Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 407: : Assassination (Part 1)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Zhuge Liang's face is contemplative.

"If Kong Ming is interested in Bingzhou, why did he deliberately embarrass the Marquis of Jin yesterday? From the look of the Marquis of Jin, as a teacher, you can see that the Marquis of Jin attaches great importance to Kong Ming." Sima Hui asked with a smile.

"A person who is a human being, Taishan collapsed without changing his face. Jinhou can be irritated by a few words from his disciples. After all, he is a martial artist. Besides, Bingzhou is full of talents. Even if the disciples arrive in Bingzhou in the future, it will be difficult for them to be reused." Zhuge Liang Sigh, but he still likes Lu Buci's words.

"I think that the Marquis of Jin is a man of true temperament, and he is filial and arrogant, but he can be reused under the command of the Marquis of Jin. Jin Marquis is also outstanding, but this time Shuijing Villa may really offend the Marquis of Jin. Now." Sima Hui sighed.

"The Marquis of Jin is in charge of the state and is thousands of miles away from Jingzhou, so why worry about your teacher?" Zhuge Liang persuaded.

Seeing Lu Bu appeared, Dianwei stepped forward anxiously. He has been guarding the outside of Shuijing Villa for the past two days, serving as a guard for Shuijing Villa for free. The guards and flying eagles are indeed very hard.

"Lord, is there no one willing to go to Bingzhou?" Dian Wei asked when seeing Lu Bu still appearing with Guo Jia.

"They didn't know Bingzhou, it was their fault." Lu Bu looked back at the Shuijing Villa in the distance, and slowly said, "The strong Bingzhou, why look at the faces of these literati."

"The lord is saying that those literati talk about it at every turn, and it's boring to look at." After Dianwei finished speaking straightforwardly, he suddenly thought that Guo Jia was still there, and hurriedly added: "Of course, the fourth brother will not talk to them. The same, the fourth brother is suave, handsome, and personable..."

"Okay, let's go back." Lu Bu interrupted Dian Wei.

Guo Jia glared at Dian Wei and followed.

"Oh, this is my mouth." Dian Wei showed a bitter expression and faced Liu Qi that day. Because of a single sentence, it caused a lot of things to come. It seems that he will talk less in the future.

"General, what's the matter?" a guard asked.

"The general suddenly remembered that the training of the personal guards was a bit lacking. After returning to the army, the training doubled." Dian Wei left the guards stunned and hurried to catch up.

Inexplicably, Lu Bu felt a palpitating heart. This is a feeling that he has never experienced since he came to Dahan. Only when he was facing the danger of life and death when performing special tasks before, this is the instinct to walk on the edge of life and death all year round.

Dian Wei also kept watching the surroundings. This time there were only 20 guards, and there were also 20 flying eagle soldiers secretly guarding. This is also the reason why Lu Bu did not let the princes know that he left Xiangyang. After all, it was In Jingzhou, you must be extra careful in everything.

Lu Bu reached out his hand to stop the marching team, and looked around suspiciously. The nearby bushes were lush and very quiet.

"All down!" Lu Bu suddenly shouted. After falling, he looked at Guo Jia who was unsure of himself. He hurriedly took Guo Jia's leg and pulled it back. The dense arrows roared right after Lu Bu fell. The sound of breaking through the air is wrapped in it.

Twenty guards lost half in this sudden arrow rain.

Lu Bu dragged Guo Jia down, but it was still a step too late. An arrow pierced Guo Jia's shoulder, making his pale face even paler.

"Bong Xiao." Looking at the clothes soaked in blood, Lu Bu's voice was full of anxiety.

"Lord, there is nothing wrong with the subordinates, hurry up and take people away." Guo Jia's voice trembled a little, obviously suffering from huge pain.

"Crossbow arrows?" Lu Bu's face sank. Compared with bows and arrows, crossbow arrows are more difficult to dodge. The speed of crossbow arrows is not only fast but also extremely accurate. Judging from the density of crossbow arrows just now, Lu Bu concluded that there are at least 30 enemies nearby.

"General Dian takes good care of Fengxiao, and Benhou will come as soon as he goes." Lu Bu walked quickly in the direction where the crossbow arrow struck.

"General Dian, stop the lord quickly and don't take risks." Guo Jia's eyes were full of worry.

"You protect the military division, I will follow the lord to see who is it?" Dian Wei's anger was beyond resurrection, he could understand Lu Bu's mood.

Three crossbow arrows attacked Lü Bu. Lü Bu coldly snorted, and pressed his right hand on the Qingyan Sword to draw the sword and block at extremely fast speed.

The three crossbow arrows lost their strength and fell to the ground. The strength from the crossbow arrows made Lu Bu even more surprised. These crossbow arrows are obviously more powerful than ordinary crossbow arrows.

After a rustling sound, more than a dozen people in black walked out of the bushes, even their faces were wrapped in black scarves, and the weapons in their hands were all long swords.

Looking around, Lu Bu's brows furrowed tightly, and his eyes were even sharper. Not far away were two soldiers with flying eagles, which were obviously what the people in front of him called.

"Who are you? How dare you attack Benhou." Lu Bu coldly Kill! "With an order, the man in black slaughtered towards Lu Bu.

These people are obviously very good at the art of combined attack. Five of them besieged Lu Bu, while the others faced the angry Dian Wei. There were also two men in black who watched quietly from the side, with an extra crossbow in their hands. .

"Dead!" Lu Bu shouted angrily, and a blue light flashed. Under his anger, this blow used 90% of the strength. The Blue Nightmare sword directly split the long sword in the hands of a black man. Yi Ren cut into two pieces directly, and the spewing blood wet Lu Bu's stern face.

The four men in black looked at each other, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Due to the Blue Nightmare Sword in Lu Bu's hand, the four men in black did not choose to face Lu Bu head-on, and then continued to fight.

Lu Bu could feel the exquisiteness of the swordsmanship of these men in black. The four men besieged, and it turned out to be dripping. Even if one of them could be killed, the other three were able to pierce their long swords into their bodies.

The four long swords stabbed at Lu Bu at the same time. At this moment, the man in black who had been watching quietly also raised the crossbow in his hand. He was waiting for such a chance to kill with one blow.

Dian Wei also discovered the danger of Lv Bu, shouted, and the flying halberd came out. Another man in black who had been quietly waiting to see the flying halberd held his sword to face the flying halberd. The speed of the flying halberd was too fast. , Slid past the man in black's long sword and pierced into his chest, and the flying halberd also lost its strength.

Dian Wei did not expect that these men in black would have such means and courage. In anger, the double halberds flew and suppressed the five men in black.

The crossbow arrows and the long swords of the four men in black reached Lu Bu's side almost at the same time, "ding ding..." The five consecutive clear voices stunned the man in black holding the crossbow. The four long swords were divided into two sections, and the ambition was to win. The crossbow arrows also fell weakly to the ground.

4 more

(End of this chapter)

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