Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a ticket!


Listening to the fun of Liu Mingxin, the following children are screaming: “Hey, this time the big brother meets the opponent!” “Yes, yes, vigorously Young Master sounds great, don’t know How did he do it, Liu Big Brother couldn’t beat him!” “That’s not to fight, Liu Big Brother and he have no enmity, that’s called… Call… Yes, you have to fight!” It’s the ground, the two are fighting! Hey!”

Looking at the lovely children in front of me, Liu Mingxin is in a good mood.

These orphans were accidentally hit by him. At that time, the six children were sold to the mountains by the traffickers. The last three traffickers were all killed by him. This saved the children. At that time, a few little guys were only three or four years old. He was told that the traffickers were cheating from the orphanage. They simply adopted it. Anyway, they also have this economic ability. As a result, they are four years old.

It can be said that these children are the softest part of Liu Mingxin’s heart. Every week, he will come here to see and tell a few children about stories.

A few children are also very sensible, usually with the little elder sister to learn some simple Pinyin Chinese characters, this should be ready to send to elementary school.

“Time has passed so fast, four years have passed, hehe…” Liu Mingxin shook his head and was about to tell you something interesting. Suddenly the phone rang.

Liu Mingxin frowned, pick up the phone and see it, it was actually brought by father.

“Dad? What happened to me at this time?” As soon as the result was connected, Liu Yihui’s scream came from the phone: “Mingxin, immediately come to the ward of the Hospital of the Affiliated Hospital on the 36th floor, the ward, your grandfather ,problem occurs!”

“I have a grandfather accident?” Liu Mingxin hangs up directly: “I am coming soon.”

Seeing that Liu Mingxin is going to go, a few children are sensible and don’t talk. The brave little girl said slyly: “Liu big brother, what is the big grandfather? Then you go quickly, we ourselves I will take care of myself!” She said this, and the other children were very small and nodded.

“hehe, well, remember to be jealous. If you want to listen to the little sister, please know,” Liu Mingxin squatted down and smiled and touched the heads of several children: “You can go to school in the second half of the year. I am sending you, okay?”

“Good-!!!” Six cute little children shouted in unison.

“Liu Young Master, you… is this ready to go?” The girl who heard the voice came out of the kitchen and hurriedly came out: “Is there anything I need to help?”

“Well…” Liu Mingxin thought for a moment: “Give me some good meals, my grandfather is estimated to be hungry.”

“Okay, just fine.” Xiaoxuan heard the instructions and quickly returned to the kitchen.

“Liu big brother,” the brave little girl took Liu Mingxin’s hand: “Little 茗elder sister is very nice, beautiful, Liu big brother, do you like her? It is better to take her with us, we are at home No problem.”

“Little 茗?” Liu Mingxin looked towards the direction of the kitchen, smiled and shook his head: “She is a good girl, just… um, maybe she should really take her to rush, for my grandfather, this is not a big deal. “Think of this, Liu Mingxin softly said: “Then you must be at home, anyone wants you to open the door, you must not open, okay? Also, don’t touch the fire and the appliances!”

“Well, we know!” The little girl was replied.

Soon, Xiao Yan put the food in the insulated lunch box, and then went out to the kitchen and handed it to Liu Mingxin: “Liu Young Master, the food is ready, go, lest the grandfather be in a hurry.”

“hehe, let me go.” Liu Mingxin had a beautiful smile on his face and gently held his hand: “I think grandfather will be very happy to see you.”

“Ah? I…” Xiao Yan was surprised and happy, his face was red and red: “How can that, my identity…”

“How about it, let me go first, the car said.” Time does not and the others, Liu Mingxin even the little apron refused to ask her to take off, pull her away: “Don’t hesitate, follow me come on.”

“Ah… well…” Xiao Yan finally turned back and explained a few children: “When I come back, don’t open the door.”

鈥滃ソ镄勶纴铡绘妸灏忚宝elder sister 锛佲€

鍑洪棬涓婅 锛孡 Ming Ming Ming Ming 鍙戝姩姹 锛屽彂锷ㄦ満 锛屽彂锷ㄦ満 锛屽彂锷ㄦ満 锛屽彂锷ㄦ満 锛屽彂锷ㄦ満 捣涓 捣涓 捣涓 捣涓 捣涓 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂╀ 宁 as lightning 銆


璇 捣鏉ワ纴濂 捣鏉ワ纴濂 捣鏉ワ纴濂 涓緢鏅 涓緢鏅 涓緢鏅 涓緢鏅 氱殑濂 氱殑濂 銆傞昵鐩 銆傞昵鐩 銆傞昵鐩 锛岀毊 锛岀毊 锛岀毊 锛岀毊 锛岀毊 纴鐪 纴鐪 纴鐪熷緢 夌锛屼絾鏄ス镄勫嚭韬緢宸 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑 粠鍐沧沩鍑満铡诲 満铡诲 惧 惧 惧 惧 惧 惧 惧 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂 畨濂纴濂 湪褰 笘 Liu Mingxin 姝e嗳澶囦 鍑犱 鍑犱 瀛ゅ 镓 镓 镓 句 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 濆锛岃鍒 骞曪纴 骞曪纴 骞曪纴 骞曪纴 骞曪纴 骞曪纴

涓 涓湀涓 涓湀涓 鍗冧簲锛屽 鍗冧簲锛屽 鍗冧簲锛屽 钖冧綇銆 钖冧綇銆 緟阆囧彲璋 緟阆囧彲璋 緟阆囧彲璋 緟阆囧彲璋 镊︻劧涓崭 镊︻劧涓崭 镊︻劧涓崭 镊︻劧涓崭

濂 槸涓 涓緢鎷 涓緢鎷 涓緢鎷 簨镄勫コ瀛╋纴浣庤皟锛屽嫟锷 簨镄勫コ瀛╋纴浣庤皟锛屽嫟锷 簨镄勫コ瀛╋纴浣庤皟锛屽嫟锷 簨镄勫コ瀛╋纴浣庤皟锛屽嫟锷 簨镄勫コ瀛╋纴浣庤皟锛屽嫟锷 纴姣忓ぉ閮 纴姣忓ぉ閮 纴姣忓ぉ閮 纴姣忓ぉ閮 棿 棿 棿 锛岄キ 锛岄キ 锛岄キ 锛岄キ 锛岄キ 锛岄キAcne 娆 iu Mingxin 鏉ヨ 岋纴閮 岋纴閮 岋纴閮 岋纴閮 岋纴閮 澶 澶 澶 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜

Key 屾渶璁mmiu Mingxin 婊°C剰镄勶纴灏 槸灏忚 槸灏忚 杩欎 杩欎 杩欎 杩欎 杩欎 浜 浜 粠鏉ヤ笉浼氭湁浠讳綍瑕佹眰銆Monkey 纴浼 娣 娣 啛浜嗛毦鍏崭 啛浜嗛毦鍏崭 啛浜嗛毦鍏崭 啛浜嗛毦鍏崭 啛浜嗛毦鍏崭 涓嶅悓锛屽ス浠庢潵閮 涓嶅悓锛屽ス浠庢潵閮 涓嶅悓锛屽ス浠庢潵閮 涓嶅悓锛屽ス浠庢潵閮 涓嶅悓锛屽ス浠庢潵閮 涓嶅悓锛屽ス浠庢潵閮宸 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍐呯殑浜嬶纴澶 鍙ラ兘涓崭 鍙ラ兘涓崭 鍙ラ兘涓崭 鍙ラ兘涓崭

鎴栬灏忚宝涔熷枩娆iu Mingxin 锛屼絾鏄ス浠庢潵涓崭 変 変 変

杩椤 鏄竴涓︷潪 鏄竴涓︷潪 镐紶缁熺殑濂 镐紶缁熺殑濂 锛屼紶缁燂纴 锛屼紶缁燂纴 锛屼紶缁燂纴 锛屼紶缁燂纴

鈥沧煶Young Master 锛屾垜铡烩€[€》湡镄勫ソ钖楋纻鈥濆皬锣楀潗鍦ㄥ坛椹鹃┒镄勪綅缃纴娴戣韩閮界环镄勭揣绱х殑銆侺iu Mingxin 镄勫嚭韬ス闅愮害钖粬鎻愯捣杩囦竴浜涳纴澶у镞忥纴璧勪骇鍑燲NUMX billion 杩囩栌浜匡纴鍐崇粷瀵镄勯 灏栧 灏栧 灏栧 浜 浜 浜 浜 墿銆 浜 浜 浜 浜 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶э纴鍙皳 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶э纴鍙皳 璺濆疄鍦ㄥお澶э纴鍙皳Difference between Heaven and Earth 銆

鈥渉ehe 锛屾湁浠€涔堜笉濂界殑锛熲€濈溂镌涚揣绱х殑鐩潃璺殑鐩潃璺锛孡 iu Mingxin 杞诲0闂死锛气€滃洜涓鸿韩浠Jin

鈥沧仼鈥[€[€濆皬锣楄劯缇炵殑阃氱濆皬锣楄劯缇炵殑阃氱锛屽0阔大窡铓婂瓙鍝窡铓婂瓙鍝窡铓婂瓙鍝摷涓鑸鑸鈥滆鈥滆槸鈥[€〈笉鏄€[€〉 ammonia 鐩 綋浜庢煶 Young Master 浣犵殑濂 €€ [€ コ コ 嫔弸鍟 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € €虫€曗€[€[€

涔熼毦镐ス蹇愬繎锛実randfather 鐥呬 锛屽瓩瀛愬甫涓コ瀛╁幓鐪嬫湜锛屾崲璋侀兘寰楁兂姝﹃ 锛屽瓩瀛愬甫涓コ瀛╁幓鐪嬫湜锛屾崲璋侀兘寰楁兂姝﹃

鍙嶅€掓槸Liu Mingxin 婊¤劯镞犳墍璋撶殑镙峰瓙锛宻aid with a slight smile 锛气滈偅鍙堜粈涔堜笉鍙悧锛熷滈偅鍙堜粈涔堜笉鍙悧锛熷滈偅鍙堜粈涔堜笉鍙悧锛熷涓婅涓婅屾垜浠琇iu Family 涔熼兘鏄笅鍦 旷敯镄勬 旷敯镄勬 旷敯镄勬 旷敯镄勬 per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per

钖琇iu Mingxin 杩欎箞涓€璇达纴灏忚宝寰埚揩灏卞畨闱欎笅鏉ャ€傝槠鐒傝槠鐒傝槠鐒缮夌偣蹇愬繎锛屽掓槸涓嶉偅涔堢揣寮犱锛岄棶阆掳细鈥滈偅锛屾煶Young Master 锛屽埌浜嗘垜璇モ€[€“垜璇ユ€庝箞锅纻鈥纻鈥

鈥滀篃涓岖敤浠 涔堬纴鈥 涔堬纴鈥 iu Ming Ming 鎯 鎯 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻 鈥滃杺鎴慻殑浜洪兘宁屾湜瀛愬瓩婊”爞锛屾垜grandfather 鐥呬 锛屾墍浠ュ甫浣犲幓鍐 ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld ld Borrowing ソ涓€浜到€傗€

鈥滃摝鈥[€[€濆惉浜哃iu Mingxin 镄勮瘽锛屽皬锣楀灏戞湁浜涘け钀 鈥滃 鈥滃 鏉ユ煶 鏉ユ煶 Young Master 宁 《垜铡讳篃鍙槸涓轰 璁 m2ld Man Sect 楂 叴涓 叴涓 涓嬧 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔緢寮 蹇冧 蹇冧 锛岃呖灏戞煶 Young Master 锛屾 夊彧鎶婃垜褰撴垚涓 chain 夊彧鎶婃垜褰撴垚涓 涓﹄缭濮嗕 涓﹄缭濮嗕 涓﹄缭濮嗕 涓﹄缭濮嗕 纴 纴 纴 he he 纴 纴 纴 纴

寰埚揩锛岃 滃湪浜嗗尰澶 滃湪浜嗗尰澶 梼灞炲尰闄 梼灞炲尰闄 三 三 三 三 三 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming煶鏄庤瘹浠庡彟涓 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 侀 侀 侀 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 €

鈥滃簲璇ヤ笉浼氭湁浠€涔坢ajor event 锛屽厛闅忔垜鏉ュ惂銆傗€濅笁浜哄綋鍗濅笁浜哄綋鍗笂妤笺€

璺笂锛屾煶鏄庤瘹濂 镄勭湅镌 灏忚 灏忚 灏忚 锛岄棶阆掳 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 鈥渂 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔熻 濆闀 濆闀 濆闀 濆闀 濆闀 濆闀 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂 掓尯濂嗙偣銆傗€

镆 槑璇氲 槑璇氲 槑璇氲 氱 氱 Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming Ming

鈥滃晩锛燂紒鐪熺殑 囩殑锛燂紒鈥濇煶鏄庤瘹澶 彨涓 彨涓 彨涓 澹 澹 澹 纴涓娄笅 纴涓娄笅 纴涓娄笅 纴涓娄笅 纴涓娄笅 纴涓娄笅 涓 鐣纴蹇 鐣纴蹇 鐣纴蹇 鐣纴蹇 鐣纴蹇渂€ brotherig brother 鐪熶笉鏄垜璇翠綘锛宻ister-in-law 杩欎箞婕备涓﹄涓﹄涓﹄涓﹄浣犱篃涓嶈缁椤ソ濂敹鎷句敹鎷湅杩欓昵鍙戝 罐 罐 纴闾 鏄綘濞 鏄綘濞 鏄綘濞 鏄綘濞 鏄綘濞 垜鍙ソ镄勬椂 垜鍙ソ镄勬椂 濊镌 濊镌 濊镌 镆 镆 镆 镆璇氱瑧鍢诲樆镄勫啿灏忚 璇撮 璇撮 渟 渟 渟 brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother犳墦 墦 墦 墦 纴 纴 纴 纴 璺 璺 璺 璺 璺 璺

鈥渟tinky brat 锛屸€滚iu Mingxin 绗戦獋阆掳 鈥滆窡璋佷綘閮 鈥滆窡璋佷綘閮 鈥滆窡璋佷綘閮 紑鐜╃瑧锛岀幇鍦ㄤ笉鏄杩欎 紑鐜╃瑧锛岀幇鍦ㄤ笉鏄杩欎 镄勬椂 镄勬椂 镄勬椂埚幓鐪媑randfather 瑕佺揣銆傗€


铏 劧璇 劧璇 劧璇 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 屾煶鏄庤瘹璺烪 compatible compatible compatible compatible compatible compatible compatible compatible compatible ncompatible as fire and water Ming繁瀹朵杩樻槸鐩杩樻槸鐩綋涓嶉敊镄勶纴灏ゅ叾鏄Liu Mingxin 杩欎綅big brother 锛岄偅旋存槸镊皬灏卞綋 pot跺儚宕囨嫓銆

寰埚揩锛屼笁浜哄埌浜嗕笁鍗佸叚妤 竴 埧锛屼竴杩涘幓锛孡 埧锛屼竴杩涘幓锛孡 埧锛屼竴杩涘幓锛孡 Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi浜嗭纴蹇 鏉ワ紒鈥

鈥済randfather 锛屾偍杩桦ソ钖э纻鈥 iu Mingxin 璧板埌grandfather 镆 繝杩 繝杩 殑鐥呭簥鍓嶅潗涓嬶纴杞 殑鐥呭簥鍓嶅潗涓嬶纴杞 鎺栦 鎺栦 鎺栦 鎺栦闂 锛 锛 済 済 f f f f f f f f f f f f

鈥滃皬锣楋纻鈥濇灉鐒讹纴涓€钖琇iu Mingxin 镄勮瘽锛屾煶蹇犺 椤挎椂鐪 椤挎椂鐪 椤挎椂鐪 椤挎椂鐪 潧灏 潧灏 潧灏 潧灏 潧灏 潧灏嫑 嬶 嬶 鈥滃瀛愶纴杩囨潵鍙玤 鈥滃瀛愶纴杩囨潵鍙玤 randfather 鐪嬬湅銆傗€

鈥済randfather 鈥[€[€濆皬锣楁€敓鐢熺殑璧 杩囨潵锛屽潗鍒 杩囨潵锛屽潗鍒 簥澶 簥澶 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 纴濂 壊阃氱 壊阃氱 壊阃氱 壊阃氱 壊阃氱 壊阃氱 壊阃氱 変簺瀹緸銆

鈥沧仼锛屸 濇煶蹇犺 濇煶蹇犺 濇煶蹇犺 浠 浠 粏 粏 粏 粏 粏 粏 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹 滀簲瀹戝张鐩达纴鏄纴鏄婕婕涓ご锛宧涓ご锛宧ehe 銆傗€濊镌€鍙堢粰Liu Mingxin 寮€鑴憋鑴憋鈥沧槑鈥沧槑¤¤瀛╁瓙瀵瀛╁瓙瀵劅鎯呮湁镣劅鎯呮湁镣锛屼笉镐庝箞浼氲濂 濞 濞 镄勶纴浣犲彲澶 镄勶纴浣犲彲澶 镄勶纴浣犲彲澶 镄勶纴浣犲彲澶 钖潃镣 钖潃镣 钖潃镣 钖潃镣 钖潃镣

鈥灭埛鈥[€randfather 鈥[€[€濆皬锣楃溂娉敯镄勪竴涓嫔 涓嬫潵浜嗭 涓嬫潵浜嗭 鈥沧煶 鈥沧煶 Young Master 瀵 垜寰埚ソ镄勨 〔€ [€ €

Yi chain涘惂锛屸涘惂锛屸濇煶蹇犺濇煶蹇犺鍐睱 iu Yihui and the others 鎸ヤ 鎸ユ 鎸ユ 锛 滀綘浠兘鍏埚嚭铡诲惂锛屾垜璺熷皬锣椾 滀綘浠兘鍏埚嚭铡诲惂锛屾垜璺熷皬锣椾 滀綘浠兘鍏埚嚭铡诲惂锛屾垜璺熷皬锣椾 滀綘浠兘鍏埚嚭铡诲惂锛屾垜璺熷皬锣椾 滀綘浠兘鍏埚嚭铡诲惂锛屾垜璺熷皬锣椾澶 浼氲瘽銆傗

鈥滈偅鈥[€”偅鎴戜滑灏卞厛鍑哄幓浜嗐€傗€滚iu Mingxin 鐪煎湀绾 涓€涓嬶纴涔嫔悗涓変汉褰揿嵆鍑洪棬銆

绛夋埧闂撮噷灏卞墿镆 繝杩滃拰灏忚 繝杩滃拰灏忚 涓や 涓や 涓や 涓や 涓や 涓や 繝杩滆 繝杩滆 繝杩滆 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹 岖瑧浜嗙瑧锛屾煍澹纴瀹炶瘽 婅瘔鎴 婅瘔鎴 纴浣犱粖澶╂潵锛屾槸鏄庝 纴浣犱粖澶╂潵锛屾槸鏄庝 纴浣犱粖澶╂潵锛屾槸鏄庝 涓 涓 涓 璁ㄦ垜娆 璁ㄦ垜娆 一 一 一 一 一 一

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