Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 970: Fry the pot!

For Bailiqu, it will not only be Shi Zhijian's old lover Dai Fengni running over to smash the place!

If it's just this trivial matter, it's not worth him to go out in person, and invite a movie bigwig like Shao Daheng to come over.

Bailiqu has already prepared in private, and when Dai Fengni hit the scene, he let Shao Daheng's TVB report Shi Zhijian's "scandal" one after another! In addition, the headlines on the front pages of newspapers and magazines fueled the flames, and directly wrote about Shi Zhijian, scolding him!

Immediately after Chen Zhichao, Yan Xiong and others, the "Boycott Scumbags" organization will act thoroughly!

Publicly boycott the soda instant noodles and electronic products of Shinhwa through demonstrations! Resist the real estate development of Shinhwa Group! And then directly paralyze the myth! Let the myth be the noose around Shi Zhijian's neck!


What a wonderful vocabulary!

It is said that this term was "invented" by Shi Zhijian himself, and he often scolds those who play with women as "scumbags"! It is said that this kind of scum and scum deserves to be criticized and immersed in a pig cage!

Unexpectedly, now I, Bailiqu, will use your standards to criticize you!

Bailiqu's heart is full of calculations, and he has a hunch in his heart that the wedding scene will be completely chaotic in a while! The more people who come to support Shi Zhijian, the more ruthless the chaos will be! What was originally a pinhole-like loophole, Bailiqu had to turn it into a stormy sea with his hands!

Shao Yifu accompanied Bailiqu, looking at this ghost guy's strange smile, he felt a subtle feeling in his heart, when he was competing with Shi Zhijian before, didn't he ever be so proud and domineering? But the result? Unpredictable!

In any case, Bailiqu and Shao Yifu are both big figures in Xiangjiang, a judicial tycoon and a filmmaker. Many people have to look at their faces to eat, so everyone at the scene saw them coming and they couldn't help but get up and chase after them.

"Sir, sit here!"

"Uncle Six, how is your health?"

Not to mention these rich and famous people, even Xu Sanshao and Huo Dashao, the two cynical guys, had to restrain themselves a little when they saw these two big bosses, and took the initiative to say hello.

Just when the two were surrounded by the crowd, someone suddenly shouted at the door: "Hong Kong Financial Secretary Michael Mak is here!"

"Lord Dai Lingzhi, Governor of Hong Kong, is here!"

With a bang, the scene exploded!

Don't talk about Mai Lihao, just talk about Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi, he is a dignified brother in Hong Kong! The king of this colony of Hong Kong! According to Chinese tradition, it is the famous "Zhennan King"! In Hong Kong, no one can fight against him!

Even if he was about to leave, no one would dare to underestimate the energy he contained. At least many Hong Kong bosses including Bailiqu would never dare to wrestle with him.

When Dai Lingzhi's name came, there was a rumbling sound both inside and outside the hall, and even Bailiqu paled slightly. Except for him and some older bosses, everyone else got up.

"The Governor of Hong Kong is actually here?"

Shao Daheng, who had been chatting and laughing with Bailiqu before, and his arrogant posture, was also shocked at this moment, and looked at the door in disbelief.

Even Shao Daheng was like this, not to mention Li Zhaoji, Li Jiacheng and others, they were all frightened by the words "Hong Kong Governor is here"!

You must know that in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi rarely attends such ceremonies in order to "avoid suspicion", but he came here to celebrate Shi Zhijian. What does this mean?

Many people involuntarily looked at Shi Zhijian again!

Shi Zhijian was also surprised by the arrival of Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi.

To tell the truth, Shi Zhijian did send an invitation to Dai Lingzhi, but according to past habits, Shi Zhijian guessed that Dai Lingzhi would at most ask his personal secretary or the like to come over to represent him. Going through the process can be regarded as giving Shi Zhijian face.

But I never imagined that this ghostly Hong Kong governor would be so "loyal" and come to congratulate him in person!

For a time, the entire hotel exploded inside and out.

Those media reporters who came to hear the news even blocked the door of the hotel and took pictures frantically.


The door of the Peninsula Hotel opened, and a group of people walked in from outside.

All of them are sturdy and burly, all dressed in black suits, wearing sunglasses, and their posture is unrestrained!

Needless to say, these people are the bodyguards of the Hong Kong Governor, known as the "Guardians of the Big Inner".

The Hong Kong Governor's bodyguard is not only the guarantee of the safety of the Hong Kong Governor, but also the maker of the Hong Kong Governor's aura!

At this moment, as soon as these two rows of Hong Kong Governor's bodyguards appeared, they were so aura that everyone in the hotel was so oppressed that they didn't even dare to breathe...

With the entrance of the bodyguards, the first person in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Governor of the Guilao, wearing a suit and leather shoes, walked in from the outside with a gentlemanly demeanor.

"Wow, it's really the Governor of Hong Kong!"

"The Governor of Hong Kong actually came to cheer on Shi Zhijian, and he has a lot of face!"

Bailiqu couldn't stand any longer and went up to meet him directly.

"Lord Governor of Hong Kong, why are you here?" Bailiqu said with a smile on his face.

"Today is Mr. Shi Zhijian's wedding day, I'm here to congratulate him." Dai Lingzhi said lightly.

As soon as he said this, he reaffirmed Shi Zhijian's big face that day, and everyone looked at Shi Zhijian with strange eyes.

The cigar that Li Zhaoji was biting shook and almost fell to his crotch!

Li Jiacheng shuddered when he heard the words, and half of the wine was spilled in the glass he just held in his hand!

Xu Sanshao, Huo Dashao and others stared at Shi Zhijian in stunned eyes, thinking that people die more than people! Look, when Shi Zhijian got married, most of the people in Hong Kong came to support him, and even the Governor of Hong Kong appeared in person! Who can match this kind of glory? !

As for Shi Yufeng, Bai Yuechang, Lai Hao and others, they were all shocked and numb!

Dai Lingzhi had a panoramic view of everyone's eyes, and his heart was full of pride and comfort!

He will resign from the throne of Hong Kong Governor in half a year, so many people have begun to act against him, and sometimes a big man like Bailiqu who controls the real power of the judiciary also reacts coldly to him.

The reason is that they thought he was about to leave, and began to treat him slowly!

Dai Lingzhi today is to educate these guys to be good people!

Do you see it? If he is sincere to me, I will give him enough face by wearing Lingzhi!

Shi Zhijian is the best example!

I saw Dai Lingzhi took the initiative to walk in front of Shi Zhijian, and warmly stretched out his hand: "Dear Shi, today is your big day. As your best friend, I came here to congratulate you today! According to your Chinese dialect, I wish you all the best. Happy wedding and all the best!"

Shi Zhijian smiled and chatted with Dai Lingzhi, and then invited Dai Lingzhi to enter the hotel.

Dai Lingzhi led the crowd into the lobby.

"Mr. Shao, long time no see! Mr. Li, how is the development of Sun Hung Kai? Boss Li, Cheung Kong has made a lot of contributions to the development of Hong Kong!" Dai Lingzhi waved slightly to greet everyone.

As a colonial official, Dai Lingzhi has a great aura. Even though he is a guest, he is as comfortable as a host, staring at the audience, and even a ghost like Bailiqu can't hold him down.

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, you are very kind! The development of Shaw Brothers still needs a lot of help from you!"

In the end, Shao Daheng spoke up.

"Hahaha, you are all leaders of the Xiangjiang side, leaders from all walks of life! According to our British words, all of them are Nanbo Bay! Today, I can take the opportunity to chat with you all, and I am very happy!" Dai Lingzhi's face was full of With a smile, he turned his head to Bailiqu, Mai Lihao and other administrative officials and said, "Even if I no longer serve as the governor of Hong Kong in the future, I hope you will continue to work hard, continue to serve Hong Kong, serve the people, and govern Hong Kong. more beautiful!"

Gu Yu

Bailiqu, Mai Lihao and others immediately responded: "This is our responsibility, it should be!"

At this time, everyone seemed to realize for the first time that in addition to the Governor of Hong Kong coming to celebrate Shi Zhijian, Mai Lihao was also here!

Because the Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi is so popular that the Financial Secretary Mak Lihao seems to have a very weak sense of existence!

In addition, Mai Lihao is a bit "maverick" in Hong Kong's political circles, and he is not very popular, so his sense of existence is even weaker.

At this moment, everyone's attention is on Dai Lingzhi and Bailiqu, the two real power leaders, and few people pay attention to Mai Lihao, the "accountant" who is in charge of Hong Kong's British finances.


To tell the truth, Mai Lihao didn't want to come here. He didn't like this kind of scene with many people, but Shi Zhijian had a good chat with him last time, and even gave him 5 million as a charity.

These are not the point. The point is that Shi Zhijian seems to know the details of him very well, which makes Mai Lihao full of curiosity about Shi Zhijian, so he wants to make more contact with Shi Zhijian in order to find out more information.

At this moment, Mai Lihao felt very lonely standing in the crowd, very lonely.

He was used to this feeling of not being watched, and he considered himself not the kind of person who likes to show off.

But now watching Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi, and judicial tycoon Bailiqu being surrounded by people and being admired by all the stars, the sense of gap caused by the moment made him a little uncomfortable.

"Look, that ghost named Mai Lihao is like a wood in the crowd!"

"Yeah, he is a high-ranking official, and he is also a high-ranking official, why does he look so good!"

There was a muttering sound in Mai Lihao's ear, he followed the sound, it was dark and crowded, but he didn't know who was speaking.

In an instant, Mai Lihao felt a strong sense of loss in his heart!

Am I being looked down upon all my life? !

Just when Mai Lihao was indignant and shouted loudly——

"Baron Mai Lihao, thank you for coming to me!" Shi Zhijian stood in front of him with a smile and stretched out his hand to him.

For a time, Mai Lihao became the focus of everyone!

He could feel the hot eyes around him!

Mai Lihao raised his chest and shook hands with Shi Zhijian: "I wish you a happy wedding, dear friend!"

"You are better than anything else!" While speaking, Shi Zhijian took the initiative to hug Mai Lihao!

Mai Lihao was stunned for a moment.

The scene exploded directly!

You know, Shi Zhijian has never been so enthusiastic in the face of Dai Lingzhi and Bailiqu before!

The gift of hug represents the most sincere "friendship"!

"What the **** is this Shi Zhijian doing?"

"How could he have such a good relationship with this Mai Lihao?"

There was a lot of discussion on the spot.

They can't even figure out why Shi Zhijian is so enthusiastic about this slapper? !

Only Shi Zhijian understands that this ghost guy, Mai Lihao, is the next Governor of Hong Kong!


The big guys from Hong Kong gathered together!

Looking around, most of the famous people in Xiangjiang appeared here.

Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi, Chief Justice Baili Qu, Financial Secretary Mak Liho, and Urban Construction Director Brando, as well as Hong Kong movie tycoon Shao Tycoon, Sun Hung Kai Lee Chiu Kee, Cheung Kong Industrial Lee Ka Shing and more!

So much so that Lame Hao was biting his cigar and looking at these big men, he couldn't help but have a thought in his heart: "If you drop a bomb at the hotel now! Bang! Is Hong Kong going to collapse directly?!"

"What are you thinking, Brother Hao? Look at your wicked smile!" Chen Xijiu stepped forward and patted the lame Hao on the shoulder, leaned in front of him and asked.

"Hey, it's bad luck to pat someone on the shoulder!" Lame Hao rubbed his shoulder unhappily, "Zhong You, anyway, I'm now a Justice of the Peace, not the old Ah Hao, you have to show me some respect!"

"Yes, Brother Hao! Oh no, Lord JP! I will definitely respect you in the future! But before I respect you, the girl named Merry from the richest man last time was really good!"

"Really? As I said, that's a good thing! Playing, playing, and singing are top-notch!" Lame Hao immediately showed his true form, and stopped putting on the air of his JP master.

"But then again, Brother Hao, did you find that—"

"What did you find?" Lame Hao looked around while biting his cigar.

"Among so many guests, I haven't seen Shi Zhijian's family!"

"Family? His elder sister Shi Yufeng, and his little niece Jiang Meibao are all here?" Lai Hao pouted, feeling that Chen Xijiu's question was unreasonable.

"I'm not talking about Sister Yufeng and the others, have you forgotten that Ah Jian's hometown is Shijia Village, Tsuen Wan!"

"Oh, yes! I remember, Shijia Village, there seems to be an old man named 'Shi Taigong', the elder Ah Jian, he has two uncles, and a lot of cousins!" Hao slapped his forehead and remembered it.

Just as Chen Xijiu was about to continue speaking, he heard the emcee at the door sing loudly, "Old Mrs. Shi from Shijia Village is here!"

"Shijia Village, Second Uncle Shi Da is here!"

"Shijia Village, the third uncle Shi Darong is here!"

"No way, Hong Kong is such an evil place? Say that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here!" Lame Hao bit his cigar and widened his eyes.

Chen Xijiu was also stunned! Just now, he just mentioned something casually. He felt that Shi Zhijian's marriage was such a big deal that there would inevitably be fewer people in the Shi family as the host.


"You two guys, I told you not to come, but you want me to come! What if Shi Zhijian's poor boy doesn't welcome us?" Taigong Shi wore a brand-new Tang suit, and deliberately cut his hair. The beard was well groomed, and he complained to his two sons with his hands behind his back.

"Father, I think you are overthinking it! Whether that Shi Zhijian admits it or not, he is from Shijia Village! Even if his father's blood is different from ours, he is still surnamed Shi after all!" said the second son, Shi Dagui.

"Yeah, since his surname is Shi, he must notify us when he gets married, and we must come to congratulate! This is the rule!" said the third child, Shi hum! Don't you two think I don't know your mind! Shi Taigong can't be fooled by his two sons, "You see that Shi Zhijian's poor boy is now famous and wants to take advantage of it, so he pushed me over and asked me to stick his old face on his cold ass!" "

"Father, don't say that! Today is a big happy event for Ah Jian. Let all the grievances and grievances in the past be put aside for the time being! As for you, just be an elder once!"

"Yeah! Just put on the air and don't open your mouth in a while, and the two of us will handle everything!"

Just after Shi Dagui and Shi Darong finished speaking, their two precious sons Shi Zhihui and Shi Zhijie hurriedly came over, "Grandpa, father, what about us? What are we going to do?"

"How to do it?" Shi Dagui pouted at the gift he brought, "What about you guys, just keep an eye on these things, don't throw them away! You must hand them over to your old watch!"

"Oh!" Shi Zhihui and Shi Zhijie reluctantly looked at a pig, a sheep, and chickens, ducks, goose and fish that the servants were carrying!

That big live pig groaned and was carried upside down by its four legs, reluctantly!

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