Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1290: : Hanzhong Vibration

"But Benhou can promise to let Zhang Lu do this, but he needs to follow Benhou's orders." Lu Bu said slowly.

"Lord..." Pang Tong hesitated to say something before Lu Bu talked about the harm Zhang Lu might cause, but instead he wanted to surrender Zhang Lu under these conditions, which really made Pang Tong a little confused.

"When the Great Han was prosperous, Buddhism once went to the Great Han and won the trust of the Han emperor. Then Buddhism has made great progress. Nowadays, under the war, the power of Buddhism has been greatly weakened, and Zhang Jiao can have a strong presence among the people. Such high prestige is due to the Taiping Dao." Lu Bu said: "This incident shows that the people under the rule need to have faith. As a monarch, they can influence the people’s faith to a certain extent. If they can be used properly, they will It will make the governance more stable."

Pang Tong's eyes lit up, and he said, "The lord is wise."

After a moment of silence, Pang Tong said, "Lord, his subordinates are willing to go to Nanzheng to persuade Zhang Lu to join the lord."

Lu Bu said: "Senior Yuan is the arm of the prince, how can he be in danger. Even if Zhang Lu is unwilling to take refuge, the prince has absolute confidence that he can defeat Zhang Lu."

Pang Tong’s heart warmed. "After the Lord’s promise, his subordinates will be more confident when they go to Nanzheng. When Yangping Pass is breached, Zhang Lu will definitely be able to see the situation. Until the last moment, Zhang Lu will not harm his subordinates. It's coming, and Nan Zheng has Qin Tian's commander on the sidelines, so there won't be any mistakes."

Seeing Pang Tong’s firm tone, Lu Bu said: “Since Shiyuan wants to go to Nanzheng, he needs to pay attention to his own safety. The city of Nanzheng must be extremely complicated at this time. Take the opportunity to cause chaos."

"Here." Pang Tong arched his hands.

"General Dianwei, you lead fifty guards to protect the integrity of the scholar." Lu Bu cast his gaze to Dianwei.

Dian Wei hesitated a little, still clasped his fists.

"Lord, the leader of Dianwei is the lord's personal guard, responsible for protecting the safety of the lord." Pang Tong hurriedly said, this trip to Hanzhong is a dangerous thing, Dianwei has a high status in the army.

Lu Bu waved his hand and said, "Ben Hou promised to let Shi Yuan go to Nanzheng, he must ensure the safety of Shi Yuan, and if things go wrong, he will return to the army as soon as possible."

"Here." Pang Tong arched his hands again.

Zhang Wei led the defeated soldiers and returned to Nanzheng with more than two thousand people. The turmoil caused in the city can be imagined. According to the previous news from Yangping Pass, the war was extremely beneficial to Hanzhong. I did not expect it to be only a few days in the past. The Yangping Pass fell into the hands of Lu Bu. Yangping Pass was the most important pass in Hanzhong. Losing Yangping Pass meant that the enemy soldiers and horses would be able to drive straight into the hinterland of Hanzhong.

The dangers of Yangping Pass are also well known. Liu Zhang tried many times to break through Yangping Pass to capture Hanzhong, all of which were defeated.

Zhang Wei recounted the details of the war in Yangping.

After listening, the civilian officers and generals in the court fell into silence, while Yang Song felt a sense of anxiety. The reason why Yang Bai turned to Lu Bu at a critical moment was because of his suggestion. This is also related to a mysterious figure from the Yang family. A lot of connections, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for the Yang family to take a huge risk to choose Lu Bu just by relying on Pang Tong’s words and the jewelry he brought.

The rise of the Yang family in Hanzhong has a lot to do with the help of those mysterious people. If it weren’t for these people, the Yang family was annexed by other aristocratic families. For these mysterious people, Yang Song’s fear can be imagined. According to Yang Song's knowledge, many families in Hanzhong were implicated in these mysterious people. The strength of these people was extremely terrifying. It was not that no family wanted to get rid of the control of these people, but without exception suffered bitter revenge.

Zhang Lu turned his gaze to Yang Song and said, "I don't know what Mr. Yang thinks about this matter?" Speaking of this, Zhang Lu's eyes flashed with killing intent. After all, Yang Bai was a member of the Yang family. He did not believe that Yang Bai had secretly sought refuge in Lu Bu. Yang Song didn't notice it at all.

The people in the field also turned their eyes to Yang Song, for those who gloat for misfortune, and those who worry about it.

Yang Song went out and said: "Lord, Yang Bai went to Jin Hou, but his subordinates did not know before, otherwise they would definitely not let Yang Bai go to Yangping Pass. If his subordinates see Yang Bai, he will definitely be killed. There are no such rebellious people in the family."

These awe-inspiring words made many people feel sympathy for Yang Song’s experience. If Yang Song instructed Yang Bai to seek refuge in Lu Bu, how could he stay in Nanzheng with peace of mind? It seems that Yang Bai made a temporary intention for his own sake. Privately, the Yang family fell into disaster.

Zhang Lu seemed to understand the truth, and looked at Yang Song calmly. Over the years, Yang Song has helped him tremendously, and he also trusts Yang Song quite a bit.

"Now that the Jin Hou has settled Yangping Pass, he will definitely send troops to attack Through the war outside Yangping Pass, it can be found that the Jin Hou's army is no more than you. You only need to hold Nanzheng to resist Jin Hou's army. It's not a problem." Yang Song said, although he had the intention to persuade Zhang Lu to seek refuge with Lu Bu at this time, he couldn't say it, otherwise he would definitely be suspicious of Zhang Lu.

Zhang Wei's face was ashamed. "The message passed by the humble post was wrong before. The soldiers and horses under the Jin Hou's command were brave and good at fighting, and they were extremely powerful."

There was a lot of discussion in the field. The reason why they were not worried about the situation in Hanzhong before was because the news from Yangping Pass made them feel at ease, but the Yangping Pass that they rely on now fell into the hands of the enemy. The weak enemy suddenly Become tough.

"Let's elaborate." Zhang Lu's expression was a little heavy, and he was shocked by the unexpected news one after another. After receiving the news about the foreign war in Yangping Pass, Zhang Lu was indeed a little grateful. It also lacks sufficient attention.

"The soldiers under Jinhou’s army were extremely brave. The subordinates speculated that at the beginning, outside Yangping Pass, Jinhou deliberately weakened his soldiers and made our army neglect to take precautions. As a result, he had a surprise attack on the enemy’s barracks, which made Jinhou easy. After breaking through the Yangping Pass, his subordinates once led the army to encounter the soldiers of the Jin Hou in the Yangping Pass. These soldiers are not only elite, but they are not afraid of death. When fighting, they are not weaker than the people in the religion." Speaking of this, Zhang It was difficult to conceal the panic in Wei's expression. It was obvious that the battle at Yangpingguan had left a deep impression on him.

"It's just Jin Hou's opportunistic tricks. Otherwise, Jin Hou wants to break through Yangping Pass with the elite of Hanzhong soldiers. It will be easier said than done." Yan Pu coldly snorted. Contemptuously. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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