Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 948: Surprise

In a blink of an eye, the wave of Sanlangqiang slammed into the Qin Army's defense line fiercely, and the astonishing sound of impact sounded into one piece. The rushing crowd was amazing, and the Qin Army's defense line seemed to collapse in an instant! However, the ferocious wave was quickly contained, and tens of thousands of horses were crowded in front of the Qin Army's line to advance! The Qiang people couldn't help getting annoyed and slashed towards Qin Jun with their spears and swords one after another. The ping-pong and loud noises rang into one, and all their attacks hit Qin Jun's shield!

Seeing that the fierce impact of his warriors had been blocked by his opponents, Wu Tun was shocked and angry. He wielded a machete and roared again and again, and he kept calling his officers and soldiers to charge! The surging crowd gathered in front of the Qin army line, and the violent flood roared and roared in front of the solid dam, but it could not break through the barrier of the dam!

At this moment, the originally strong Qin Army's defense line separated by itself. The Qiang people thought their opponents could not resist, they couldn't help letting out cheers, rushing in from the gap! However, there was a loud rumbling noise from the front. The Qiang warriors couldn’t help but look up, and saw ten thousand horses galloping chariots like a tide, hundreds of huge chariots rushing from the mountains and the sea, the whole earth seemed to be trembling Woke up! Have the Qiang people ever seen such an aura? Many people are shocked!

In a blink of an eye, a torrent of chariots crashed into the Qiang people, like a surging wheat field, and the Qiang people were swept to the ground like wheat in the torrent! Trampled by iron hoofs and crushed by chariots, that is simply the unstoppable terrible heavenly power! Before the Qiang who fell to the ground could get up, he was swept off by the long sharp blade mounted on the axle, and the blood soaked the earth! Amid the loud rumbling noise, the screams were earth-shaking. Facing this chariot torrent, the Qiangs could not resist at all, and the whole army was shaken! Hundreds of huge chariots lined up all directions, destroying everything in front of them! The flesh and blood of the Qiang is completely vulnerable to this chariot torrent, and the scene is full of tragic sights of flesh and blood flying! A Qiang rushed forward with a long spear and yelled, and slammed a shot on the horse. However, the heavily armored horse was unharmed. Then the chariot galloped up and knocked the Qiang warrior to the ground. Rolling past, his screams were submerged on this chaotic battlefield; on the other side, a group of Qiang warriors formed a defensive line with shields to try to withstand the impact of the chariot. In an instant, the chariot was heavy. The ground hit their defensive line, like a hot knife slicing butter, the chariot smashed the defensive line formed by the Qiang people in a hurry, and then rolled over, screaming. ! The Qiang people backed back again and again, they couldn't stop the advance of the chariot at all! Wu Tun Lihou repeatedly called his officers and soldiers to resist, not to retreat! However, the military spirit has been shaken, and everyone has subconsciously retreated!

Bai Qiao and Bai Ma Qiang's people who watched the battle in the distance saw such a scene, all of them were amazed, and their faces looked scared. Bai Qiao couldn't help muttering to himself: "It's amazing! It's amazing! Such a fierce offensive is simply like a **** angry! No wonder, it's no wonder that Lu Bujun is invincible in the Central Plains!

Hundreds of chariots have already rushed into the wolves into panic! At this moment, Qin Jun thought of the loud rumbling drums. Immediately, Ai Lang personally led the Qin Army's infantry to launch an offensive. The officers, soldiers and soldiers followed the chariot and entered the enemy group, slaughtering drastically and fiercely. Only a tragic scene of flesh and blood flying across the scene! Shenlangqiang could no longer hold on. As some people turned to escape, after a while, the whole Shenlangqiang lost his helmet and armor and turned and fled! Seeing this scene, Bai Qiao immediately ignored Wu Tun and others, and immediately led his Bai Ma Qiang to retreat. Before Shen Lang Qiang escaped, the people of Bai Ma Qiang had already escaped. Seeing this, Wu Tun couldn't help cursing loudly.

Ai Lang led the Qin army all the way to pursue and kill for more than ten miles until the sun was about to set, and then returned to the city. At this time, the corpses were everywhere on the ground outside the city, and the wolves who participated in this battle could be described as heavy casualties! Shen Lang Qiang and Bai Ma Qiang retreated to more than twenty miles away, and saw that Qin Jun hadn't chased them anymore, they stopped retreating. Immediately the two Qiangs and horses set up their camps separately. Baima Qiang is in the north of the mulberry forest, while Shenlangqiang camps in the south of the mulberry forest.

Bai Qiao, the leader of Baima Qiang, and his men sat under a big mulberry tree, lit a bonfire, and discussed the current situation. A chief could not help saying: "I don't think we should unite with Liu Bei. Liu Bei is a defeated officer of Lu Bu, and we have all seen how powerful Lu Bu's army is today! If we continue to unite with Liu Bei, sooner or later we will suffer! Liu Bei promised It’s impossible to realize the benefits!” The other leaders thought of the terrifying sights on the battlefield today, and they all nodded in agreement, thinking that it was not a wise move to help Liu Bei. Bai Qiao's face was thoughtful, but he didn't speak.

At this time, there was a noise in the distance. Bai Qiao was in a bad mood at first. Hearing the noise, he was immediately displeased. He raised his head and followed the sound, but he saw that Wu Tun took a few people to the outside of his camp, and he was talking with his guards. Quarrelsome. Bai Qiao frowned, and couldn't help but say: "It's not good, no! This bull must have come to trouble me!" Then he was a little bewildered and said, "How can this be good?" The thin leader immediately said, "Shan Yu, this is a great opportunity!"

It is said that Ailang repelled the Qiang in one fell swoop and returned to the city in vain. After patrolling in front of the chariot convoy, he smiled and said: "I didn't expect our chariot force to have such a powerful force, and it surpasses the armored cavalry!" This chariot troop was formed not long ago by Ailang and belongs to the tiger cavalry. The sequence, commanded by Dianwei, currently has only 300 armored chariots, but there are 1,500 soldiers. This kind of tank is the result of Huang Yueying's genius transformation. Unlike traditional tanks, it is not only hard to be damaged by the armored sword, but also the wheels have undergone special reinforcement treatment, and the terrain adaptability has been greatly improved compared with the previous tanks! Originally, on the uneven terrain around Hanyang, the tank could not be used, but this special armored tank was used without any problems. Today’s battle can be said to be the full use of the tank’s power. .

Ellen is considering whether this tank can replace the armored heavy cavalry? Finally denied this idea. Although this tank is more powerful than heavy cavalry, it can be used in very limited occasions. Moreover, the price of equipment for a tank and the five soldiers attached to it exceeds the price of equipment for three heavy cavalry. And the cost of support is also several times that of the armored warrior, so it is obviously more cost-effective to use the armored warrior where it can be used. Furthermore, although the adaptability of this tank improved by Huang Yueying has been greatly improved, it still cannot be compared with the adaptability of the armored warrior. On many occasions, the field can only rely on the armored heavy cavalry. In general, there are advantages between the two, and no one can replace the other!

While Ailang was thinking about these issues, Dianwei suddenly stepped forward. Ailang withdrew his thoughts when he heard his heavy footsteps and looked up. I saw Dianwei strode forward and clasped his fists and said: "Master, the Qiang people are here again!" Ai Lang was greatly surprised, smiling and joking: "Is it because I think that being killed by us in the daytime today is not fun enough? So I ran here again at night to find a smoke?" Then he shouted: "The order goes on, the whole army assembles, and I go out!"

Before long, the city gate opened wide, and Ailang led tens of thousands of people out of the city and quickly lined up into an army to prepare for battle.

Just when Ailang was about to order an attack. Several people suddenly rushed to the Qiang people. The leader was Bai Qiao, the leader of Bai Ma Qiang, and the one behind him was tied to the back of the horse by the backhand, and it was Wu Tun, the leader of Sanlang Qiang. Seeing this scene, Ai Lang only felt inexplicable and temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​attacking.

In a short while, the few people led by Bai Qiao came to the Qin Army and stopped. Bai Qiao shouted at Ai Lang, who was immediately under the banner of the big banner, and shouted: "His Royal Highness, the villain has captured Wu Tun and dedicated it to King Qin!" Ai Lang Yang said, "Let them in." The officers and soldiers in front. Immediately separated by a passage, Bai Qiao immediately led Wu Tun, who was **** by Wu Hua Da, into the Qin Army's army until Ai Lang's horse.

Bai Qiao quickly turned over and got off his horse, knelt down in front of Ailang's horse, and bowed to Ailang with the Qiang worshipping the gods: "Meet His Royal Highness King Qin!" Ailang smiled and said, "No need to pay more." Bai Qiao quickly thanked him. , And then stood up. At this moment Wu Tun suddenly yelled and cursed: "Bai Qiao! You cowardly trash! We Qiang's face has been lost by you!" Ailang frowned and shouted, "Let him shut up!" Dian Wei immediately stepped forward and slammed Wu Tun's head with a punch. Wu Tun passed out with his eyes turned and fell to the ground. Immediately went up to the two palace soldiers to stand up Wutun and wait for Ailang to fall.

Ai Lang looked at Bai Qiao, who looked trembling and trembling, and asked with a smile: "Do you mean to surrender to me?" Bai Qiao quickly said, "Exactly! His Royal Highness King Qin's hero is the world's greatest hero, and it must be the **** of heaven! Only talented, willing to serve under King Qin's command, in order to emulate the work of dogs and horses!"

Ellen laughed. Bai Qiao didn't know what Ai Lang meant, and looked at Ai Lang at a loss. Ailang stopped smiling and said to Bai Qiao, "It's good that you made a wise choice. I won't let you regret this choice." He got off his horse and walked to Bai Qiao. Bai Qiao couldn't help hanging his head down again, feeling a little at a loss.

Ailang patted Baiqiao on the shoulder, and said, "I will never treat those who are loyal to me. I accept your surrender. I will make you a captain of Minshan and command all Qiang tribes around Minshan. . If there is anyone who is dissatisfied, you have the full power to conquer without asking me for instructions." Bai Qiao was overjoyed and quickly thanked him. Ai Lang waited for him to bow before and said: "Stand up and talk." Bai Qiao quickly agreed and stood up. Ailang glanced at Baiqiao's army, and said, "Your soldiers and horses are stationed outside the city, and you follow me into the city to speak." Baiqiao promised, and then called his cronies to pass the order. Ai Lang led the army into the city, while Bai Qiao followed closely. As for the Wutun, he was naturally taken into the city by the royal soldiers.

I like rebirth, I am Lu Bu. Please collect it: ( Rebirth I is the fastest literary update written by Lu Bu.

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