Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 138: Tony, do you want to be a congressman?

Reborn America: The Great Slave Master Chapter 138 Tony, do you want to be a congressman?

"Tony, how's the election going recently?" Jonathan suddenly came to the door and asked.

Tangning sighed and said, "Hey, what else can I do, I definitely won't be selected!"

"Are you still going to run for the next election?" Jonathan asked again.

Tangning thought for a while and then replied, "Let's see if there's a bigger campaign platform for sure!"

"Actually, Tony, if you really want to be a congressman, I have a good idea. It will definitely make you successful in the election, not to mention the congressman, even the governor!" Jonathan said mysteriously.

"Oh? What can I do?" Tangning asked with great interest.

Jonathan glanced left and right, then took a step closer and whispered, "It's actually very simple, that is, join our KKK!"

"What?! Join your KKK?" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed.

Jonathan nodded and replied, "Yes, why don't you believe in the strength of our KKK?"

Tangning waved her hand and said, "It's not whether I believe in your strength. First of all, your Ku Klux Klan doesn't seem to have the qualifications to run for parliament, right?"

"It is true that our KKK is not yet qualified to run for parliament, but with the strength of our members from all walks of life, if we want to support you, we can definitely do it!" Jonathan replied sternly.

Hearing Jonathan say this, Downing suddenly pondered, because what he said was right, although the KKK did not have the qualifications to run for parliament, they had a lot of secret members in all walks of life. After all, there are racists among white people, but there are many It is inconvenient to make a public statement, but if the votes of these people are gathered, it is definitely more than enough to run for a congressman, and it is even possible to run for the governor as Jonathan said!

But to be honest, Tangning didn't want to be too involved with a paranoid and radical party like the Ku Klux Klan, otherwise he would have joined, so she thought about it for a while, and slowly said, "You give me some time to let me know about such a big deal. Can I think about it? It's still early before the next election!"

"Of course you can, but you have to hurry up, because Tony and you are not the only target we are in contact with. If someone of them agrees in advance, then Tony, you will miss this opportunity!" Jonathan reminded.

"Don't worry, I will give you an answer as soon as possible!" Tangning promised.

After Jonathan left, Heidi walked over and asked Tangning with a frown, "Tony, are you really planning to join the KKK?"

Tangning shook her head and replied, "To be honest, not yet! But no matter what, Jonathan is a kind hearted man, so it's not convenient to reject him outright!"

After hearing Tangning say this, Heidi breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, because I've always felt that the KKK's actions are too extreme. I'm afraid Tony will become like that after you join!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely not become like that!" Tangning reassured.

While the two were chatting, Diana suddenly knocked on the door and walked in. After a few words of greeting, she suddenly asked Tangning, "Teacher, do you remember what I told me about Chinese people not drinking coffee? "

Tangning nodded and replied, "Remember, what's wrong?"

Deanna explained: "I talked about this a few days ago when I was chatting with some friends, so a friend who didn't believe in evil had to go to China to open a coffee shop, saying that he must make the Chinese people like drinking coffee. !"

After hearing this, Tangning was speechless, "This is for the purpose of preaching!"

Diana nodded in agreement: "Almost, teacher, do you think he can succeed?"

Tangning shook her head without hesitation and replied, "To be honest, I'm not optimistic."

"Actually, I'm not too optimistic, but I still wish him good luck!" Deanna agreed, and then changed the subject: "By the way, teacher, I heard that you bought an antique picture frame for only thirty dollars. ?"

"You have very good news!" Tangning replied in surprise.

Deanna shrugged and replied, "This kind of thing always spreads the fastest!"

Then he took a step closer and begged: "Teacher, teach me how to identify this antique picture frame!"

"Don't worry, it all has to be done step by step. After you understand oil painting identification first, I will teach you how to identify painting frames and paints. There is a lot to learn here!" Tangning replied sullenly.

Although I haven't learned it yet, I learned that these are all within the teacher's teaching plan, so Deanna is not disappointed.

Meanwhile, at the Veterans Association, a middle-aged man in a black suit frowned and asked Jonathan, "Do you think this Tony - Downing will agree to join our KKK?"

Jonathan thought for a moment, then shook his head and replied, "To be honest, I don't think it's likely."

"Even if he can help him become a member of parliament, he doesn't want to?" the black suit asked displeased.

Jonathan explained: "You don't know Tony, in fact, he doesn't really care about being elected as a member of parliament, and he has always been very opinionated about some rumors of our KKK, so I don't think he is likely.... .."

But before Jonathan could finish the black suit interrupted: "Then why did he write about the KKK in the novel in the first place?"

"I don't know about this, maybe it's for the plot!" Jonathan spread his hands.

After listening to the black suit, he pondered for a moment, and then sighed: "If that's the case, it's really a pity!"

Then he turned the conversation and asked, "By the way, Jonathan, how did you think about the transfer you told you about back to New York last time?"

Jonathan hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "I know the organization values ​​me this time, but I really don't want to go back!"

"Why, aren't you a New Yorker?" The black suit asked puzzled.

"I am indeed a New Yorker, but I moved here because I liked the rural life in the South, and even joined the army for the freedom and peace of the South, so..."

The black suit interrupted Jonathan again and said, "Okay, I understand what you mean, so let's do it, you can go to New York to work for a year, and you can come back after you help open the situation there. Is that okay? After all, you have contacts in New York. It's important to us."

Hearing that he only needed to work for one year, Jonathan was a little moved. After thinking for a while, he nodded and agreed: "Okay, then I will go to New York to support for a year!"

PS: I saw a copy of "The Fierce Male God" on the list today. Although I didn't click it, it was very appetizing just by reading the title and introduction, because I saw an article on Zhihu before "What is it like to look fierce?" I can't remember the exact name, but that's probably what it means anyway), I think this is a good starting point. +Bookmark+

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