Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 408: : Assassination (Part 2)

At the moment when the people in black lost their senses, a blue light flashed in front of them, and the four fell helplessly in a pool of blood.

Lu Bu, with blood on his face and holding the Blue Nightmare sword, is invincible in the eyes of the man in black at this moment. The man in black with the crossbow in his hand is full of shock. This kind of force is obviously beyond his. Imagine.

There was a rustling sound from a distance, the face of the man in black holding a crossbow arrow changed slightly, and he shouted, nearly twenty crossbow arrows attacked Lu Bu, while the man in black took advantage of the situation and rushed into the bushes. Facing such a situation, Lu Bu could only block his sword with his sword, glaring at the man in black as he went away.

The men in black who besieged Dianwei, withdrew their hands at the same time, and withdrew to the nearby bushes.

Dian Wei snorted, and there were two more flying halberds in his hands. Two men in black who were running away fell to the ground.

Lu Bu could feel that the man in black had been withdrawn. When he returned to the original place, the ten guards that were left were also five fallen. Beside them, there were three soldiers with flying eagles. .

The intrepidity of these men in black shocked Lu Bu. When did he provoke such an enemy, it can be seen from the opponent's shots that they are a group of well-trained killers, and even the flying eagle soldiers smashed their halberds in their hands. , Lu Bu has always trusted the Flying Eagle soldiers very much. If it weren't for the sense of danger at the time, I'm afraid that more people would fall here.

"Bong Xiao, how are you?" Lu Bu hurriedly stepped forward.

"Lord, search these people in black to see if they can be found." Guo Jia said weakly.

"Fengxiao, don't talk." Lu Bu hurriedly said. Guo Jia's body is inherently weak. This is what Lu Bu is most worried about.

Dian Wei took two guards and searched the men in black. Except for a crossbow and a long sword each, these men in black had nothing else on them. They were knocked down by Dian Wei's halberd. The two men in black chose to commit suicide.

"Let the flying eagle soldiers guard the surroundings." Lu Bu ordered, and then proficiently stopped Guo Jia's bleeding, but there were silhouettes flashing in his mind. The most suspicious one was Jingzhou. On the territory of Jingzhou, there was only Liu Biao. Have such strength.

The fire light ran across the tip of the blue night sword, bursting with blue light, and then Lu Bu cautiously cut the flesh around the arrow with the sword.

"Fengxiao, hold back." Lu Bu's hand holding the crossbow arrow was also a little trembling.

A **** arrow came out, and Guo Jia, who clenched his teeth, also let out a cry of pain, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Looking at the crossbow arrow, Lu Bu's face became even more gloomy. The arrow was actually poisonous, and the blood flowing out was a little dark.

"Bring the antidote and water." Lu Bu calmed down. No matter where the people in black were, saving Guo Jia was the most important thing. The two were not only monarchs and ministers, but also brothers.

Dian Wei also discovered Guo Jia's abnormality, and looked anxiously pacing back and forth.

Seeing Lu Bu leaning toward Guo Jia's arrow wound, Dianwei hurriedly stopped and said, "Master, let the subordinates come down."

Lu Bu shook his head. Dian Wei must have never done such a thing before. It seems simple to remove toxins, but in fact, there is no room for any mistakes. "Second brother is on the sidelines."

On the battlefield, facing the enemy's sword face, Dian Wei's eyes were moist.

A mouthful of black blood was spat aside by Lu Bu.

The guards also watched this scene in a daze. In their hearts, Lu Bu was a high-ranking prince of Jin, but Lu Bu personally drew poisonous blood for his subordinates, but it was difficult for them to calm their hearts.

After washing his mouth carefully, he applied the medicine to Guo Jia's wound, and Lu Bu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lord, all the five people who were investigating the news by Flying Eagle have died. This time, the guards have lost 15 people, and Flying Eagle has lost eight people." Dian Wei's voice was low and full of anger, as Lu Bu's. The personal guard leader, has he ever suffered such a dark loss, the most important thing is that these people hurt Guo Jia.

"What can you find from the man in black?"

"Master, the man in black has nothing but crossbow arrows and long swords."

Lu Bu walked to a man in black, and after a closer inspection, he was about to leave, but found a scar four inches above the back of the man in black, which looked like a sword, and walked to another black man. A scar of the same shape was found at the same location beside Yiren, and he thought about it. This is probably the most useful clue left by the person in black. It's just an ordinary person, how can the four inches above the back of his hand be exposed? , It is extremely difficult to explore.

Guo Jia Youyou woke up, it was already a day later, he looked around blankly, saw Dian Wei guarding the side, and hurriedly asked: "Where is the lord?"

"The lord is outside. After the military division was in a coma yesterday, the lord found a house nearby." Dian Wei stopped talking. He wanted to tell Guo Jia what happened yesterday, but thinking of Lu Bu's order, he had to give up.

What a savvy figure Guo Jia, Dian Wei is not like this in normal times. Under his questioning, Dian Wei had to tell the truth, but repeatedly told Guo Jia that he never wanted to say it.

Zhao Shu learned of what happened hurried over from Xiangyang.

"These people are all masters of swords. They are expected to be people in the world. Four inches above the back of their hands, there is a clear sword-like scar." Lu Bu slowly said.

"The subordinate will check it out." Zhao Shu clasped his fists and left.

"Zhao Shu, explore the surroundings, especially the Shuijing Villa." Lu Bu said. Just after leaving the Shuijing Villa, he met the assassin. How could there be such a coincidence, besides, he also left Xiangyang secretly.

"Here." Zhao Shu clasped his fists in a low voice. These assassins also angered the flying eagle leader.

The first miss was still forgivable, but this time, it was Feiying's lack of strength, and the unprofitable Feiying actually lost eight people.

"Thank you for taking in." Lu Bu arched his hands.

The old man hurriedly said, "The general is polite. I wonder if the general is going to Xiangyang?"

"Exactly, if you have anything to do with the old man, just speak up."

"The Caomin has a son. In the Xiangyang army, it was also accidentally learned that the Caomin was old and unaccompanied in Xiangyang, and the dog had not returned for many years. The Caomin missed it very much, so he asked someone to write a letter and The two pairs of shoes were handed over to Dog by General Trouble." The old man looked at Lu Bu eagerly.

"This matter is simple, I don't know the name of Linglang?" Lu Bu asked.

"Inuzi Li Hu, he has any position in the army, but Cao Min doesn't know it."

"Do your best below."

"Thank you General." The old man hurriedly thanked.

Feeling the perseverance in the care of the old man, Lu Bu sighed secretly, how many soldiers have fallen on the battlefield forever in the ardent expectation of their relatives. Although their relatives are concerned, they still hope that their children are still alive.

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(End of this chapter)

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