Rebirth of the Comic Queen

Chapter 159: .Online

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  Magic City, Wall Street, Wandering Manga, Xu Yunyun, with a complex face, is sitting alone in his dedicated studio.


   "Nanako, after all, are you still unwilling to forgive me?" Xu Yunyun muttered to himself, with three-point helplessness, three-point guilt, and... deep panic!


   Just today, within a day, Cat Club and Tingmao Nanako personally released two new comics and a game related to them.


   Ye Xijing’s Natsume's Friends Book, Nanako’s Touhou Project Red Mist Variation Manga, game Touhou Red Devil Township.


These three, without exception, are all monster-themed comics. Ye Xijing’s Natsume's Friends Account will not be mentioned for now. After all, he has only published a statement. A good work.


   However, Xu Yunyun doesn't really care much. After all, although the subject matter is the same between Natsume's Friend's Account and the grandson of the slick ghost, the content and the selling point are different.


   Even if Natsume's Friends Account can exert strength in the future, it won't have much impact on her grandson of slick ghost.


However, the Touhou Project is different. The similarities between the Touhou Project and the grandson of the slippery ghost are not one or two. In a sense, these two similar works will definitely be taken by others. For comparison.


   After all, Xu Yunyun was once the manga assistant of Listening Cat Nanako. She drew the grandson of a slick ghost, and Listening Cat Nanako immediately followed him to drew a similar Touhou Project.


   And when Xu Yunyun was speechless when asked by netizens, she couldn't think of any good rhetoric at all, so she had to let the Wandering Soul Comic Society do crisis public relations for herself.


   But, these people from the Wandering Soul Manga Club are thinking about borrowing the name of listening to the cat Nanako, and riding on the east wind smoothly.


Therefore, the people of the Wandering Soul Comics Club directly explained that the grandson of the slick ghost was authorized by Ting Mao Nanako without notifying Xu Yunyun at all, and Ting Mao Nanako had another one like this for a long time. The conception of the type of comics.


   This way, it is a great thing for the Yukun Manga Club. After all, how can a manga idea developed by a manga assistant who listens to Nanako Neko be comparable to Nanako Neko himself?


   Everyone has a mentality of a famous brand. Even if two products are exactly the same and have the same material and shape, one product is produced from an unknown small workshop.


   The other one is made by a world-renowned big brand company. Then, when these two items appear in front of you at the same time, which one will you choose?


   This question doesn’t seem to need to be asked at all, right? Of the normal people, I'm afraid that 90-half of them will choose a big brand.


   is the same when used in comics. One is an unknown newcomer cartoonist, and the other is an ultra-popular cartoonist who has proven his abilities through several games in the fire.


In contrast, Xu Yunyun is nothing at all. After all, the reason why the Wandering Manga Club wanted to dig her was also because of her status as an assistant to listen to the cat Nanako's comics, and wanted to use her to make her own comics club. Also followed by a little bit of Nanako's heat.


   So, when there is a choice, the Wandering Soul Manga Club will naturally spare no effort to let the grandson of the slick ghost and the cat Nanako have a relationship.


   It is undeniable that the grandson of the slippery ghost is a good work, even without any hype, as long as it is serialized in a regular manner, it will bloom its own glory.


   But, this is too slow, and once I can borrow the name Tingmao Nanako and use the tiger skin as a banner, then the situation will be pretty good.


   As long as the cartoon of the grandson of the slicker is published, it is actually based on the creativity of the cat Nanako, then it is completely conceivable that the grandson of the slicker will definitely become popular overnight.


   By the way, their Wandering Soul Comic Club can also get a lot of benefits and increase their fame and popularity.


   As for this, will this cause dissatisfaction between Xu Yunyun and Ting Mao Nanako? Oh, they don't care about the Wandering Soul Comics Club.


   Don't think that the senior management of the Wandering Manga Club knows nothing. The little thing Xu Yunyun has done is now basically guessed by the Wandering Manga Club, but it hasn't been said for the time being.


   At the beginning, when Xu Yunyun suddenly took out a comic like the grandson of the slick ghost, the ghost comic club was almost overjoyed.


   Originally, they dug Xu Yunyun over, but they were just preparing to make a news for themselves to increase their exposure and fame.


But I didn’t expect that Xu Yunyun could come up with such a good work that makes people’s eyes shine. Although the editors in the Wandering Soul Comics Club are not outstanding among their peers, they have basic working abilities and The level of appreciation is still there, otherwise why do you come to eat this bowl of rice?


   These editors just took a look at the basic settings and the character design, without looking carefully, they have already determined in their heart, the cartoon of the grandson of the slippery ghost is definitely a rare good work.


   This is really a big surprise. I didn't expect Xu Yunyun to have such an ability. He really deserves to be the manga assistant of the legendary teacher cat.


   This is the idea of ​​the people at the Wandering Soul Comics Club at that time. They never thought that the work of the grandson of the slick ghost would come from Xu Yunyun's eavesdropping on the creativity of the cat Nanako.


   Well, the editors of these ghost comics have been in the comics business for so many years. To be honest, they really haven't seen many cases of plagiarism.


   You need to know that Dragon Kingdom's protection of intellectual property rights is quite large, except for the start-up games that are just beginning now, the management and legal regulations in this area are somewhat confusing and incomplete.


  Others, whether it is novels, comics, poems, movies, etc., etc., the protection is absolutely spared, not to mention plagiarism, if you make a pirated copy, you will be severely punished!


   So, in this world, there are really not many people who dare to copy other people's works, especially people like Xu Yunyun who directly steal other people's works, and not many.


  So, the people of the Wandering Soul Comics Club subconsciously ignored the possibility of Xu Yunyun's plagiarism, and regarded the grandson of the slippery ghost as her independent work.


It is also because of the grandson of the slippery ghost that Xu Yunyun has received great attention from the Wandering Soul Comics Club, and immediately changed the contract to her, 5 million yuan of digging fees, independent office studio, detached identity, and The resources of the entire comics club are tilted.


   Xu Yunyun only needs to regularly provide the manuscripts of the grandson of the slick ghost to the wandering manga club, and he can always enjoy the treatment of this popular cartoonist.


   But, the good times didn't last long. On that day, Nanako cat found Xu Yunyun and announced that he had settled his grievances with her. From now on, after being a passer-by, Xu Yunyun's life began to feel sad.


   Originally, she thought that this incident could just pass away, but unfortunately, Nanako gave full play to the prudent nature of her little woman, and she changed the law to a whole lot.


   first opened the trumpet, and used Su Mo's vest to punch Xu Yunyun once, insinuating that Xu Yunyun was a plagiarist.


   This is no small matter! Once the reputation is stained, Xu Yunyun's future career as a cartoonist will be in trouble.


   And even worse, if some troublesome person deliberately investigates something and finds out something, then she Xu Yunyun will be over!


   Not only Xu Yunyun, but even the people from the Wandering Soul Comics Club felt a little choked in their hearts and became worried.


   Su Mo is a close friend of Cat Nanako. Her words and revelations are not low credibility at all.


   And if Xu Yunyun's new work, the grandson of the slippery ghost, is really an idea stolen from the listening cat Nanako, and it is finally exposed, it is not only Xu Yunyun, and their ghost comic club will also suffer along with it.


   So the people from the Wandering Soul Comics Club hurriedly approached Xu Yunyun and asked her the truth of the matter, for fear of being dragged down by her.


   As for Xu Yunyun's vague answer, and the unnatural expression on his face, everyone can see that there is a problem.


Fortunately, in the end, Xu Yunyun vowed to make a guarantee with the Wandering Soul Comics, saying that Nanako had given her the authorization, and she would never jump out to criticize anything, and the subsequent development also proved that Xu Yunyun was able to speak, Nanako. I have not made any response to this matter at all.


On the same day, the president of the Wandering Soul Comics Club personally made a call to the father of Listening Cat Nanako, Listening to Mao Lingquan, first apologized to Listening Mao Lingquan, and then tactfully. He asked about Xu Yunyun.


   While listening to Mao Lingquan, she didn't say much to the president of the Wandering Soul Comics Club. She also said some good things for Xu Yunyun in her words, and promised that she would not use any means because of Xu Yunyun's affairs.


   With the guarantee of listening to Mao Lingquan, the Wandering Soul Manga Society was relieved. After listening to Mao Lingquan’s reputation, everyone in the magic city circle knew that it was definitely not the kind of person who was in person and behind the scenes.


   Now that the crisis has been resolved, then things should be back on track. Whether he plagiarizes or not, since the person concerned has given authorization, what are you afraid of?


   Then, the Wandering Soul Manga Club began to listen to the comics by the name of the cat Nanako, which promotes the comic book The Grandson of the Slippery Ghost, which made Nanako annoyed.


   stole my things, how good is it to borrow my fame to promote this thing? It's unbearable! Nanako, who had originally felt a little disgusted with Xu Yunyun, immediately exploded.


   So, Natsume's Friends Account has appeared, Touhou Project has appeared, and an Inuyasha will appear after a while!


   Xu Yunyun wants to be a god? Don't even think about it! It's better to think about how to survive under my sniper!


   This is also the reason why Xu Yunyun sits in the painting room today. She knows that if Nanako is determined to punish her, then Xu Yunyun will not even have the power to fight back.

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