Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 576: Extinction count!

Shi Zhijian smiled: "Then it means that the Crown Group owes you 12 million! Right?"

Everyone, be silent.

"Then it's easy to handle! Find Zhan Zhaotang's flaws and kill him! Make some scandals or something, get him down!" Shi Zhijian's tone became cold and severe!

"When the time comes, if you force him to repay the money, he has no choice but to use the company to pay off his debts!"

Everyone, a chill!

They all looked at Shi Zhijian with horrified eyes. Is this a human or a demon?

"But, he still has a younger brother!" Zhao Jinbao said suddenly.

"Yes, yes, yes! His younger brother Zhan Zhaoheng is not easy to mess with, and his Zhan Group is also very powerful! At that time, he can embezzle funds to help his eldest brother!"

"Then let him do it together! Get Zhan Zhaoheng down too! Swallow the Zhan Group too! In this way, we can make a lot of money again!"

Everyone is cold again!

This is to kill them all!

Looking at Shi Zhijian, I felt that this man was even more terrifying than the devil!

"How?" Peng Sihai asked, "The Zhan Group is also very big! The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong!"

Shi Zhijian looked at Cai Wanlin again with a smile, "Then it's up to Boss Cai!"

Cai Wanlin sighed and said in a flat tone: "Yes, Zhan Group owes us Weilong Finance 8 million!"

"Ah, Mr. Zhan owes you so much money to the boss?" Zhao Jinbao was stunned, "He lent me two million!"

"I have three million!"

"I'm also three million!"

Including Cai Wanlin and Zhao Jinbao, the other four stood up.

How wonderful!

Every four of the eight financial tycoons are the creditors of the Zhan Brothers!

At this moment, let alone Cai Wanlin, even Zhao Jinbao, Peng Sihai, and Wan Guyou all looked straight at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian spread his hands: "To tell the truth, I only know that Boss Cai and Lao Peng are the creditors, but I didn't expect—you all have a share!"

Cai Wanlin narrowed his eyes, "If what you said is true, then it means a problem---the Zhan brothers are playing with us!"


The two Zhan brothers borrowed money from eight major financial companies without letting each other know.

This only shows one problem, there is a problem with their funds! Either they deliberately concealed the truth about their own shortage of funds and cheated money from financial companies!

Shi Zhijian's mind turned fast.

God's sins are forgiven,

Do not commit suicide!

It's hard for the Zhan brothers not to die this time!

Cai Wanlin thought for a while and said, "Mr. Shi, everyone is smart, let's open the skylight and say something bright! This time, you are apparently here to seek financing, but the Zhan brothers are involved. As far as I know, you have had a holiday with them. , Don't you want to lend our hand to get rid of them?"

As soon as Cai Wanlin said this, everyone looked at Shi Zhijian again.

Shi Zhijian did not deny it, but said firmly: "You are right! I have this plan!"

Everyone was stunned, and it seemed that Shi Zhijian made no secret of his surprise.

"As we all know, I'm from Hong Kong. Originally, I had nothing to do with the Zhan brothers. I just wanted to open a publishing house with my friends, but I never wanted to violate Zhan Zhaotang's taboo and make him kill me!"

"He not only unilaterally tore up the contract between our Shinhwa Food and Zhan's Department Store, and let our soda instant noodles be taken off the shelves here! He also seized my tens of millions of electronic products for no reason!"

"It's tolerable and unbearable! I also have a temper! In business, I pay attention to being gentle and making money, but he is obviously breaking the rules by doing this!"

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he glanced at everyone, "If it was you, what would you do?"

Cai Wanlin didn't speak, and sipped his tea lightly. Others wanted to be silent, but some couldn't help but say, "The Zhan brothers are a bit despicable!"

Needless to say, it was Zhao Jinbao who assisted this time.

Shi Zhijian loves him to the death!

"Well said! To treat despicable people, I can only treat them in the way of others!" Shi Zhijian said, "This investment in filmmaking is one of the reasons for making money, and I also want to take the opportunity to destroy it. Brother Zhan! I just don't know if you want to participate together?!"

There was silence again.

It's a big deal!

Although Shi Zhijian said it is very tempting, he can make a lot of money!

To be precise, if you operate well, you can earn three waves in one go!

The first wave, won the crown company!

The second wave, won the Zhan Group!

The third wave, investing in movies and sharing the profits!

But the risk is also great!

Especially the Zhan brothers eat both black and white!

Not so easy to deal with!

Seeing that no one spoke at the scene, Shi Zhijian hesitated and said with a smile, "Looks like I've come to the wrong place!"

When the voice fell, Cai Wanlin suddenly said, "Mr. Shi, are you interested in coming to my house for dinner tonight?"

Everyone at the scene was full of astonishment, never expected that Cai Wanlin would invite Shi Zhijian alone!

This shows what?

There is a play!

In an instant, these jackals and leopards in the financial world were ready to move one by one.

Cai Wanlin actually considered it very simply, Shi Zhijian's plan was too huge.

Just relying on his one-sided words will inevitably be a little tricky. It is best that Shi Zhijian can come up with a detailed plan for him, and he can make a decision after analyzing it!

How could Shi Zhijian not understand what Cai Wanlin meant.

The old fox is the old fox!

Think better than anyone else!

"Of course you can, Boss Cai!" Shi Zhijian clasped his fist at Cai Wanlin and said, "I will prepare everything tonight, and I will be bothering you when that happens!"

"Okay!" Cai Wanlin smiled, stood up from his seat, and said a few more words to everyone before turning around and leaving.

Everyone watched Big Brother Cai leave, and looked at Shi Zhijian again, and their eyes began to become hot.

In particular, those financial tycoons who didn't look down on Shi Zhijian very much before, and the eyes were higher than the top, now even more flattering smiles on their faces, stood up one by one and looked at Shi Zhijian: "Mr. Shi, regarding the plan you just proposed, we will Everyone actually-"

Shi Zhijian was not polite to them, and interrupted them directly: "I'm sorry, I have to prepare a plan and rush to Boss Cai's feast! Farewell!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Zhijian clenched his fists towards everyone, picked up the mink coat that he had left and the big golden chain, turned and left!

Behind them, everyone looked at each other.

Before you ignored me, now I let you down!

Shi Zhijian's hard-to-find move made everyone embarrassed to the extreme! My heart is itchy too!

If Shi Zhijian didn't tell the plan, it would be fine. Now they are like a group of wolves who smell money. Seeing the fat sheep, how can they give up easily? !

Peng Sihai first said haha: "This young man is really a man of temperament!"

"Yes! Yes! Young and energetic! But very thoughtful!"

"Let's see what Boss Cai does now!"

"Yes, we only follow his lead!"

Everyone made up their minds, as long as Shi Zhijian and Cai Wanlin reached an agreement, they would board this boat even if they died!

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