Chapter 61 I Wish One Day

As soon as he heard about the advanced level of the spinning wheel and the loom, he judged the deep value of the spinning machine made by Qixun. He knew that this thing was not something that a young man could hold in his hand. So I don't even have the idea of ​​hitting it.

   Self-awareness, self-control, and practical spirit. Qixun feels that no matter what he does, his second cousin should be a person who can eventually succeed.

   Qixun stood on tiptoe, stretched out his arm and patted Lingqi's shoulder with a solemn expression: "Brother Lingqi, you will definitely become a particularly successful businessman in the future."

  I was actually encouraged by the little girl?

   Lingqi was dumbfounded.

   "A businessman is not something to boast about."

Qixun strongly disagreed with this statement: "Shi, agriculture, industry and commerce are the pillars of the country, and there is no distinction between noble and lowly. Both good citizens are the imperial court, and there is no clear law to distinguish the noble from the lowly. Brother Lingqi, since you are committed to doing business, you are a great person. Don't be selfish. In the end, no one is more noble than the other, it's just a difference in the social division of labor. Three hundred and sixty lines, every line is a champion, no matter what line a person achieves the peak, it is enough to make people look up to. I hope that one day, when Daxia people mention Linjiang Yan Lingqi, they can only admire and admire. At that time, I can proudly say, ah, Linjiang Yan Lingqi, he is my brother. "

   Ling Qi's blood boiled.

  Yan's family has passed on farming and reading for several generations, and the elders all expected them to make achievements in reading, but he likes to trade. For a long time, Lingqi has been ashamed because of this, feeling that he has failed the high expectations of his elders, so he has never dared to say it.

   Recently, he started a tofu business at home, so he dared to express a little bit of his wish to do business in the future.

   Of course, he didn't dare to tell the elders directly, he only revealed a little to his elder brother Lingzhou, and expressed his hope to open a small shop in the town in front of the elders. Fortunately, the elders only said that it is not yet time to open a shop, and they did not directly object. This gave him hope.

   Hearing Xiaoxun's words today made him firm up his beliefs.

He believes that he can do a good job, even if he can't guarantee that he can become the top businessman and become an existence that people look up to. No, he has never had that kind of ambition, but he will definitely be down-to-earth and achieve his goals. . Even if Xiaoxun can't be proud of his cousin in the future, he hopes that he can at least live up to his efforts.

   Xiaoxun sister's encouragement and support, and even willing to hand over the business to him, which moved him very much.

  Although there is no shadow of the washing machine, he has already made up his mind to make money for Xiaoxun. If he succeeds, he will give Xiaoxun's sister's dowry in the future.

   Qixun didn't know that her second cousin was already thinking about her dowry. After encouraging her cousin, she quickly took her fourth aunt to the workshop she separated from Brother Monkey's bedroom to adjust the spinning wheel.

  If you can debug it, you can spin rabbit fur.

  This unfortunate day is getting colder and colder. Putting a sweater under your cotton coat will at least make you feel less guilty when you go out, right?

   For this kind of days when the heating basically depends on shaking, Nanami really had enough.

Her family is not bad, at least there is a silk and cotton jacket to wear when going out, and a silk and cotton quilt can be covered after burning the kang at night, and most of the people in the village can only rely on Puxu kapok straw, which is extremely poor in keeping warm. something for the winter.

   If it wasn't for the fact that Yanjia Village lives at the foot of the mountain, there is no shortage of firewood, and many people have accumulated some skins over the years, and they will freeze to death in winter.

   As far as she knows, in many places there are old people and children who freeze to death every year.

  Shihiro really hopes that his space can be opened sooner, nothing else, some agricultural plant seeds, especially cotton seeds, can be taken out.

   At that time, she must vigorously promote cotton cultivation.

   Not only can this save the lives of many poor people in winter, but cotton is also a military material and has many uses.

   The fourth aunt, Mrs. Si, is proficient in spinning. After listening to Qixun’s introduction to the use of the spinning wheel, he took the spun yarn that had been prepared earlier and started working.

At first, she was not familiar with how to use the spinning wheel, but gradually she became comfortable with it, and her speed became faster and faster. If there was something she felt uncomfortable with, she also told Qixun in time, and Qixun wrote it down one by one, thinking about how to improve it. .

Si Shi quickly finished spinning a roll of finished product, stopped his hand and said: "This spinning wheel is really excellent. The spinning speed is about four or five times that of the spinning wheel I am used to. If I usually use this kind of spinning wheel, this year, the light Spinning makes a lot of money. If your loom also has the efficiency of a spinning wheel, then as a woman, I can make an extra taels of silver for my family a year. It’s not just the faster, faster spinning threads. , obviously better, the yarn didn't break at all. Xiaoxun, it's really important that you make a spinning wheel."

Qi Xun said with a smile: "The fourth aunt will try the loom again. I will debug it according to the suggestion of the fourth aunt. After the completion of the work, the fourth aunt will try it again. It's for the fourth aunt."

Si Shi hurriedly waved his hand: "This is impossible, not to mention the loom, the price of an ordinary spinning wheel is not low, mine was bought with the dowry money when I got married, and it cost more than ten taels of silver. Your spinning wheel is worth at least thirty or forty taels. No matter if you are a family, I can't take advantage of you as an aunt. Besides, Xiao Xun, I haven't tried the loom yet, I can't say, but this spinning wheel. It's not easy to let people know. If you want me to tell you, you have to wait for your father to come back, and then make calculations. "

Qi Xun smiled and said, "I didn't plan to let it go easily. But I can still give it to my aunt. You can just let people see this spinning wheel for now. No one is using it in my house. You can take this spinning wheel back. Your original spinning wheel will be used. If it doesn't work, I'll just sell it. I won't give it to you for nothing. Although the spinning wheel is mainly made of wood, the wood costs no money, but some parts are made of iron, which cost a few taels of silver. You use the money from selling the old car, Just pay me the cost of the iron parts."

  Sister Si wants this spinning wheel, of course, the second sister-in-law Gong Yu can't use it, and a few little nieces haven't learned to spin, so she doesn't want it, and the spinning wheel is lying in vain. After thinking about it for a while, Mrs. Si said, "So, the fourth aunt will take advantage of you. You can exchange thirty taels of silver for this spinning wheel, will it work?"

  The iron parts Qixun cost a few taels, and the wood was the best material, and it was worth a few taels. In addition to her labor costs, the cost was actually less than 10 taels. Thirty taels must have been earned. But according to the market, thirty taels of silver is really cheap.

   Qixun replied with a smile, but he also put forward a condition: "I originally made this spinning wheel to spin rabbit wool, but no one in my family can spin a good thread, so I have to ask my aunt to help me with this."

  Shi Shi was relieved and apologetic, feeling that he took advantage of his little niece. (Thanks very much to the walking tea tree, the teacher, who is not idle at all, Yan Hai Nawan, Yu Qisiao, Ni Ni, Yi Hua and other relatives for their rewards, and I am very grateful to the relatives who caught insects, I have already After I changed it, I have been posting the manuscripts before, so I couldn't thank you for your support in time. I ran out of manuscripts today. I sent a post in the city last night. I took this opportunity to thank my parents for their support. Every time I see everyone I have the illusion that I have written a good book, haha, but when I look at the background data, it always tells me, dear, sober up.)

   (end of this chapter)

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