Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 560: Uncle!


The sizzling squid was steaming fragrantly.

At this time, the leader of the Sanlian Gang, Chen Qili, was wearing a white apron, with his cuffs tucked, holding an iron shovel in one hand and manipulating the iron plate in the other. He looked like a hawker doing business on the street. appearance.

Shi Zhijian and Chen Yaotai were sitting on the chairs next to them, with a dozen beers and Kinmen sorghum wine in front of them. Seven or eight Sanlian gang younger brothers watched the surroundings vigilantly.

There are various night market stalls on both sides, bustling, with a strong atmosphere of fireworks, and it is very lively.

A charming woman appeared behind Chen Qili with various ingredients and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen, what's the big day today, and you actually let you cook the teppanyaki yourself?"

"There are friends from Hong Kong, let's live together!"

The woman glanced at Shi Zhijian and Chen Yaotai in the distance, and laughed: "It looks like you two friends are not easy!"

"Really, how do you say it?"

"Especially the handsome guy in the white suit, shouldn't he be a big star?"

"The proprietress has good eyesight! Why, do you want to introduce your daughter to him?" Chen Qili flipped the squid on the iron plate and joked.

"You also know that my daughter Ai Jia is very worried. She smokes, drinks and plays truant! She wants to be a female star! It would be better if someone she knows can help her!" The female boss really regarded Shi Zhijian as a male star.

Chen Qili smiled and said, "This is no problem! Later, you can bring your precious daughter to toast Mr. Shi with a few glasses of wine and a few dishes, and then I will help you talk and make peace with you. Maybe your daughter can directly Fly to Hong Kong to be a star!"

"Really?" The female boss took it seriously, "Then I'll go find Ai Jia now and ask her to come back quickly!"

"Huh?" Chen Qili knew that the joke was getting bigger.

But the proprietress put down the vegetable bowl early to find her daughter.


For a moment.

Chen Qili put the prepared teppanyaki on the table, then pulled off his apron and said to Shi Zhijian, "Why haven't you started yet? It's time to eat and drink!"

After speaking, he opened a can of beer and handed it to Shi Zhijian, and then opened another can and handed it to Chen Yaotai: "My teppanyaki is a bit special, beer gargle, white wine with vegetables!"

He opened the sorghum wine and poured a glass for each of Shi Zhijian and Chen Yaotai.

Shi Zhijian smiled, took the beer first, waited for Chen Qili to stop, also picked up the beer, the three of them clinked glasses and drank it all in one go!

This counts as an opening drink.

Immediately, Shi Zhijian picked up a black suitcase on the ground, picked it up and pushed it to Chen Qili: "Thank you for your help!"

Chen Qili was not polite. He took the suitcase and opened it. It was full of brand new banknotes, neatly coded.

"You count, a total of 300,000!"

"It seems a bit too much!" Chen Qili closed the box and looked at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian picked up his chopsticks, took a piece of teppanyaki and threw it into his mouth: "Is there a lot? Boss Chen, your teppanyaki skills are worth the price!"

Although it was a joke, it made Chen Qili very happy.

In fact, if he is not a gang boss, he would like to be a chef the most. It is an indescribable enjoyment to see others tasting his own food and complimenting him.

"Mr. Shi, not much else to say, I have made a deal with you as a friend Chen! Come on, toast!" Chen Qili picked up the sorghum wine.

Shi Zhijian smiled slightly and picked up the liquor.

Chen Yaotai picked up the wine, thinking about it, Boss Chen and Mr. Shi met to clink glasses, so he put it down again.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qili glanced at him and said with a smile, "What are you doing when you put it down? Why, look down on me?"

Chen Yao was too busy to pick up the liquor again, and said with a hilarious smile, "No! I just want to clink glasses with you alone later! I heard from my uncle that Mr. Chen has an excellent drinker, I want to try it!"

"Your uncle?"

"Dongying Hong Kong Gang, Chen Huwang!"

"Chen Huwang? Are you his nephew?" Chen Qili was surprised.

"Why, do you know my uncle?" Chen Yaotai was also surprised.

Chen Qili laughed, patted the dining table hard, and exclaimed: "Go! The family doesn't know the family anymore! My surname is Chen, and yours is Chen too, do you think you know each other?"

Chen Yaotai blinked: "Then I should call you----"

"In terms of seniority, you call me uncle!"

"Pfft!" Chen Yaotai spit out a mouthful of wine.

"This kid! That's how you react when you see your uncle?" Chen Qili scolded.

"No, I'm just... too excited!"

Chen Qili is twenty-eight years old!

Chen Yaotai was only four or five years younger than him, yet he wanted to call him uncle, how could it be? !

Seeing Chen Yaotai's face twisted, he looked reluctant.

Chen Qili directly opened the box, grabbed a few stacks of banknotes and threw them to Chen Yaotai: "When we first met, the uncle didn't have anything to give you, so use this money! It's just a gift!"

Chen Yao was too stunned, and immediately took the money when he regained his senses: "Uncle, is this inappropriate?" He shoved the money into his pocket, "Uncle, to be honest, I don't at all. Money greedy! Uncle, I am a knowledgeable person! Uncle, what do you want to do in the future! Uncle, come, I'll have a toast with you!"

Chen Yaotai, who was reluctant just now, said "uncle", not to mention how affectionate it was.


Three rounds of wine.

"Mr. Shi, you rewarded so much at one time, shouldn't there be something else?" Chen Qili said straight to the point, putting down his glass and looking at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian also put down the wine glass, "Brother Zhan is not easy to mess with, I can feel it! As a foreigner, I have no relatives and no reason here, and the only one I can rely on is Brother Chen!"

Chen Qili picked up his chopsticks and knocked on the table: "Mr. Shi's words are polite! We are Jianghu people, if you say something nice, you are called a green forest hero, if you say something ugly, you are begging for food in the Jianghu, just like a beggar! Others are juggling, walking on a tightrope, and their chests are broken. Dashi, we lick blood and work hard to make money! As long as the price is in place and it doesn't hurt the world, you can ask me to do anything!"

"The thief is also right! I understand this!" Shi Zhijian took out a cigarette and handed it over.

Chen Qili took the cigarette and bit it on his mouth. Chen Yaotai hurriedly took out the lighter and lit it for him.

Chen Qili also drank too much, and then opened the suitcase and took out a stack and threw it to Chen Yaotai.

Chen Yaotai smiled brightly, "Uncle, what you're doing is really... I'm speechless!" He hurriedly stuffed the money into his pocket!

Shi Zhijian took a puff of cigarettes, and then said, "Actually, I don't have anything important for you to do, I just ask you to do me a favor!"

As he spoke, Shi Zhijian listened to him and said a few words to Chen Qili.

Chen Qili's expression was normal at first, but slowly became solidified, and then relaxed again, and looked at Shi Zhijian with admiration in his eyes: "Mr. Shi, you are ruthless!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "What is ruthlessness? I'm just protecting myself!"

Chen Qili stopped talking, and seemed to be still thinking about Shi Zhijian's words, the more he thought about it, the more thrilling he felt.

At this moment, the proprietress came back with a little girl and shouted from a distance, "Mr. Chen, I brought back our Ai Jia, and asked her to toast you a few glasses of wine!"

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