Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 137: picture frame

Reborn America: The Great Slave Master Chapter 137 Frame

"Mr. Sterling, how long would it take for my painting to sell?" Brian asked the gallery owner Sterling with a worried expression.

In fact, it was Tangning's idea to come to the gallery for consignment. Because Brian tried for many days, but the painting still failed to sell, so he found Tangning again. In desperation, Tangning could only give him this last painting. Solution.

Sterling replied with a wry smile: "Mr. Clark, you also know what happened to us in New Orleans, so this painting is very difficult to sell now, so please have a long-term mental preparation!"

"Ah?! Long term, how long is that?" Brian replied with a bitter face.

While the two were chatting, suddenly a middle-aged man dressed as a farmer walked in and asked Sterling, "Boss, do you collect paintings here?"

Sterling waved his hand impatiently and said, "I won't accept it, I won't accept it!"

"Boss, please accept it, I'm still waiting for the money to be used to treat Jenny!" The farmer replied with a bitter face.

"Didn't I say, I don't accept paintings. I've accepted too many paintings recently, and I won't have money to eat anymore!" Sterling replied angrily.

"But, but this painting of mine is more than a hundred years old..."

Before the farmer could finish speaking, Sterling interrupted: "Then I won't even dare to accept it!"

Seeing that Sterling was so determined, the farmer had to put away the paintings, and then grumbled, "It is said that there are a lot of people who like oil paintings in New Orleans recently. Why did I travel to so many places today, and there is not a single one to buy paintings?"

"That's because you're late. If you come a month earlier, not right, half a month, you'll be able to sell it!" Sterling teased.

"Why?" the farmer asked in confusion.

"Why? Find out for yourself, but no one dares to accept oil paintings in New Orleans now!" Sterling snorted coldly.

Just as the farmer had packed up the paintings and was about to leave, Tangning suddenly shouted, "Sir, wait a minute, can I see your paintings again?"

"Sir, do you want to buy it?" the farmer asked excitedly.

Tangning replied humbly, "You have to let me take a closer look before you can decide whether to buy it or not!"

After examining it carefully, Tangning asked the farmer, "Sir, how much did you sell for this painting?"

"How much do you plan to pay, sir?" the farmer asked slyly.

Before Tangning could open her bid, Sterling asked Tangning in surprise, "Mr. Tangning, do you really want to buy this painting?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "Well, I think this painting is okay!"

Just as Sterling was about to say something, the farmer stopped him, "Mister, if you don't buy it, don't interfere with Mr. Tangning's purchase!"

Then he tentatively said to Tangning, "Mr. Tangning, how much are you willing to pay?"

Tangning thought for a while, then extended two fingers, "Twenty dollars!"

As if insulted, the farmer shook his head and said, "Twenty dollars? What are you kidding? I've heard it before I came here. No oil painting in New Orleans is less than one hundred dollars!"

Tangning chuckled lightly, "That was the market a month ago. Now, no one will accept your paintings like this. You've traveled a lot today. Is anyone accepting your paintings?"

"That, that can't be twenty dollars, at least, at least one hundred dollars!" the farmer insisted.

"Then you can find a place that sells one hundred dollars. I will never pay that price!" Tangning stood up to see off the guest.

"Hmph, just leave, I don't believe that such a big New Orleans doesn't have a gentleman with aesthetics!" The farmer got up angrily and left.

After the farmer left, Brian asked Tangning curiously, "Tony, do you really want to buy that painting?"

Tangning gave him a wink, and then answered loudly, "Actually, that painting isn't even worth twenty dollars. I just thought the brushstrokes and colors on the background would give me some inspiration, so I plan to buy it back and study it. Since he refuses to sell it, forget it!"

Just two minutes after Tangning finished speaking, the farmer came back and said to Tangning with a bitter expression, "Sir, can you raise it a bit more, I really need money to see my wife's doctor urgently!"

Tangning thought for a while, then replied, "Okay, since you need money urgently to see a doctor, I'll add another ten dollars, but there won't be any more!"

"Gene Era"

The farmer struggled for a long time. Seeing Tangning's insistence, they finally agreed to sell the painting for thirty dollars.

This time, after the farmers left, Tangning said, "I said that just now because I was afraid that guy would eavesdrop on the door. In fact, it wasn't the painting that attracted me, but the frame!"

Hearing the word "picture frame", Sterling suddenly realized, "I'll just say, this picture is obviously very ordinary, how could you, Mr. Tangning, a master of oil painting appraisers buy this kind of thing, so yours The goal is the picture frame! Hey, I was too stupid just I focused all my attention on this oil painting, why didn't I notice the picture frame? Now take a closer look, this golden painting The box must be at least a hundred years old, and thirty dollars is definitely worth it!”

"Actually, if you look closely, you will find that this painting is based on this frame!" Tangning replied proudly.

Sterling looked at it carefully for a while, then nodded in agreement, "Mr. Tangning, you are right, this painting was indeed drawn according to the size of the frame, which is why the characters in the painting appear to be so restrained! Tangning! Sir, you are really amazing, you can find it all!"

In fact, Tangning was able to find out because he knew a painter before crossing the road who collected antique picture frames from all over the place, and then created paintings based on the size and characteristics of these frames. This distinctive style has gained a little fame and made a lot of money.

At this time, Sterling asked again, "Mr. Tangning, did you buy this antique picture frame with the intention of painting based on this frame?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "Well, I do have this idea, but I haven't figured out what to paint yet!"

"No matter what you draw, can you put it on me for consignment?" Sterling asked expectantly.

PS: I read the book "Senior Superstar" a little late, mainly because I didn't like to read entertainment articles before, but this book gave me a good impression, although there are some emotional scenes that I really can't watch, the protagonist's Some practices don't quite fit my three views, but in general, I like this entry point and the protagonist's vigor! +Bookmark+

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