Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 949: Counterattack

Ailang hosted a banquet in the lobby to entertain Bai Qiao. Bai Qiao was originally worried, but seeing King Qin's kind attitude at the moment, those original worries involuntarily disappeared, and he was moved and rejoiced instead. That's how people are. When a strong man he thinks he can't beat shows a smile on him, he will feel extremely excited and overjoyed, and then give rise to gratitude. Conversely, would he be grateful if the person who smiled at him was a weak one? Of course not, he will only despise the weaker he thinks even more. This is the case in the world. Kindness is the privilege of the strong, and not everyone is qualified to be kind. The kindness of the weak can only be regarded as cowardly.

While drinking and chatting, a scout suddenly rushed in and bowed to Ai Lang with a fist, "Master, Liu Bei's 80,000 army has passed through Xixian!" Ai Lang put down his glass and laughed: "He came too slowly. !" Then he said to the scout officer: "Explore again!" The scout clasped his fists and agreed, and walked away quickly.

Ai Lang said to Bai Qiao: "The enemy is attacking, so let's end today's banquet. You go back to the camp to rest." Bai Qiao stood up and bowed and said, "King Qin, I would like to fight Liu Bei for the front pioneer!" Ai Lang was a little surprised, and smiled: "Liu Bei has 80 thousand horses, do you dare to fight?" Bai Qiao said proudly, "There are also 60,000 people in his hands (Baiqiao has 40,000 in his headquarter, and the other 20,000 are the participating wolf he annexed." People from the Qiang tribe), even if you can’t defeat Liu Bei, you can at least resist his pawn! If you can’t succeed, you can be a military man!" Ailang praised: "Okay! You have this determination, I am very happy!" After a pause, he said: "If you can succeed, I will make you a general of Xi Qiang, and you will be responsible for all Qiang affairs in the future!" Bai Qiao was overjoyed and quickly thanked him. Immediately, Ailang sent people to send Bai Qiao out of the city.

Just when Ailang was about to go back to rest, suddenly an army officer came to report: "Give my lord, the fifty thousand army led by Mrs. Yueying has arrived outside the city gate." Ailang exclaimed with a surprised expression. So fast!" Then he ran outside. How could Huang Yueying lead 50,000 horses to appear here? It turns out that not long ago, Liu Bei led his army to abandon Langya Valley and retreated to Sanguan. Huang Yueying and Zhuge Liang felt that the situation was not right. Then both of them speculated that Liu Bei definitely wanted to guard the Sanguan with a soldier and horse, and then mobilized the army to go to Wudu. Dao Chi aided Hanyang and other places. After obtaining this judgment, the two immediately decided that Zhuge Liang led tens of thousands of horses into the Wolfya Valley, and Huang Yueying immediately led 50,000 soldiers and horses to the west to aid Hanyang, and at the same time sent a fast horse messenger to generalize their judgment and decision. Informed Ailang. This is why Ailang was not surprised when he heard Liu Bei's army arrived.

The current arrangement of the Qin army in Xiliang is that Zhuge Liang led 50,000 horses to guard Langya Valley, Yan Yan led 30,000 horses to station troops on Longguan, Huang Yueying led 50,000 horses and Ai Lang led 50,000 horses to join in Hanyang. Therefore, the Hanyang area gathered one hundred thousand people from the Qin army, and Wei Yan had fifty thousand horses guarding the line from Jincheng to Wuwei. On Liu Bei’s side, currently 80,000 horses have passed Wudu Dao, and the soldiers are approaching Hanyang, but Liu Bei 80% does not know that the Qin army has 100,000 troops gathered in Hanyang, and there are 60,000 Qiang servants. All; but Liu Bei also has an advantage. The 250,000 Western Region Allied Forces have already approached Wuwei. If Wei Yan cannot withstand the Western Region Allied Forces' attack, the entire Xiliang battle situation is likely to be reversed.

Turning his gaze to Wuwei, a cavalry squad consisting of hundreds of Qin cavalrymen met with thousands of forward cavalrymen of the Western Region Allied Forces dozens of miles away in the west of Wuwei. Fierce battle broke out between the two sides. The cavalrymen of the Qin Army not only did not retreat when facing an enemy ten times their own, but even launched an offensive. Hundreds of knights rushed into the enemy's **** battle like hundreds of tigers! There was a mess at the scene, and the Ma Li's sword raised a piece of blood, and the cavalry of the Western Region Allied Forces was killed and turned on their backs! The leading general of the Western Regions was anxious, angry, and shocked, shouting again and again to command his soldiers to counter their opponents! At this moment, a Qin Army cavalry smashed through the crowd until he was in front of him. The Qin Army cavalry covered in blood was murderous and shocked the General of the Western Regions. The Western Region general hurriedly raised his spear to prepare for the battle, but the Qin Army cavalry had already rushed in front of him, Ma Jian stabs in the air, the Western Region general was too late to block, and watched his opponent's Ma Jian pierce his chest! The General of the Western Regions widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions! The Qin army cavalry succeeded in one blow, and then forced a pick. The Western Region general screamed and fell off his horse. After shaking twice, there was no movement.

The cavalry of the Western Regions were already shaky under the violent rush of the Qin army. At this moment, they suddenly saw their generals being killed by their opponents. When they were shocked, they dared to fight again. They all turned their horses and fled for their lives. The horseshoe was dazzled, a chaotic scene. Qin's cavalry hunted down for more than a dozen miles before returning to the camp.

The remnants of the cavalry of the Western Regions were defeated and fled, and finally reunited with their own troops. Lefholt and the others only felt unbelievable when their forward cavalry was so embarrassed. Loew asked for the details of one of the officers. The officer did not dare to say that they were defeated by hundreds of cavalry. In order to cover up his incompetence, he even said that the opponent sent nearly ten thousand cavalry to ambush them. They gave up their lives and even the generals died. , And finally lost. These people who fled back were not those who fled back, but were defeated by **** battles. In short, in the mouth of this officer, all of them are warriors who have experienced **** battles, even though defeat is a glorious defeat!

After listening to the officer's narration, Love had no doubts, believed it to be true, couldn't help cursing the shamelessness of the Han people, and vowed to kill the Han people in Wuwei City. Immediately, Loew ordered the army to accelerate its march. The army is rolling eastward, with great momentum. At this time, the entire Western Region Allied Forces were so angry that they couldn't wait to find those despicable Han people to avenge their grievances immediately under Wuwei City!

Mao Jie and others were among the Western Region Allied Forces. One of his confidants couldn't help but said to Mao Jie: "General, their thousands of cavalrymen were ambushed by the Qin army's 10,000 cavalrymen, so many people could escape from the siege? Isn't that impossible?" Mao Jieleng With a cold smile, he said: "I'm afraid it's just a literary decoration!" Then he said, "But this is not a bad thing. With such an outcry, Wei Yan's 40,000 horses are afraid that it will be difficult to defend Wuwei! If you can break Wuwei, the whole battle will remain May be reversed!"

Before sunset, the Western Region Allied Forces arrived under Wuwei City. As it was getting late, the Allied Forces of the Western Regions did not immediately launch an offensive. Instead, they surrounded Wuwei in the west, north, and south and set up camps. As night fell, Wei Yan stood on the gate tower and looked out of the city. He saw the enemy company camp for dozens of miles. Under the light of the lights, it was like a huge moon half-encircling Wuwei City. Although Wei Yan had confidence in his opponents, he couldn't help but become a little worried when he saw the enemy's so many people. At this time, a general came to him and clasped his fists, saying: "General, you have already evacuated the people from the city according to your orders. However, another part of the people refused to leave anyway and wanted to defend the city with us. "Wei Yan smiled slightly, and said, "Okay! These people didn't disappoint me! You can arrange for these people who don't want to leave. Let the elders lead the army and take care of the wounded and carry supplies. Work." The general promised, and immediately went down.

Wei Yan thought of something and exclaimed: "Wait a minute!" The general stopped and asked, "What else does the general command?" Wei Yan asked, "Does the lord have a reply?" The general shook his head and said: " There is no reply yet." Wei Yan said, "It's okay here, go and go." The general clasped his fists and promised and walked quickly. Wei Yan looked up at the bright moon in the sky with a thoughtful expression in his eyes.

Look back to the south. On this day, Ailang was discussing with Huang Yueying about the attack. At this moment, a scout suddenly reported: "The lord of the cavalry, the Qiang led by Baiqiao defeated Liu Beijun near Shehu Valley. Liu Beijun fled to Xixian, and now Baiqiao is leading his army to pursue!"

Ai Lang was surprised and said, "No! Sixty thousand Qiangs can defeat Liu Bei's 80,000 horses?" Huang Yueying thought a little bit, frowning and said: "I'm afraid that the situation at Baiqiao Office is not good! This is clearly Liu Bei. A plan to lure the enemy to go deeper!" Ai Lang was startled, nodded, and said: "There must be a demon if things are abnormal!" A soldier was called immediately and ordered: "You immediately rush to Xixian and see Baiqiao. , Told him not to attack rashly, and set up camp on the spot to wait for our army to go up!" The soldiers clasped their fists and agreed and went down immediately.

Ailang looked at Huang Yueying and said, "Yueying, I don't think we can wait until the rest is complete, we must attack immediately! You sit in the city, and my handsome army will attack~!" Huang Yueying thought for a while and nodded. He raised his head to look at Ai Lang, and said softly: "You must be careful, husband!" Ai Lang couldn't help but feel like he could not help swallowing drooling at Huang Yueying's beautiful and gentle appearance, and his index finger jumped involuntarily. Then he cleaned up the full of Qi Nian, smiled and said: "You can rest assured! With Liu Bei, I can't help it!" Huang Yueying smiled sweetly.

That night, Ai Lang led 50,000 steps out of Hanyang and went south. Ailang's plan was not so, but Bai Qiao, who was anxious to make a contribution, completely disrupted Ailang's plan. Ailang had no choice but to ride south with tens of thousands of steps that had no time to rest.

It is said that after Bai Qiao led his army to defeat Liu Beijun in Shehugu, he went all the way to chase Liu Beijun. Soon after he chased it outside the Xixian city. Immediately swept the army and attacked. Soon it became dark, and Bai Qiao had to temporarily stop the attack and set up a camp a few miles away from the city.

Bai Qiao assigned tasks to all the chiefs under him, and then asked them to go down and prepare, planning to attack Xixian with all their strength tomorrow morning and eliminate Liu Beijun. Everyone was full of confidence, wishing to arrive immediately the next day.

I like rebirth, I am Lu Bu. Please collect it: ( Rebirth I is the fastest literary update written by Lu Bu.

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