Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1289: : Controlling Yangping Pass

The battle in Lu Bu's military camp outside the city has come to an end. Under the densely surrounded by Lu Bu's army, Yang Ang and Yang Ren wanted to retreat. It was more difficult than climbing to the sky. Many soldiers directly threw their weapons on the ground. , Give up resistance, even if they give up, they can't see any hope.

Seeing this situation, Yang Ang and Yang Ren had no choice but to surrender. They still didn't want to die.

To Yang Ang and Yang Ren’s surprise, the flag at Yangping Pass was replaced with that of Jinhou, which meant that Yangping Pass had fallen into Lu Bu's hands. Overnight, Hanzhong, which had originally occupied a good situation, The army was defeated and lost Yangping Pass. The two of them did not wake up from the changes in Yangping Pass for a while.

As the army entered Yangping Pass, the resistance in the pass was gradually calmed down. As for Zhang Wei led the soldiers to escape from Yangping Pass, Lu Bu didn't care. As long as Yangping Pass could be broken, the rest would not be a concern, let Zhang After Wei returned to Hanzhong, he was able to spread the power of his army.

After being brought up in the Great Account of the Chinese Army, Yang Ang and Yang Ren saw Yang Bai standing among the generals and instantly understood everything in it.

Yang Ren gritted his teeth and said: "Yang Bai, Taishou Zhang treats you very well. I didn't expect you to be such a wolf-hearted person and betrayed Taishou Zhang."

"Hmph, Zhang Taishou didn't know the fate, and he tried to use Yangping Pass to fight against Jinhou's army. It was really ridiculous. This general had already taken refuge in Jinhou, but he was ignorant." Yang Bai snorted coldly.

"Sellers who ask for glory will surely die without a place to be buried in the future." Yang Ang cursed.

"You should consider your own safety." Yang Bai sneered.

The generals in the army saw this scene, but they did not have the slightest affection for Yang Bai. From Yang Bai’s face, they saw people who were not ashamed of sellers seeking glory. Since these characters can betray Zhang Lu, Tomorrow will betray Lu Bu.

Seeing Lu Bu appeared in the tent, the generals in the army stopped talking.

Lü Bu glanced around the tent and smiled: "These two must be the mighty generals of the Hanzhong Army, General Yang Ang and General Yang Ren, right?"

Yang Ang coldly snorted: "If Yang Bai hadn't taken refuge in Jin Hou, Jin Hou would want to break Yangping Pass."

Lu Bu sneered: "It seems that General Yang Ang is extremely confident in the Hanzhong Army. Doesn't you think that you can't defeat Yangping Pass with the soldiers and horses under Benhou?"

"Yangping Pass is dangerous, and the Hanzhong army is extremely elite. Otherwise, why hasn't the Jin Marquis' army been able to break through Yangping Pass?" Yang Ren asked rhetorically.

"Don't the two generals have figured out the key to it now?" Lu Buyan looked at Yang Ang and Yang Ren with a smile.

Yang Ren's heart moved. At first, the defenders of Yangping Pass were extremely alert to the army under Lu Bu. However, as the battle progressed, they gradually relaxed their vigilance against the army under Lu Bu, thinking that the army under Jin Hou But in this way, only then has the idea of ​​assaulting the enemy army.

"I don't know if the two generals are willing to take refuge in the prince. With the patience of the two generals, why not get an appointment in the prince's army." Lu Bu said lightly.

Yang Ang and Yang Ren struggled constantly in their hearts. Taking refuge in Lu Bu can indeed make their lives temporarily worry-free. However, they have become betrayers. They have just cursed Yang Bai, and in a blink of an eye they are doing the same thing. Doesn't it make others laugh.

"If you want to kill, you need to smash it. This general will definitely not take refuge in Jinhou." Yang Ang coldly snorted.

A stern look flashed in Lu Bu's eyes. After getting Yang Ang and Yang Ren, they can influence the situation in Hanzhong to a certain extent. It is not that Yang Ang and Yang Ren are so important. Come, pull Yang Ang out and behead the public."

"Here." After receiving Lü Bu's order, the two soldiers guarding outside the tent quickly walked into the big tent and pulled Yang Ang out. After a while, a scream was heard outside the tent.

Yang Ren was shocked. He originally thought that Lu Bu would persuade him more, but who knew that Lu Bu was so simple.

"At the end, he will be willing to join the Marquis of Jin." Yang Rendao.

"Well, with General Yang Ren, he will have a better chance of winning in Hanzhong. Come, let General Yang loose the tie." Lu Bu said.

Yang Bai looked at Yang Renyi's eyes contemptuously, and he just showed awe-inspiring righteousness. When things are coming, he is not afraid of death.

"This time, the ability to break the Yangping Pass is dependent on the life of the lieutenant generals, and General Yang Bai is even more indispensable." Lu Bu said.

Yang Bai smiled with joy, "It is an honor for the final general to serve the Marquis of Jin."

Lv Bu nodded slightly and said, "The order is to reward the three armies at Yangping Pass."

"Here." The general in the tent clasped his fists excitedly.

Although some of the generals had some doubts about Lu Bu's order, they still took their orders to leave.

After everyone dispersed, Lu Bu turned his attention to Pang Tongdao: "Now that Yangping Pass has been breached by our army, from Shiyuan's point of view, how likely is it for Zhang Lu to take refuge?"

"The is the gateway to Hanzhong. After Yangpingguan is lost, Hanzhong will inevitably be shaken, and Zhang Lu is obsessed with the Five Dou Mijiao. If the lord Xu Zhiyi is to benefit, Zhang Lu will definitely take refuge in the lord. "Pang Tongdao, he still has confidence in Zhang Lu's refuge. Before he was sent to Hanzhong, Zhang Lu's performance was vacillating, but the family in Hanzhong didn't want to give up the interests in their hands, so they had Yangpingguan Zhangwei led by Zhang Wei. The Hanzhong army confronted the situation, once Yangping Pass was breached, the Hanzhong family had to think more about it, not to mention that there were people from Qin Tian pushing from it. As a result, Zhang Lu was more likely to take refuge.

Lv Bu nodded and said, "Zhang Lu has a great influence among the people of Hanzhong, and he must be treated with caution. What this lord needs is a stable Hanzhong."

"If the lord agreed to let Zhang Lu spread the Five Dou Rice Sect under the rule, Zhang Lu would definitely not refuse." Pang Tong said suddenly.

Lü Bu pondered for a while: "Shi Yuan, I heard that the people of the Five Dou Rice Sect were extremely enthusiastic about Zhang Lu, and he was willing to die for Zhang Lu. It was for this reason that Liu Zhang could hardly break Hanzhong. If the Five Dou Rice Sect is spread under the rule, it is difficult to guarantee that it will breed ambition. At that time, Zhang Lu controls a large number of people. Even Benhou has to be careful when dealing with Zhang Lu. In fact, the Five Dou Rice Sect is the same as Zhang Jiao’s original yellow scarf. , All for the people, once this power is controlled by someone with a heart, it will be a huge disaster for the governance."

"The lord's words are true, just because his subordinates lacked consideration." Pang Tong's expression changed drastically. Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion has been quelled for many years, there are still yellow Turbans active in the land of the princes, which shows how much the Yellow Turban Rebellion caused the Dahan. s damage. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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