? "

Chen Jianghai wanted to acquire foreign companies, but he didn't want to be taken advantage of.

This time, I just want to test it out to see how the company is doing now.

If the situation is not good, when the next time Smith comes, it will be time for Chen Jianghai to do it.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Yue Hongsheng also understood.

Chen Jianghai can always think of places he can't think of, and he is ashamed of this.

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