Reborn Just To Be a Big Shot Family Freeloader

Chapter 62: It's really cool to show each other's babies

  Chapter 62 It's really cool to show each other baby

Si Shiyuan thought in her heart that the old spinning wheel could be sold for nearly ten taels of silver, and if she added another twenty taels, she could take it out. She didn't take advantage of it in vain. clothes.

   Now that the little niece has put forward conditions, how can she not? Hastily said: "What's wrong with this? It's just that I haven't spun rabbit hair before, so I have to try it first."

Everything has to have a process, Qixun nodded: "Just try it slowly, if it can be spun, I will teach my four aunts to knit sweaters, which are light and warm to wear. Maybe they can make some money. It's also simple, Auntie and Auntie can do it whenever they have time."

There are very few places where farmers can usually get money. Mrs. Si said happily after hearing this: "When the spinning wheel is adjusted, Xiaoxun will tell me how to spin it without wool, and I will make good wool as soon as possible. It's just, Where does this rabbit hair come from?"

"Isn't there a dozen or so rabbits from Auntie's side before? Zuo's grandma has also divided more than ten rabbits. My family has nearly fifty rabbits. After raising them for so many days, the hair color is getting more and more shiny, and I will cut it every two days. , let my third sister help to clean up the herbs, and after drying, they will be sent to the fourth aunt."

  Shi said with a smile: "Then let's try the loom you made."

  The problem with the loom is not too big.

   After testing the machine, Qixun simply sold the loom to Mrs Si for 30 taels of silver. No one used it in her family, and it would fall into ashes.

   "The money for this loom, it won't be too late to give to my mother when you make money in the future. Our family is not in a hurry to use the money now. You don't want this machine, I can't sell it for the time being, just lay it down for ashes."

Si Shi thought about it, she sold the old loom and spinning wheel. The loom was slightly more expensive. The two can be sold for twenty taels. owed first.

Fortunately, there is an income for making tofu at home, and now what is a good spinning loom? Sell ​​it, put it together, and pay off the arrears in less than a year.

  Thinking of this, Si Shi felt that life was more exciting.

   At least she can earn the expenses for the pen, ink, paper and inkstone that her children usually read.

   Qixun was busy remodeling the spinning wheel and loom. Brother Monkey was helping out, and Lingqi was reluctant to leave, so he was watching.

   Little sister Xiaoxun can build such a good spinning loom, so she can't really build a washing machine, Lingqi is excited when she thinks about it.

   Gongyu Mingxi knew that the four daughters of his family had the temperament to ignore things outside the window as soon as they started working, so he took Mrs Si to gossip on the kang.

Si Shi naturally praised the spinning wheel and loom made by Qixun, and then said a little embarrassed: "I'm embarrassed to say that I took advantage of my niece. When a few girls get married later, I will give it to me. They put on a thick layer of makeup."

   Gongyu Mingxi smiled brightly, and was very bitter inside.

   There are several babies in my family, and none of them want to get married in the future. Ninety percent of the four younger siblings will not be able to add makeup.

   The matter of inheriting the lineage, probably Qi, can only rely on the eldest son.

"My family, what are you talking about? No matter how good those two machines are, our family can't use them. It's not that you don't know me. I'm clumsy and can't spin and weave. Playing around with her carpentry work, in addition to writing and drawing, the fifth girl can also do some embroidery work. You spent dozens of taels to buy those two machines, she is not busy with her work, and she is not sure how beautiful she is. ."

Si Shi was also happy: "Second sister-in-law said what I said, not my boasting as an aunt. If these three girls in our family are not good, then there will be no good girls in the whole Linjiang County! Second sister-in-law is like you. Character can give birth to such a good girl. It’s a pity that I gave birth to two stinky boys. If I had the ability of the second sister-in-law to give birth to such a good girl, I would wake up laughing in my dreams. How capable are the three girls in our family, Su Er The old man is very proud of his medical skills. After a few injections, the old man's body will be in good shape. Yu'er is very talented at first glance, and I am not biased, but I am very happy when I look at Yu'er. Xiao Xun Don't look naughty, but she's naughty in places, she can make such a good spinning loom at a young age, second sister-in-law, think about it, if she's older in the future, will it be good?"

   Gongyu Mingxi waved his hand: "They are little people, don't brag so much. Su'er and Yu'er don't matter. If Xiaoxun listens, it will only be more aggressive in the future."

Si Shi smiled and said: "What are you afraid of shopping at home? Outside she is very polite. When the three girls of our family go out, who doesn't give a thumbs up? After all, our boy is not bad. Second sister-in-law, let me tell you. , Our family's Lingzhou, in the past six months, several families have invited people to come over to explore, wanting to give him their daughter. However, the elder brother and sister-in-law did not respond. The old man said that Lingzhou's marriage is not urgent. "

Gongyu Mingxi has taught Lingzhou for so many days, but he still values ​​this nephew very much. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "The old man is right, Lingzhou's future is not bad, and he won't be able to run as a scholar next year. After the new year, he is only seventeen years old. What is the urgent matter of getting married? No matter how hard you work, you may be able to win the title in the autumn of the next year. What kind of marriage cannot be said for a teenager who is in his teens?"

   Mrs. Si clapped her hands when she heard it: "That's what you said. Second sister-in-law, is it really possible for our family's Lingzhou to win?"

"There is hope, but there is also luck. His poems and articles are all good, but he is young and lacks some experience and vision. The world is well-informed and knowledgeable, and it is a pity that the family did not join hands before. , if not let Lingzhou follow his second uncle into Beijing to open his eyes, he will improve himself, so he can make up for this shortcoming. But don't be in a hurry, there will always be a chance to ask him to go out for a walk in the future."

The children around    are still young, a teenager in his teens, why is he in a hurry for an examiner? It's good to be famous as a teenager, but it's not necessarily a good thing to enter office too early.

  If conditions permit, Gongyu Mingxi thinks that Lingzhou may be more helpful for his future development if he joins several of his own children to enter the Royal Academy and the National Children's Academy.

   It's just that, it's not good to tell Mrs. Si right now.

   Mrs. Si understood it anyway, her eldest nephew is very likely to become a Juren in the future, and she was very happy. Although he is not his own son, he is the nephew of the direct relative, and now there is no separation of the family. If the eldest nephew has a reputation, he will go out later, and his identity will be different.

Si Shi smiled and said: "I will talk to my sister-in-law when I go back, and make her happy too. Oh, speaking of it, you Lingwei are not worse than Lingzhou, they are the best children, the two stinky boys I gave birth to. , in the future, if there is half of their two brothers Lingzhou and Lingwei, I should burn high incense."

   Gongyu Mingxi felt that this kind of short-sighted parents, showing each other's children, is quite interesting, the experience is very novel, and the heart is inexplicably satisfied.

   There will be two updates today and tomorrow, and on October 1st, there will be ten chapters and 20,000 words. In the past ten days and in the next half month or so, I will basically stay in the countryside. My mother is sick and cannot get up and needs to be taken care of, so the update is not good enough. I will wait for this period of time.



   (end of this chapter)

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