Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 575: This son, a monster!

Indeed, the film production on Treasure Island is actually similar to that in Hong Kong.

A top big production in Hong Kong only invested 300,000 yuan, and the TAI coins here are only 300,000 yuan!

Shi Zhijian smiled.

He was afraid that these people would not open their mouths, as long as they opened their mouths, they would be hooked!

"That's right!" Shi Zhijian pointed to the people who spoke, his eyes swept over one by one, "Everyone here is a big boss! All of them are engaged in finance! One shot is millions, even tens of millions! Three hundred thousand For you, it is indeed pediatrics! Not worth the investment!"

When Peng Sihai, Wan Guyou and others heard Shi Zhijian's words, they felt that they were human words! There were comfortable expressions on their faces, and some even squinted their eyes, and their faces were relieved.

The arrogant and domineering image created by Shi Zhijian is too strong, come here suddenly, a little tout, let these big guys feel completely comfortable!

Cai Wanlin had a panoramic view of everything. Seeing the expressions of those big bosses after being massaged at the moment, he couldn't help nodding secretly again, this young man really has a hand! Hard and soft, absolutely!

"So, what I said just now about investing in movies is to make a little money! No, it's even losing money!"

Shi Zhijian's words turned a hundred and eighty degrees, once again attracting everyone's curiosity.

"What do you mean? You don't make money from filming, and you are even prepared to lose money?"

"Aren't you kidding? Or you're a fool!"

Contempt again!

Shi Zhijian ignored the cynicism and continued to stand at the conference table, and said in an impassioned tone: "Other people laugh at me for being crazy, I laugh at others and can't see through!"

"Go! This kid, he's still chanting poetry!"

"It's not really crazy, is it?"

Everyone looked at Shi Zhijian, who was standing on the table with a bohemian expression, a little dumbfounded.

Shi Zhijian waited for everyone to quiet down, and said in a slow tone: "Anyway, you are all engaged in finance, why don't you understand----there are two most profitable businesses in the world, one is robbery! The other is stock speculation!"

"Uh, what do you mean?" Everyone looked at each other.

"What I mean is very simple, find a listed company to invest in my play, and then let the company successfully transform with this play and boost its stock! We can make the box office of the movie so high, breaking the Two million, three million, or even breaking five million! We will pay for it ourselves, and we will book the venue! Unmanned venues! Even steal tickets! Exchange tickets! We will do everything possible to increase the box office!"

"At that time, even if we lose three million or five million at the box office, what about our company's stock? One dollar can be raised to three or five! If we have one million shares in our hands, we can make five hundred Ten thousand! What if there are ten million shares, thirty million shares, or even fifty million shares? How much can you earn?”

Blast on the spot!

Wouldn't it be necessary to earn 250 million all at once? !

Shi Zhijian's move is truly "extremely deceitful"!

No one thought that the company's stock could be boosted by fraudulent movie box office!



In fact, this trick was a common method used by many entertainment companies to make money in the last life!

Randomly find a big IP that everyone knows, and then randomly find a few traffic stars that everyone knows, and then make a movie casually, make a fake box office, and promote something that has a box office of more than one billion or billions. Breaking records or something!

Create a scene of a big movie sale, everything is booming, and then hire public opinion personnel to pull up the stock of the movie investment company!

At that time, no matter how bad the show is and no one will watch it, their box office will be a loss, and they will be able to cut leeks from the stock and make a lot of money!

Now, Shi Zhijian directly sacrificed this flying stunt, and directly killed everyone on the scene to be amazed!

"Amazing! Why didn't I expect it?"

"Can stocks still manipulate speculation like this?"

Don't talk about Peng Sihai at this moment, Wan Guyou and others looked at Shi Zhijian with admiration, and even Cai Wanlin, who had been calm all the time, couldn't help but look at Shi Zhijian with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This son, a monster!

Can come up with such a treacherous trick!

Simply incredible!

Of course Shi Zhijian wouldn't demand to see praise in their eyes.

He was waiting, waiting for someone to take the initiative to ask.

When it comes to acting, you can't do a one-man show by yourself, you must have a supporting role!

"Excuse me, Mr. Shi, which superior company do you think can invest in your play?"

Sure enough, someone couldn't help but start assisting.

Shi Zhijian glanced at the other party, he was a fat boy with a simple and honest face.

I remember it well, it seems to be the boss of Baodao Sanxin Financial Company, whose name is "Zhao Jinbao".

The name is good, very happy, and looks happy.

Shi Zhijian somewhat liked this dead fat man.

"Boss Zhao, isn't it? You asked a good question!" Shi Zhijian cast an admiring look at the other party.

When Zhao Jinbao saw Shi Zhijian affirming himself like this, for some reason, his heart was so happy that his fat face turned into a flower with a smile.

"This listed company that wants to increase the value of the stock must meet the following conditions."

"First, it must be a well-known enterprise in Baodao, well-known far and near. Second, it must have some relationship with the entertainment industry, or with the movie, preferably the publishing industry. Third, the performance has been relatively outstanding, giving people trust Fourth, the stock has suffered a major change recently, and the stock has suddenly fallen sharply. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to buy at a low price and sell at a high price! "

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he looked at Cai Wanlin and the others with a smile, "What do you think is the most suitable company?"

Zhao Jinbao, Peng Sihai, and Wan Guyou, you look at me, I look at you.

At this time, Cai Wanlin, who had been silent for a while, suddenly took a sip from the teacup, raised his head and stared at Shi Zhijian and said, "Could it be the crown?!"

Shi Zhijian laughed, poof! He jumped off the table, then imitated Cai Wanlin, took a sip from the teacup, and looked directly at the other party: "Guess!"

"Crown Publishing Company?"

"Zhan Zhaotang's company?"

"Step down his company's stock and pull it up again? What's the matter?"

Everyone's expressions were I felt that Shi Zhijian was talking about the Arabian Nights.

Not to mention that Zhan Zhaotang's own strength should not be underestimated, only that Crown Publishing House is not so easy to control!

Shi Zhijian looked at the stunned financial tycoons, then looked at Peng Sihai with a smile: "I have to ask Boss Peng! If I remember correctly, Crown Publishing House has borrowed a lot for expansion in recent years, and the money came from you From the World Financial Corporation!"

Peng Sihai was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "I don't lend him much, only four million!"

"And me, I lent him three million!" Wan Guyou said.

"I also borrowed three million!"

"I have two million!"

In an instant, including Peng Sihai and Wan Guyou, four people stood up and said.

You look at me, I look at you, no one thought they would lend money to Zhan Zhaotang at the same time!

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