Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 971: The ceremony begins!

Crackle, firecrackers go off!

According to the rules, every guest must set off a firecracker to show their enthusiasm.

As the emcee sang, Taigong Shi and others had already arrived at the gate of the hotel.

Shi Zhijian frowned.

From the very beginning, Shi Zhijian did not intend to invite this so-called "family".

His father and Shi Taigong are not related by blood. Besides, Shi Taigong has already removed Shi Zhijian's father from the Shi family! If it weren't for Shi Zhijian's development now, it is estimated that the two sides would not have communicated long ago!

Shi Yufeng saw the disgusted expression on the young man's face, and couldn't help but stepped forward and confessed: "It's me! I sent them a post! How can I say that it's your wedding today, it's more lively!"

Shi Zhijian couldn't help but glared at the old sister, just about to speak, Shi Yufeng said again: "Hey, today is your big day, don't swear, don't scold me! Anyway, I'm your old sister, even if I make a mistake, we will go back. Close the door! How much do you save me some face!" Then he winked pitifully at Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian was speechless.

At this time, the lame man came over and urged Shi Zhijian: "Hey, your old lady is here, why don't you go up to meet him?"

Shi Zhijian glared at Lame Hao again.

Lai Hao was stared inexplicably, "What did I do to stare at me? Where did I say wrong? He is the grandfather and not my grandfather! If only I had run over to greet the guests!"

After Lame Hao complained, he turned his head and said innocently to Shi Yufeng: "Lame Feng, what are you talking about, am I right? You are so unreasonable!"

"Shut up for me!" Shi Yufeng glared at Lame Hao viciously.

Lame Hao was beating on both sides, making his face bewildered.

Shi Yufeng saw Shi Zhijian stepped forward to greet Shi Taigong and others, so he hurriedly followed.

Lai Hao was biting his cigar in the back with an innocent look on his face: "Are your brothers and sisters sick? Anyway, I'm also a guest. Do you have a good conscience when you treat me like this?"


"Tai Gong, why is your old man here?" Although Shi Zhijian was not happy, he still greeted Shi Taigong and others.

"Why, can't I come?" Shi Taigong put on an air.

"Yeah, we're here to congratulate you! Especially when I heard that Ah Jian is going to get married, he came from Tsuen Wan early in the morning!" said second uncle Shi Dagui...

"Unfortunately, we have to hurry up, it seems that we are still a little late! Ah Jian, don't mind!" said the third uncle Shi Darong.

"How could it be, it's too late to be happy for everyone to come!" Shi Zhijian said with joy, but there was no hint of joy on his face, on the contrary, there was a little bit of disgust.

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he looked at his two cousins, Shi Zhihui and Shi Zhijie.

The two of them had always looked down on Shi Zhijian, but now Shi Zhijian is getting better and better. All the dignitaries are gathered around him. On the contrary, the two of them are not good enough and rely on their father to live.

"Ajian, we'll bring you a congratulatory gift!"

"Yes, look how big this pig is!"

The two were incoherent.

Just as Shi Zhijian was about to open his mouth, Shi Yufeng was afraid that there would be too many mistakes, so he hurriedly intervened: "Everyone is a family, you're welcome! To be honest, Ajian and I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I'm afraid you won't come!"

Shi Taigong had his hands behind his back and his face straight. Listening to Shi Yufeng say this at this moment, the stone in my heart fell.

Shi Dagui and Shi Darong who followed him were also relieved. They were afraid that Shi Zhijian would not welcome them and drive them away, which would be embarrassing.

Speaking of which, they were also at fault.

When Shi Zhijian was prosperous before, they took the initiative to request to restore kinship with Shi Zhijian, and they also re-written Shi Zhijian and his father into the family tree.

It would be fine if it continued like this. It's a pity that something happened to Shi Zhijian before, and the myth is in jeopardy. Their "relatives" from the backcountry of Tsuen Wan want to take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

It would be great if Shi Zhijian was really torn apart. Since they did such a despicable thing, they have no plans to look back!

But who knows that there will be a big oolong!

Shi Zhijian actually came back to life!

This time, their "relatives" are completely embarrassed!

Shi Zhijian also began to ignore them, as if he had cut off the relationship!

Now that Shi Zhijian is getting married, they come here with their faces, carrying pigs and sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, their attitude is really humble!

"Ahem, Ajian's surname is Shi anyway! When he gets married, of course the people from Shijia Village will come to congratulate him!" Shi Taigong pretended to be an elder.

"Yes! Yes! Who gave me the surname Shi!" Shi Zhijian obviously had something in his words, "I'm sorry, Taigong, second uncle, third uncle, and cousins, I still have important guests to take care of, sorry! "Shi Zhijian didn't bother to talk too much with this group of inflamed family members, so he turned around and left.

Shi Taigong was still pretending to explain to Shi Zhijian, but he didn't expect that they would not give him a chance at all!

Shi Taigong, Shi Dagui, Shi Darong and others looked embarrassed.

Shi Yufeng hurriedly said: "There are many guests today, he is too busy!"

"Understand! Understand!" Shi Dagui and Shi Darong said hurriedly.

Shi Yufeng looked at Shi Taigong again and invited, "Go and sit inside first!"

Shi Taigong coughed, still holding the shelf, turned around and pointed to the pig and sheep with his hands behind his back: "I gave it to you as a congratulatory gift for Ah Jian!"

"Thank you madam!"

Shi Yufeng is a woman's family, and her thinking is relatively old-fashioned. For her, since Dad and Xiao Lao are on the Shi family tree, then everyone is a family, no matter what the grandfather did wrong, they can be forgiven.

"Come here! Wang Cai, A Rong, A Gui, pick a few people to give these gifts—" Shi Yufeng pointed at the humming and bleating pigs and sheep, "carry them inside!"

Butler Wangcai looked at the live animals, the splendid decorations in the hotel, and the noble guests, and couldn't help but said, "This is not good?"

Only then did Shi Yufeng realize that it was not very good, and said again: "Then throw it aside for now!"

After he finished speaking, he covered his mouth and said to Taigong Shi, "I'm sorry, slip of the tongue! Slip of the tongue! These things are very precious, and I will definitely handle them properly!"

Shi Taigong coughed, hands behind his back, embarrassed again!


Shi Taigong and others were invited by Shi Yufeng into the hotel lobby.

At first, these relatives from the poor places in Tsuen Wan wanted to pretend, but when they saw the layout of the hotel and the furnishings, their eyes immediately lit up, and they didn't know where to look.

Shi Taigong saw that his two sons' eyes were rolling, and he couldn't help snorting coldly: "Look at you guys are so useless! Be reserved, understand?"

Shi Dagui and Shi Darong are also in business anyway. After being reprimanded, they hurriedly restrained their shocked expressions, "Father, you are right, we are also relatives of the owner, we must have taste!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shi Dagui yelling: "Oh my god, isn't that Li Jiacheng, Boss Li? I know his company's salesman!"

Shi Darong also shouted: "Wow, isn't that Shaw Brothers Shao Tycoon? I saw him in a movie magazine!"

Shi Taigong snorted coldly, "I just educated you, look at you now—heh, who is... the Governor of Hong Kong?"

Shi Taigong's eyes widened, his body was covered with chaff, and he was about to faint in surprise!

Although he is very old, he also likes to watch TV. This ghost guy appears on TV more than anyone else! How could he not know? !

Seeing the two uncles who were yelling, and the grandfather who was about to faint, Shi Yufeng felt that it was a big mistake to send an invitation to them for the first time.

Gu Jiong


Ten o'clock in the morning.

The guests have almost all arrived.

According to the different identities of these guests, Shi Zhijian divided them into several areas.

Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi, Financial Secretary Mak Lihao, and Bailiqu are one area, and most of the guests in this area are senior government officials.

Shao Daheng, Li Zhaoji, Li Jiacheng, Li Xuexuan and others are the second area, and this area is mostly Hong Kong business leaders.

Bai Yuechang, Lai Hao, Chen Xijiu, Lard Boy, Ding Yongqiang and others are the third area. This area is mostly composed of people from the Hong Kong police circle, as well as bigwigs in the arena.

The fourth area is the many senior staff of Shinhwa Group, as well as some other company personnel who have had cooperative relations.

The last area is Shi Taigong and others, as well as a group of neighbors in Shek Kip Mei - Shi Taigong is very upset that Shi Zhijian arranged them in this area! I feel inferior! I feel undervalued again!

But it is obviously impossible for them to squeeze over to the Hong Kong Governor's side! Going to Shao Daheng's side is also delusional! There is no common language in the lame-ho! Go to the staff of the Shinhwa Group, and I don't know another one! In the end, it seems quite suitable to stay here, at least the poor people in Shek Kip Mei are very respectful to these people, and they keep giving them cigarettes and sugar! Of course, this smoke candy is prepared by the hotel!

Seeing that the auspicious time has come, Shi Zhijian's wedding ceremony is about to begin.

As the groom's officer, Shi Zhijian ran upstairs to change his clothes after receiving the guests.

Below, the families of the three brides are all in place.

Bai Ledi's father, the director of the Hong Kong Water Resources Department, Bai Ligao, has a neat suit and a big red corsage on his chest, representing the bride's family.

Nie Yongqin's grandfather, Hutchison boss Zheng Guolong, was wearing a red Tang suit with a big golden sword, sitting majestically on a chair with a corsage on his chest.

In contrast, Su Youwei's mother Su's mother is somewhat reserved or unnatural.

She belongs to the Dan family and belongs to a low-class race in Hong Kong. She has never seen such a big scene, and she is extremely frightened. Even though she wears silk and satin and festive clothes, her inferiority complex and timidity are still written on her face.

"All guests are seated!"

The master of ceremonies sang aloud.

After a commotion.

"Play joy! The bride and groom appear!"

The celebratory wedding music sounded. In the sound of the music, Shi Zhijian was wearing a festive big jacket and a tall hat with two feathers on the hat, a big red flower on his chest, and a red ribbon in his hand.

On the other end of the ribbon, there are Bai Ledi, Nie Yongqin, and Su Youwei.

The three beauties are delicate, giggling like flowers and jade, all wearing red Chinese bridal clothes, phoenix crowns and rosy dresses, full of classical beauty!

"Wow, the bride is so beautiful!"

"Yes, Mr. Shi is blessed, one for three!"

The guests at the scene couldn't help but praise.

Shi Yufeng hugged her daughter Jiang Meibao and listened to the people around her talking about "a gentleman and a girl", "a golden boy and a beautiful girl", and listening to everyone congratulate the "early birth of a precious son", etc. For some reason, she cried with joy and kept wiping her tears with the back of her hands.

"Mom, why are you crying?" Bao'er blinked and looked at Shi Yufeng.

"Nothing, Mom is happy!" Shi Yufeng said.

Baoer doesn't understand, why do you cry when you are happy? But today she is also very happy, because there are a lot of candies to eat, and I heard that she can eat big cakes later!

Bao'er has promised her good friends at school that she will hide some candy back and share it with her friends at that time!

"Yufeng, now Ah Jian is married! He will be an adult in the future, so you don't have to worry about him anymore!" A voice comforted Shi Yufeng.

Shi Yufeng felt that what she said was right and timely. She turned her head to see who it was, and when she saw that the other party was biting a cigar, he looked very drawn. Who else would it be?

Shi Yufeng immediately raised his face: "Why are you running on the street?!"

Lai Hao didn't care: "Although I'm a rough person, sometimes I'm very careful! I know it's not easy for you to raise a big brother! You even broke a leg for him! But seeing everything now, it's worth it, isn't it?"

Shi Yufeng held back and said nothing, but the circles of his eyes suddenly turned red.

At this moment, she remembered that long dirty street! Reminds me of that bright blade! I remembered the panicked scream of my brother Shi Zhijian!

A group of people surrounded her with sharp knives!

Shi Zhijian had nowhere to hide, was squeezed in the corner, and he was about to die!

At this time, "You stop! Let me go!"

Shi Yufeng is holding a pair of knives!

The two kitchen knives illuminated her delicate face!

The gangsters looked at her and laughed!

Shi Yufeng gritted his teeth, and without hesitation, he threw himself with two knives!

It seemed like a long day!

She was covered in blood, squatting on the ground against the corner of the wall, and she didn't know how many knives she had been beheaded! Especially one of her legs was almost cut off!

Those gangsters were frightened by her ferocity and fled everywhere!

Shi Zhijian was also frightened and cried!

Shi Yufeng stretched out his hand and touched his brother's face.

Shi Zhijian's face was stained with blood.

Shi Yufeng comforted him: "Don't cry! Sister A will not die! Sister A will never die if she didn't see you get married or get married!"

There was a roar of thunder in the sky, and it soon started pouring downpour!

Shi Zhijian put his hands on top of Shi Yufeng's head as an umbrella, trying to block the violent Shi Yufeng was soaked all over, blood was seeping out of her wound, she couldn't move her leg at all!

Shi Zhijian was still crying, rain mixed with tears.

Seeing her brother's helpless appearance, Shi Yufeng gritted her teeth and bit her tongue. Then she struggled to stand up and untied the wraps that bound the knife handle and wrist. She whispered to her brother again, "Okay, look, I stand. Get up! Let's go home, my sister will cook glutinous rice **** for you!"

that day,

That night,

Broken leg!

sweet dumpling!

"Cry if you want to cry! Don't hold back!" Lai Hao told her.

Shi Yufeng couldn't hold it any longer, and burst into tears!

full of bitterness,

Turn into tears!

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