


姝h镌€锛孒ong Dali 镄勫ご浠庤 绐楅噷鎺 绐楅噷鎺 鍑 鍑 鍑 鍑 滀笂杞 滀笂杞 滀笂杞 滀笂杞 滀笂杞 滀笂杞 滀笂杞 滀笂杞 涔埚憿锛熲 涔埚憿锛熲

鈥滃ぇ锷涗綘鍏堜紤鎭 锛屸 锛屸 濆攼鎱曢Θ鍐睭 D D D D D D D D D D € € € € € € € € €簬鐭充簬鐭冲ご镄勶紒鈥

鈥滈兘浼氶濯氱溂浜嗏€[€[€滺ong Dali 鍢熷洈镌€锛气滈偅鎴戝厛鐪嬩 滈偅鎴戝厛鐪嬩 灏忚锛屼綘浠揩镣 灏忚锛屼綘浠揩镣 晩鈥 [€ 〉皬锽碉纴鏉ュ彨鍝ユ姳浼泛紒鈥

鈥 煡阆撶殑锛佲 濈瓑 濈瓑 濈瓑 濈瓑 D 濈瓑 濈瓑 濈瓑 濈瓑 濈瓑 濈瓑 D D D D D D D D D D D D D

锷冲痉鏄庣湅浜嗙湅 Li Nianwei 锛气€幇鍦ㄥ浗鍐呭缑鏁幇鍦ㄥ浗鍐呭缑鏁板康钖嘒oddess chain鐏鐏鐏锛岀浜屽涓嶅灏涓嶅灏涓嶅灏佃枃灏忓瑕佹愧銆奊oddess 镄勫湥鏂楀+銆嬫病镞堕棿锛屼絾鏄彴板呴润灏忓chain夋椂闂村慭锛佹垜鍦ㄦ兂锛屾棦鐒跺挶浠 娆¤寮勪 娆¤寮勪 娆¤寮勪 澶 殑锛岄偅涓嶅灏 殑锛岄偅涓嶅灏 殑锛岄偅涓嶅灏 嗗 嗗 嗗 嗗 嗗叕鍙 纴鍜 纴鍜 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞 缇ょ瓥缇ゅ姏锛屽簲璇ユ瘮鍗曞

杩欐湁阆撴槸浜哄锷涢噺澶э纴锷 痉鏄庤 痉鏄庤 涓 娆 娆 篃鐪熸槸璞佸嚭铡讳 篃鐪熸槸璞佸嚭铡讳 篃鐪熸槸璞佸嚭铡讳 鈥曗 曞弽姝 曞弽姝 曞弽姝 涓岖敤浠栨嬁阍 涓岖敤浠栨嬁阍Will

鈥沧仼锛岃 涓 涓 娆 娆 挶浠濂 挶浠濂 挶浠濂 挶浠濂 幈鍧炲ソ鐪嬶紒鈥濆攼鎱曢Θ鎭剁嫚镫犲湴锛 幈鍧炲ソ鐪嬶紒鈥濆攼鎱曢Θ鎭剁嫚镫犲湴锛 滃眳鐒 滃眳鐒 滃眳鐒 滃眳鐒 兂绠楄鍜 兂绠楄鍜 兂绠楄鍜 锛岃 鍙 鍙 皵涓嶈兘蹇嶏紒澶 皵涓嶈兘蹇嶏紒澶 皵涓嶈兘蹇嶏紒澶 缇鍙槸鍜 缇鍙槸鍜 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 ぇ榫熼偅灏 ぇ榫熼偅灏 ぇ榫熼偅灏 ぇ榫熼偅灏 ぇ榫熼偅灏 ぇ榫熼偅灏 ぇ榫熼偅灏 ぇ榫熼偅灏灏辩瓑浜庣畻璁°C垜鈥[€〈篃绛変簬绠楄蹇佃枃濮愶紒鈥

灏忎斧澶村浠婅秺鏉ヨ秺涓崭粙镒忚 Umbrella 涓狧ong Dali 镄 ian ianc Mao e 镄勮 浠 浠 浠 鈥 € [€

鈥渉ehe 锛屾槸锻纴鈥 roll i Nianwei 绔椤湪涓€镞侊纴said with a faint smile 锛气€渊oung Master 骞虫椂瑕佷箞涓嶅仛锛屽仛灏辫锅埌Arg埌Chain 濂 濂 纴杩欐寰楃畻鏄挶浠ぉ锲 纴杩欐寰楃畻鏄挶浠ぉ锲 纴杩欐寰楃畻鏄挶浠ぉ锲 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 瀵 瀵 瀵 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝 嗕笟姝瀹 湁镞堕棿澶氭 湁镞堕棿澶氭 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 晢璁笅锛岃呖灏戝缑 晢璁笅锛岃呖灏戝缑傗€

鈥沧仼锛屽康钖囧皬濮愯镄勫锛佲€濆姵寰锋槑灏忓0阆掳fine 鈥沧垜杩椤 锲炲幓镵 锲炲幓镵 郴浜 郴浜 纴鐒跺悗寮 涓 涓 涓柊闂诲彂 冧 冧 銆 銆 挶浠 挶浠 挶浠 娆 娆 娆 娆 鏉ヤ 鏉ヤ 鏉ヤ 鏉ヤ 鏉ヤ 鏉ヤ 鏉ヤ


鈥滃ソ浜嗭纴鍜变滑鍏埚洖铡诲惂锛屸€滚i Nianwei said with a slight smile 锛气滃埆璁 滃埆璁TELoung Master 绛夋€ヤ 銆傗€

“it is good!”


澶╀含宁傦纴鐏浮headquarters 銆

Liu Yihui 鍧愬湪钀 湴绐楀墠镄勮 呬笂锛岀湅镌 呬笂锛岀湅镌 呬笂锛岀湅镌 鍩庡 鍩庡 鍩庡 鍩庡 鍩庡 鍩庡 镄勯湏铏 鏅纴蹇冩儏寰堜笉阌欍 鏅纴蹇冩儏寰堜笉阌欍

The performance of the company has risen sharply in recent days, especially in chess and card games. Since the son Liu Mingxin has set a strategy to develop chess games, it is almost all the way to triumph. In a short period of time, the number of online games has broken through the 3 million mark, although currently I haven’t started to make a profit yet, but I can meet it. When I start to get some fees, I have a net worth of at least 100,000.

“It seems that this strategy is going well.” Liu Yihui took a deep breath: “Avoided a confrontation with Hong Dali, hehe, the game company was hacked for 36 hours. When the reaction came, my turkey chessboard had a hundred thousand popularity.”

“I can’t take it, I believe that this child is really sinister!”

Nowadays, with the arrogance of Liu Yihui, I have to admire that this oldest son, who is most optimistic, does have a set.

“Liu total, not good!” Liu Yihui was thinking, the assistant rushed in and rushed in, and when he saw the name, he said: “Liu total, not good! Old Lord, Old Lord fainted today! Going to the hospital for examination, the doctor said…say…”

“What did the doctor say!?” Liu Yihui rushed forward, grabbing the assistant’s clothes collar: “What happened to my dad?! You said! You can hurry!”

The assistant, who once saw the most admired Liu in his heart, panicked and snorted, saying: “The doctor said, Old Lord is… stomach cancer…”

Gastric cancer! cancer! The most terrifying disease!

“I… my dad, he… he actually…” Liu Yihui instantly shed tears. After a short silence, he suddenly screamed desperately: “My dad, where he is! Where is he now!”

“In the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University…” The assistant said with difficulty: “Liu, you, don’t be excited… The Affiliated Hospital of Medical University is our best hospital in Tianjin…”

The Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, the full name of the Affiliated Hospital of Tianjing Medical University, is the best hospital in Tianjing and even throughout the Kingdom. If there is no way here, then the basic person will not be saved.

“Don’t be excited, hehe, don’t be excited…” Liu Yihui trembled and shouted fiercely. “How can I not be excited?! That’s my dad, it’s my father! It was when I was a kid, let me ride him.” Father watching the drama on the shoulder! How can I not be excited!”

“Ready! Prepare the car!” Liu Yihui said as he went outside the door: “I will go now! Go now!”


Affiliated Hospital of Tianjing Medical University, special care unit on the 36th floor.

Liu Yihui pushed the door of the ward lightly and gently, and kept the gentlest smile on his face. He looked at the old man in his sixties, and said softly: “Dad, I came to see you, how do you feel now?” ?”

“hehe, is Yihui? Sit down.” The old man named Liu Zhongyuan, the father of the turkey president Liu Yihui.

The Liu family is also a large family in Tianjing City. There are many branches. Liu Zhongyuan is a core class. However, Liu Zhongyuan is a bit like Hong Weiguo. He is such a son of Liu Yihui.

“Dad, you have nothing to do now,” Liu Yihui sat down obediently, said with a slight smile: “Is it better?”

“Nothing, what can I do?” Liu Zhongyuan was lying on the hospital bed and shook his head without hesitation: “I am older, my body is not as good as before, nothing, don’t worry.”

“Dad, you, don’t think too much!” Liu Yihui’s eyes are a little red: “You will be fine! Certainly!”

“hehe,foolish child,” Liu Zhongyuan leisurely said: “There are people who are sick and dead. I am sixty-six this year. I have lived enough in this life. What do you want to think less?”

“Yeah, you are sixty-six, hehe.” Liu Yihui smiled bitterly: “A few months later is August 25, this year I will give you a total of sixty-sixth birthday, when You must be better, so you can have fun.”

“haha, mixed boy, remember my birthday?” Liu Zhongyuan smiled indifferently: “Nothing, old bones, don’t worry, I am not so brittle, at least not a problem for a few months, hehe.” Liu Zhongyuan looked at Liu Yihui, said with a smile: “It’s you, do it well. Hey, actually speaking, you are doing very well. Mingxin Mingcheng is also sensible, and his mind is also very good, I am Life is also a living value.”

“Hey, what you said,” Liu Yihui turned his head and secretly wiped his tears: “You can still live for decades, and you say everything. Well, yes, Dad, you wait for me, I’ll go out and make a call. Call Mingxin and Mingcheng to see you!”

Liu Yihui said this, not waiting for father Liu Zhongyuan to answer, directly out of the ward door, pulled out the phone and dialed out, and the name of the phone number, wrote – Liu Mingxin.


Tianjing City, an ordinary residential building in the North Fifth Ring Road.

It is said that in such a place, it is a place where ordinary people live, but today there is a blue streamlined sports car parked here!

If you look at the license plate number, the master of this sports car is the most proud son of Liu Yihui, Liu Mingxin!

As a stalwart character of the day, Liu Mingxin will appear here, and it is hard to believe.

But at this time, he is really here, and still teach a few children to draw a stick figure in the house –

“Come, let’s draw the bunny today, everyone gets the pen -” “Well, first draw an ellipse, this is the head of the bunny, draw a big eye, two long ears…”

Soon a simple bunny was drawn. There was a little girl about seven or eight years old laughing and asked: “Liu big brother, are you not busy today? We don’t draw a stick figure, okay?” I haven’t seen you for a few days, tell us the story!”

There are five or six other children who are together: “Yes, yes, big brother, tell us the story!”

“Chat, okay.” Liu Mingxin turned to look at the only young girl in the room who was about twenty-two and three years old, said with a slight smile: “Small, you have to cook some, the children are afraid at night.” It is necessary to eat more when you are hungry and have a long body. I will eat with everyone.”

“Okay, Young Master.” The girl named Xiao Yan smiled and went to the kitchen to cook.

“So, what do you want to ask?” After the girl went out, Liu Mingxin smiled and asked: “As long as everyone wants to know, I can tell you.”

“Liu big brother,” the seven-year-old girl jumped and asked: “Let us tell the story of the vigorous Young Master! His luck is so good. Oh, hey, the big brother’s ability Why can’t you?”

“haha, vigorously Young Master, good! Let’s talk about the story of Young Master!” Liu Mingxin laughed heartily, said: “This kid, usually loses all the time, spend money everywhere, wherever it goes, if anyone else, if someone else Ah, it must be a long time to spend the money. The result, guess what? This kid’s money is more and more spent, even me, no money for him!”

“Liu big brother,” asked a little boy below: “When the big brother compares with him, is he lost?”

“Well, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose,” Liu Mingxin said with a smile : “Before I also totaled a good comparison with him, the result was like a mouse tortoise, no way to start. He is seeing What to do, playing movies today may go to play games tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ran to read novels, hit a shot for a place, no way, run faster than rabbits!”

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