Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 346: Flying card sales

"How about Lanlan, how was the response to the first episode of Yu-Gi-Oh?" Chen Ze took out the phone in Chen Ze's office of Ze Culture Company and asked the other end of the phone.

Today is the second day of the serialization of the first chapter of the "Yogioh" comic. Today, you can know the first day's sales and the reaction of fans. Therefore, as soon as he went to work, Chen Ze called Lin Lan.

"The response from Manmi is pretty good. It means that you have maintained your usual style. After reading the first issue, you still want to continue reading, hoping to update it sooner." Lin Lan said on the phone.

Comic magazines like them pay the most attention to manga's views on comics. In the past, when the Internet was underdeveloped, the magazines were accompanied by opinion papers, allowing fans to send their opinions on all the comics in this issue of the magazine. This method takes a long time and cannot be collected in a day.

When the Internet has developed, it will no longer have to be so troublesome for magazines to listen to Manmi's opinions. They often set up an opinion column on their official website, so that fans can put forward any opinions there.

This method is much more efficient than the previous one. Therefore, now generally on the second day, even on the first day, you can get the feedback from the fans.

"Really, that's good." Chen Ze nodded. Although Yu-Gi-Oh's card sales are too brilliant, it covers the charm of the comic itself. But in fact, the comic itself is also a very good comic.

In Chen Ze’s previous life, the island nation’s "Shounen JUMP" has been looking for a comic that can replace it as the mainstay of the magazine after the end of "Slam Dunk". The last thing I found was Yu-Gi-Oh.

The comic story of Yu-Gi-Oh itself is very exciting, so Chen Ze won't be surprised to be recognized by fans in this world.

"How about the sales of Xinxing Manke?" Chen Ze asked again. Compared to the man-fan opinion. In fact, sales are the best way for them to like a comic for the time being. If they like it, they will buy it, and if they don’t like it, they will not buy it.

If Chen Ze wants to know the degree of recognition of Yu-Gi-Oh in this world, the natural sales volume is the best proof. And some time ago. Lin Lan just expanded the scale of the magazine a lot, and subdivided many new magazines.

"Emerging Comics" is one of the several new magazines recently released by Lin Lan’s new animation magazine. Although they don’t have "Slam Dunk", "Naruto", and "Detective Conan" written by Chen Ze Serialization of super popular comics.

However, the new animation magazine now has many cartoonists under its umbrella. Although they can't match Chen Ze together, they are already the backbone of the magazine.

Many people's cartoons are published in these new magazines. Although it is no better than "Young Manke" with Chen Ze's two popular comics "Detective Conan" and "Manke Weekly" with "Naruto", it is better than when Lin Lan just started the magazine. Too much.

Chen Ze's "Yoge King" is in this "Xingxing Manke", in the last issue that Chen Ze started serializing, it has reached the level of 400,000 copies a week.

I believe that as long as it continues to operate well, there will be no Chen Ze comics. Sooner or later, it can break into millions of sales.

"Yesterday, the sales volume of Xinxing Manke on the first day was 700,000." Lin Lan said on the phone.

"It's only seven hundred thousand," Chen Ze said, a little disappointed in his tone.

"Only seven hundred thousand!" After hearing Chen Ze's words, Lin Lan almost didn't rush up in a breath.

What is only seven hundred thousand? This is seven hundred thousand in one day. I worked hard, planned and promoted all kinds of things, and it was hard to get the weekly sales of this new magazine. It rose to four hundred thousand.

But Chen Ze is good. It was just a comic serialized here, and the sales on the first day soared to 700,000. Looking at this situation, wouldn't the sales in that week be more than 3 million.

This, these four hundred thousand to three million, it's really harder to compare people to others, and to throw away goods!

And more importantly, listening to Chen Ze's tone, he seems to be very dissatisfied with this number. Lin Lan also knew that Chen Ze's "Naruto" surpassed one million a day. Even 1.5 million sales.

But that was in "Manke Weekly". At that time, Manke Weekly had two popular comics, "The Soul of the Game" and "China Little Master", as the base, plus the boo head that competed with Asakura Kagami. It's that high.

And "Xinxing Manke" is just a new magazine that has just begun to be released, and it can reach 700,000 on the first day. It's already a pretty good piece of data.

Lin Lan believes that even if he counts the characters in the entire history of Chinese comics, he will definitely not find five people who can have Chen Ze's achievement. In this way, he was still a little dissatisfied.

And in a new magazine, one million in a day, in the entire history of Chinese comics, I am afraid that only Li Ming has this appeal.

"Hey, I thought there would be at least 800,000 or 900,000." Chen Ze smiled. In fact, he also knew that it would be very good to have this result in a new magazine.

But he always thinks about not creating miracles and getting better results. It seems that it is not realistic yet. To catch up with Li Mingyang and break one million a day, it is still too difficult with Yu-Gi-Oh.

After hanging up the phone with Lin Lan, Chen Ze called Bao Ren again. He is now in BJ, presiding over the sales of cards in several boutiques of BJ Magic City.

Chen Ze was most concerned about the sales of Yu-Gi-Oh cards this time, so he called and asked about the situation.

"Hey, Bao Ren, how about the sales of monster duel cards between BJ and Magic City?" Chen Ze asked.

"Mr. Chen, the sales are very good and very hot. It is a situation I have never seen before. Yesterday, our staff was invested in it, but the manpower is almost not enough."

Bao Ren said on the phone, besides his voice, there were various noisy voices on the phone. From this voice, Chen Ze could hear that Bao Ren was very noisy by his side, and he should be in the boutique.

"Really, that's good." Chen Ze can also expect the hot sales of his several boutiques in BJ and Magic City. After all, fans of BJ and Magic City are concerned about their boutiques and peripheral products. It was hungry and thirsty for a long time.

I finally opened a shop there now, and the sales situation will definitely be very hot. But now Chen Ze is most concerned about the sales of Yu-Gi-Oh's monster duel cards.

"Bao Ren, how many copies of the monster duel card from Yu-Gi-Oh are sold yesterday?" Chen Ze asked.

"Several stores on BJ's side, plus other channels, sold a total of 120,000 copies yesterday, and several stores in Magic City, plus other channels, sold a total of 150,000 copies. Together, BJ and On both sides of the magic city, a total of 250,000 copies were sold." Bao Ren reported the data to Chen Ze.

Chen Ze was a little surprised. He thought that when the reputation of Yu-Gi-Oh was not yet opened, the sales of the two sides should not be particularly high. Unexpectedly, the sales were good, and there were 250,000 copies in one day.

In addition to the sales of the three stores in G city and some stores that cooperate with yesterday, 300,000 copies were sold. In these three places alone, there are sales in one day. Five hundred and fifty thousand copies were made.

Another day yesterday, nearly 400,000 copies were sold online. In just one day, 950,000 copies of the monster duel cards in Yu-Gi-Oh were sold.

Although this is related to the first sale, sales in the next few days will certainly not be so high. But even so, this number is already a terrifying figure.

You know, even when the hero kills just came out, the sales volume on the first day was only more than 100,000, and now he is already close to ten times that.

Although the heroic killing is the backcourt effort, after the fame is opened, the sales have exploded. But in the same way, although the monster duel card in Yu-Gi-Oh now relies on the fame of the comics and Chen Ze, as the plot of the comics deepens, the fame of the card itself has opened up.

Chen Ze believes that the momentum behind it will definitely not be lost to the heroes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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