Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 561: Art goddess!

As soon as I heard the proprietress brought her daughter.

"Ah, bad!" Chen Qili's face was embarrassed, but he didn't expect the proprietress to come for real!

Before Shi Zhijian could figure out what was going on, he saw the lady boss who still had the **** of the milfs pulling a girl over.

The girl had short hair, a row of ear studs in her left ear, her hair was dyed blue, and she was wearing a leather jacket and short shorts. She looked like a street rebellious girl.

"Why are you pulling me back? I'm having a good time with a group of friends!" The girl was chewing gum in her mouth, looking impatient.

The lady boss: "I feel sorry for you as a mother, and I will introduce you to a big boss! Don't you want to be a star, the opportunity is here!"

Only then was the girl pulled, stumbling over to the dining table, not even bothering to look at Shi Zhijian and the others, she just tilted her head, twisted her face, and shook her legs, looking like a condescending child.

"You son of a bitch! This is Mr. Chen, you know him, the one who often comes to us to cook by himself!"

The girl glanced at Chen Qili, shook her legs, chewed bubble gum, and said with a look of disdain: "I know! The fool you said, has nowhere to spend money, and likes to make teppanyaki!"

The proprietress was embarrassed and said to Chen Qili: "This child is talking nonsense! Don't believe it!"

Chen Qili could say anything, so he had to take a sip of the beer, "This kid has a pretty straight personality."

The proprietress was busy introducing Shi Zhijian: "Daughter, this is Shi Zhijian, Mr. Shi! I heard that he is a big star in Hong Kong!"

Shi Zhijian waved his hand hurriedly: "You made a mistake, I'm not a star!"

The proprietress made an "uh" and hurriedly looked at Chen Qili.

Chen Qili pointed and said, "Although he is not a star, he cultivates stars. He runs a film company!"


The proprietress was excited and hurriedly pulled her daughter to Shi Zhijian: "Hello Mr. Shi, this is my daughter Zhang Aijia! Please take care of you in the future!"

"Eh? Zhang Aijia!" Shi Zhijian was startled for a moment, and hurriedly looked at Zhang Aijia.

Zhang Aijia broke away from his mother's hand, "You're stupid, what people say? Look at him, he's not a few years older than me, he doesn't look like a movie tycoon?"

The proprietress looked at Shi Zhijian and felt that there was some truth in what her daughter said.

Shi Zhijian is too young.

There is no hair on the mouth, and the work is not firm!

Shouldn't he be deceived?

"Your name is Zhang Aijia? Come, turn around and let me see your qualifications?" Shi Zhijian snapped his fingers at Zhang Aijia.

With a puff, Zhang Aijia spit out the bubblegum she was chewing on the ground, pointed at Shi Zhijian and said, "How old are you? Let me go in circles and I'll go in circles? How about playing monkeys?!"

"No, your attitude is not good! I can't feel the breath of a literary goddess from you!"

"Your mother, literature and art! I hate literature and art the most in my life!" Zhang Aijia stepped on the bench with one foot, shaking her leg, "Is it cool that this girl looks like this?"

Zhang Aijia lifted the short hair that covered half of her face with her hands, revealing a smoky makeup look, especially her two eyes were painted with heavy eyeshadow!

Shi Zhijian saw clearly that it was indeed Zhang Aijia, but it was the panda version!

In the last life, Zhang Aijia was known as the goddess of literature and art. She starred in "A Thousand Miles to Save the Poor Woman" in the "Best Partner" series, and also sang the song "The Price of Love". Is a little sister.

"See clearly!" Shi Zhijian said, "It looks okay, but it's okay to build it!"

"It's okay, your mother, do I need your evaluation?" Zhang Aijia looked unhappy.

The proprietress slapped her on the head, "Speak well!" She turned around and smiled at Shi Zhijian: "Mr. Shi, what you said is okay, what do you mean?"

"I mean, train to be a star, and be a very popular one!"

"Ah, really?" The proprietress looked at her daughter in disbelief. No matter how she looked, she couldn't see where she had the potential to become a big star!

Since the child's rebellion, she and her husband have been heartbroken, thinking that this loser is hopeless, but they never thought they could become stars.

"Mr. Shi, I don't read much, and I'm a cook, don't you lie to me?"

"What am I lying to you for? As long as this child is handed over to me, I promise to make her a big star!"

"I believe it!" The proprietress nodded sharply.

"You believe in a ghost! Maybe he is a human trafficker! If you sell me to Hong Kong, you will never see me again!" Zhang Aijia said angrily.

The proprietress slapped her daughter again and said, "I believe him! Look at Mr. Shi's gentle looks, and he is so handsome! How can you look like a bad guy? You will eat spicy food with him in the future. If you are a star, don't forget the old lady!"

"No way, you sold me now?"

"I sold you to save you having to eat at home!"

Just then, a motorcycle sound came.

Four or five boys and girls dressed as hippies were riding fire-breathing motorcycles and shouting at Zhang Aijia, "Beautiful girl! Are you going to a disco?!"

"Let's go now!" Zhang Aijia, regardless of the 3721, broke free from his mother's pull and ran over like a fly.

"what are you doing?"

"Go out and play! Don't wait for me at night!"

Zhang Aijia got on a boy's motorcycle, and before leaving, she raised her **** at Shi Zhijian and said, "Go on the street, you Hong Kong guy! Damn liar!"

There was a humming sound.

The motorcycle galloped away, leaving behind a thick plume of smoke, which caused people to curse: "Damn boy! Stupid girl! Uneducated thing!"

The proprietress was embarrassed, but Shi Zhijian took out a business card and handed it to the other party, "Contact if you are free! Or, I will go to your house if you are free!"

The proprietress hurriedly took the business card with both hands and glanced at it. There was a long list of titles written on it, among which were: Hong Kong Golden Harvest Film Company, Executive President!

Is he really a movie mogul? !

Madam Boss, surprised!


"Die! You came back so late?"

When Shi Zhijian took Chen Yaotai back to the hotel, Dai Fengni roared at him.

"If you die, you won't be able to come This is not dead!" Shi Zhijian took off his jacket and threw it to Liang Youcai, who was standing foolishly beside him, jokingly.

"Are you still in the mood to joke? Do you know what happened?"

"what's going on?"

"The Zhan Group broke the contract and stopped selling soda and instant noodles for us! Our food will soon be withdrawn from the Baodao market!"

"Really? It looks like the Zhan brothers are very ruthless!"

"It's more than that!" Dai Fengni chased after Shi Zhijian's ass, "The karaoke and Walkman we brought from Dongying were also detained by the customs here, saying there was a lack of formalities!"

Shi Zhijian washed his face: "Needless to say, it was done by the Zhan brothers again! Ruthless!"

"Then what are we going to do now?"

"How?" Shi Zhijian wiped his face and looked back at Dai Fengni, "Sleep!"

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