Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 345: On sale

"You all underestimate the influence of Chen Ze's comics. Once his "Game King" is set to shine, the sales of the surrounding monster duel cards must be able to catch up with the heroes of our company."

Yang Li shook his head and said. After he said this, he looked at the people in the conference room, and he still didn't believe what he said. Yang Li could only sigh in his heart.

If it was replaced by another board game card, it might threaten his heroic status as soon as it was released. Yang Li certainly didn't believe it. But now this is not another card, it is the monster duel card that Chen Ze will launch soon.

Yang Li also watched the introduction video that Chen Ze sent to the online order. He could basically tell from the duel that this monster duel card, in terms of fun, is definitely not under his own heroic killing.

Coupled with the influence of his comics, Yang Li has every reason to believe that his card will definitely have a chance to impact his status as a hero.

Therefore, Yang Licai raised this issue on the board of directors, hoping that the entire company would be vigilant. Now it seems that this behavior was done in vain. Although they nodded in their mouths, they still hadn't put Chen Ze's monster duel card in their hearts.

"In short, let's cheer up and observe Chen Ze's monster duel card for a period of time. If it is possible to impact our card, then we must figure out a way to deal with this matter." Yang Li said.


On June 10th, a day that fans and board game fans all over the country pay attention to. On this day, Chen Ze's "Yi-Jing" and monster duel cards will be in the country. Started on sale.

Now, this day has finally arrived after the waiting of comic fans and board game lovers.

Early in the morning, Chen Ze got up and began to dress and wash. For Chen Ze today. But a very important day.

Although he has experienced many comic release moments in the past, today is different. Today there is not only the release of Yu-Gi-Oh, but also the release of its monster duel card.

This monster duel card in Yu-Gi-Oh is the top priority of Chen Ze's recent plan. Chen Zeke still remembers how far the cards of Yugioh in his previous life had reached.

Talking about the ability to make money, in the island country of Chen Ze's previous life. There are only a few comics that can be compared with him. Moving "Yugioh" to this world and using "Yugioh" cards to make money will not only make Chen Ze's surrounding stores develop better.

Moreover, it can also bring Chen Ze himself to the next level. Now he is with Lin Lan, facing Lin Lan's rich father. Without making more money, Chen Ze really has no confidence to face him.

After all, Lin Lan’s father, Lin Wanrong, is a rich man in China and even in Asia.

Put on a cap and sunglasses, stand in front of the mirror, and confirm that even if they stand in front of Manmi, they will not recognize themselves. Chen Ze closed the door and walked towards the nearest shop around Ze Animation Boutique.

The cards of Yu-Gi-Oh can only be sold in his own boutiques and peripheral stores. Chen Ze will now go to the first-hand site to see what will happen to the sales on the first day.

In more than ten minutes' drive, Chen Ze reached his destination.

"No parking space?"

It has been several minutes since arriving at the destination, and Chen Ze has not yet got off the bus. The reason is that he can't find a place to park.

Chen Zeke remembers that when he rented this storefront, he considered that not only was the traffic well developed, but also that there were many free parking lots and paid parking lots nearby. No matter how many people come to buy things, there is no such thing as a parking space.

But now, there is really no parking space.

"Are there so many people here today?" Chen Ze thought of this possibility.

After a lot of effort, Chen Ze was finally in a relatively biased place. Find a parking location. After getting out of the car, Chen Ze ran directly to the boutique.

"I'm telling you, I watched the video on the Internet, and it was indeed very good. In addition, I am a fan of comics and prefer Chen Ze's comics, so I went to buy comics and monster duel cards early today. ."

"Me too, I am also a board game lover and a manga fan. Now there is a board game comic book. Do you know how excited I was when I heard this news? Today I am definitely going to be the first time Buy a comic book and game cards."

"I'm not interested in that comic. I don't like reading comics. But I still have a strong mood for this monster duel card. After watching the online video, I dare to judge that this monster game card must be popular, and this is the first time. The first generation of game cards must have a collection value, maybe they will be worth a lot of money in the future, so I specially bought this monster duel card."

As soon as Chen Ze walked to the door of the boutique, he found that there was already a long line up just as he had imagined. When queuing, people before and after were talking about the game of "Yi-Jing" and the monster duel card today.

"Brother, did you also come to buy the monster card of Chen Ze's board game?"

Just when Chen Ze was standing next to him, wanting to listen carefully to what these people who bought their own cards thought about their monster duel cards and "Yugioh", a man in the line asked Chen Ze.

"Yes, I also came to buy it." Chen Ze nodded.

"Then you are late today, so many of us are here to buy the first issue of Chen Ze's comic "Game King" and the monster duel card. You can see that you are only here now, you have to be so late. Judging from the current situation in the queue, when it’s your turn, I’m afraid it’s already sold out."

The man pointed to the long line behind.

"Really, I don't think I got up too late today. How come there were already so many people when I came." Chen Ze said.

It is indeed not too late for him to come and check the status of the sale here today. Therefore, even though there was no parking space just now, Chen Ze had guessed that there might be too many people in line here.

But Chen Ze was still a little surprised when he really came to the scene to see the situation of such a long line.

"This means you have no experience." The man said, "I believe you should know how famous Chen Ze is in our China now. The release of his new comics would have attracted a large number of comics to buy comics. .

"Furthermore, this time his new comics happen to be the subject of China's hot board games. Many people who like to play board games have become interested in his monster duel cards after watching his promotional video. ."

The man smiled and said, "You tell me, even me, I don’t really like comics. What I like is board games. After watching his promotional video, I plan to buy a card to play with. Give it a try and see the introduction on the Internet. It’s pretty fun. And it’s not just me. There are many people around me who are like me and they all say they want to buy it for fun.

This man's words made Chen Ze understand the reason for so many people today. Chen Ze's new comic "Yuggiou" has also added his own boutique peripheral stores this time, plus the sales of cards.

Manmi plus board game enthusiasts The two are very large in China, and it is not difficult to imagine that there are so many people in Chen Ze's boutiques around the first day.

And more importantly, the game mode of his monster duel card is completely different from that of Heroes. In this way, board game fans who are accustomed to playing Heroes will have a refreshing feeling when they see their own video, and naturally they will become interested and want to buy it for fun.

"By the way, brother, did you come here for the comics or for the game cards?" the man suddenly asked.

"I, I also watched the video on the Internet, and became interested in this monster duel card. I wanted to get the first day on the first day of sale," Chen Ze said.

"It turned out to be like this, then your purpose is the same as mine." The man was a little excited when he heard Chen Ze's words. Know your name?"

"My name is Chen Chen." Chen Ze remembered the name he had used before and smiled. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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