Rebirth of the Comic Queen

Chapter 158: .Released by Oriental Red Devil Township

The next day, the Oriental Red Devil Township met with the fans as scheduled. Although this version of the Oriental Red Devil Township, due to the insufficient computing speed of the game engine, the difficulty of the game may not be as difficult as the original, but in other aspects, it is necessary Far exceeded.


  Past life, Dongfang Red Devil Township was sold in 2002. With the technology level of that era, everyone can imagine what the game will be like. The entire game screen is almost like a pile of mosaics.


But now it’s different. In order to increase the playability and aesthetics of the game, Cat Nanako specially asked the candy pudding to make her improve the resolution and clarity of the game engine, at least as good as the current market. The superior level in those games.


   It is precisely because of this that the memory occupancy of these two parameters is too high, and the computing power of the game engine cannot be improved.


   Therefore, the Touhou Crimson Demon Township of Cat Nanako is definitely better than the original Touhou Crimson Demon Township.


  Light is a problem with the game's graphics. The two are different in comparison. The original version is purely a bunch of colors and squares, but Nanako's new version allows people to clearly see the faces and dresses of the characters.


   In order to ensure the effect, even if the town of Dongfang Crimson Devil can barely increase the degree of difficulty, Nanako did not hesitate to give up after listening to the cat. The difficulty and the stable and clear picture, Nanako chooses the picture.


  Don't underestimate these, a high-definition beautiful picture, but very attractive, such as the ship girl game in Nanako's previous life.


  Why is the ship girl game so popular? One is because of its novel and unique setting, and the other is because of its exquisite and beautiful ship layout.


For beautiful things, everyone will appreciate the desire, and the ship girl game has grasped the mentality of the players, so it will spare no effort to outline so many different styles, but all beautiful and unusual ship outfits. Set up a picture to attract the interest of players.


  Once you have produced those beautiful ship-girl characters, ah, so beautiful, so cute, I really want to take her home, I really want to have **** with her, this kind of mentality, you have already fallen.


   And listening to the effect that Cat Nanako wants, it is naturally the same.


   After all, the Touhou project series is not well-known in the current world. Although I have listened to Cat Nanako, the charm of the Touhou project can still shine in this world.


   But, how much time does it take? You know, in the past life, the Oriental project, from its first appearance in front of the world, to listening to the prestigious era in the memory of the cat Nanako's past life, it has been several years!


   If Nanako remembers correctly, the Touhou project series appeared as early as 1996, but it was not until the 2002 Touhou Red Devil Township was launched that it truly embarked on the road to rise.


After 6 years of fermentation, the Oriental project began to formally and slowly rise, and this is when zun greatly released the copyright and welcomes homecomers to co-create with him and contribute to Gensokyo. The Oriental project can slowly grow. Become the first of the three miracles in the fandom.


   And the current situation is completely different from the development trajectory of the previous life of the Eastern project. It is now the era of the Dragon Kingdom in 2017, and the previous Eastern project appeared in 1996, a total difference of more than 20 years!


Therefore, even if I listen to the cat Nanako know that the Oriental project is an extremely classic miracle, but if Nanako follows the development steps of the previous Oriental project, she is sure that the Oriental project will not develop the same as the previous life. stand up.


   After all, Dongfang Crimson Magic Town is already a game of 2002. Whether it is the style of painting or other things, in 2017, it is too old.


  The level of human science and technology is changing with each passing day, especially in recent years, almost every year, science and technology will change greatly, old technology will be eliminated, and novel inventions and technologies will take its place.


   Nowadays, the Dragon Kingdom game industry is extremely underdeveloped, and many of the third-rate spam web games in the past can become the most popular games nowadays.


   And Dongfang Red Devil Township, compared with this kind of cookie-cutter game, which can become stronger by flushing money, it is simply not the same. In comparison, individuals can distinguish who is better and who is inferior.


   But, first of all, you can keep up with the times!


No matter how **** or cheating other people’s third-rate web games are, they can let you see the characters clearly, and the skills are all kinds of sparks, lightning, and ice bursts. At least it looks like that. .


   However, the original Dongfang Crimson Devil Township, that style of painting, in this era, who wants to take a closer look.


So no matter how exciting your game is, the first thing you do is to do the face-to-face work, otherwise most people may not play it right away when they look at your screen, even if your gameplay is so novel. , No matter how wonderful it is, it is useless.


   So, listen to the cat Nanako and start directly from this aspect!


   Nanako deliberately and carefully hand-painted a lot of figures in the village of the Red Devil in the East, and let the candy pudding model based on these hand-drawn drawings.


  The character of the Touhou project, Nanako directly used the character map in the second set, and also specially optimized the face shape and height of the characters to make them more beautiful and stunning.


   With these exquisite character models, I believe players will still be happy to try this game.


   And as long as they play, the purpose of listening to the cat Nanako will be achieved, because she firmly believes that Dongfang Crimson Devil Township will bring her a big surprise.


   Novel barrage shooting streaming gameplay, beautiful and stunning characters, novel background settings, perfect text and dubbing, as well as the plot interspersed in the game level...


   I don’t believe the cat Nanako. With so many elements, I can’t take down the earth leopard players who are holding a third-rate web game who can feel that this is a magical work!


   So, listening to the cat Nanako directly hung the game file package under her meager.


  Miaomei teacher: The promised Dongfang Red Devil Township is now online. Fans are free to download and play, but only for game trials. Please do not use it for any commercial or other out-of-the-ordinary behavior.


  Miaomei solemnly reminds that Dongfang Red Devil Township is applying for a patent, so please do not imitate the game method of plagiarism shooting barrage flow, infringement will be investigated!


   I heard that Cat Nanako deliberately warned the game companies that the game industry of Dragon Kingdom has just started, and it is still immature in all aspects.


   So, in today's era where intellectual property rights are extremely valued, only the law regarding games is still immature.


   After all, the game, isn’t that what it says? In the minds of many people, the game is to control the character to release a ball of fire or an ice bolt to kill the monster, and then gain experience.


   Upgrade monsters, charge money, become stronger, fight stronger monsters, upgrade again, charge money again...


   Don’t be surprised, the most popular game on the market at present is this kind of game, which is all third-rate web game routines. You copy me, and I copy you.


  According to Candy Pudding, the top three first and second games on the market now have almost the same game engine and settings, and even the game content!


   Among the three companies, the latest release of the game is a company called Century. Then, the game is on fire, and the company is full of profits in an instant.


   Then, Century Company was unlucky enough to be targeted, that is, Ma Huax, the boss of ll company!


   I believe that when everyone hears this ll company, and then hears the name Ma Huax, they already understand what happened, right?


That’s right, within a month, another game of the same genre that resembles the game released by the Century Company has appeared on the market, and its playability is higher, because, compared with the game of the Century Company, this A new one, it can be played without charging!


   That’s right, this new game, it’s free, what? Do you still want to ask what other advantages it has?


   I solemnly tell you, no! In addition to being free, there is still a big gap between the new game and the game released by Century in other respects. It freezes and loves to drop.


   But what about it? I am free!


   So, this new game of ll company successfully defeated the one of the century, and in just a few days it boarded the first place in the popular game.


   After having suffered such a big loss, Century Of course, it is impossible to just let it go. He directly appealed the plagiarism and infringement of the ll company!


   But people ll company, just ignore this stubborn, do you just plagiarize when you say plagiarism? Which of the games on the market is not in this mode? Ah? Isn’t it all the same way of playing monsters and upgrades?


   Moreover, I also specially adjusted the order of the game content, deleted some plots, and added some to myself.


  The characters are also different. I changed the name, the model, and the personality. I also added some self-made character texts. How can you say that I copied it? !


   ahem... So that's it, just take it, make changes, delete, delete, and add some self-created things to make a new game.


  The law on gaming is still immature, so Century's appeal was not unexpectedly rejected.


The reason why Nanako thinks so much is to express a meaning. The situation in the game industry is a bit complicated. Although the type of games in the East Red Devil Township is different from the games on the market, those game companies may not dare to plagiarize. .


   After all, this kind of barrage shooting game like Dongfang Crimson Magic Town has such a unique style that it cannot be copied and imitated at all.


   But, I’m not afraid of this thing, I’m afraid of it. What if someone wants to take advantage of the plagiarism in the game and other judging standards that have not yet been determined, and decide to give it a try? (To be continued...)

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