Red Soviet Union

Chapter 642: the interests of the entire western world

"General Evren, on behalf of the U.S. government, I solemnly warn you not to provoke the bottom line of the Soviets!" He answered the phone, and the voice of the U.S. Secretary of State came from inside: "The Soviets are waiting for this What about the opportunity, you won't be so idiot waiting to jump in, will you?"

This sentence immediately made Efren's heart go cold.

Now, it is not Turkey that is provoking the bottom line of the Soviets at all, it is obviously the Soviets who are retaliating! I never thought that the Americans would not comfort the Turkish government. On the contrary, the Americans were blaming! Accusing the Turkish government of playing with fire!

"Mr. George, I hope you can understand that we did not provoke the Soviets. The Soviets' anti-aircraft missiles are crossing the border and attacking our fighter planes." Evren said: "This is an invasion of our Turkey and the entire NATO. Invasion, according to NATO's charter..."

"General Evren, of course we know that this is a trick of the Soviets, but you have to know that after you shot down the Soviets, the Soviets have always wanted revenge, and you should not go to the Soviets. To fly within the range of our anti-aircraft missiles, this is definitely an act of death!" The opposite George said impatiently: "The Soviets are so easy to forbear, they are now setting traps for us, waiting for us to go. Jump! You are a soldier, can't you even see that?"

Of course the Americans knew that it was the Soviets' trick, but they still sent their complaints to Turkey. Who asked you to take the initiative to provoke polar bears?

"However, our country's fighter jets fly in our own airspace, isn't this okay?" Evren also suppressed the anger in his heart.

"General Efren, I repeat, now, the biggest problem facing us in the entire Western world, our NATO bloc, is not the problem of the Soviet Union at all, but the Middle East, the oil resources of the Middle East being controlled by Iraq! We The first problem to be solved now is Iraq! We have taken Tiklik and are heading in the direction of Baghdad! There must be no war in the other direction until we have taken Baghdad, do you understand?” The voice is getting louder and louder. Originally, this kind of thing should be left to the US ambassador to Turkey, but now, the White House has decided to let George verbally tell General Efren, just to show more solemnity, this is the president of the United States Meaning, but also the meaning of the entire NATO! Turkey cannot disregard the entire Western countries because of its own preferences!

The cost of the United States is very high now, and it almost uses human lives to fill the hole. Although the Kurdish army has been organized to attack together, the main attack is still the American army! In order to take Tikrit, the United States paid the price of more than 10,000 casualties! And now, Tikrit has been captured by the United States, and the United States is heading for Baghdad! As long as Baghdad is captured, the United States can destroy the current Iraqi government, and the entire Middle East situation can be rewritten!

The Soviets must be in a hurry, but the Soviets are also afraid of causing a world war. Therefore, when the United States sends troops, the Soviets cannot send ground troops to compete with the United States in Iraq. The Soviets want to save the situation in Iraq, Then we can only think of other ways. For example, now, the Soviet Union is constantly provoking Turkey, trying to trigger a war with Turkey, and once Turkey is in civil strife, the logistics channel of the United States will be blocked, and the Americans will not be able to. play.

This Evren will really cause trouble at a critical time! Of course the United States will not tolerate this kind of behavior from Turkey!

Putting down the phone, Efren's face was extremely pale, the American's meaning was very simple, that is, let Turkey be a tortoise! Even if Turkey's border post is taken over by the Soviets, Turkey will have to endure it! Endure until the US settles Iraq!

And this request is difficult for Efren to accept, but it must be accepted. The meaning of the United States is very simple. If Turkey causes a war, it will be holding the back of the entire Western world. At that time, Turkey is still waiting for NATO support? Stop dreaming!

Although Evren has great courage, without the support of NATO, he also knows that Turkey will never be able to withstand the military strikes of the Soviets!

It seems that this breath can only be swallowed like this? Efren's eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, silent.

"General, compared with the military invasion of the Soviets, we also need to prevent the Soviets from cooperating with the Turks in the mountains." At this moment, an assistant said: "As long as we forbear, the Soviets will find no excuse to invade us, and Wants to mess with us and support the Mountain Turks in our borders."

The mountain Turks, the Kurds, have never been honest!

For the interests of the whole country, on the Kurdish issue, the Turkish government insists that there is no so-called Kurdish nation at all, they are just mountain Turks, the Turkish chicken country resolutely pursues a policy of forced national assimilation, and the Kurdish language and writing are publicly banned. Just like the genocidal policy of the Turkish Chicken country against the Armenians in the early 20th century, many Kurdish intellectuals and cultural elites who advocated and educated their own youth were executed or sent to concentration camps, and a large number of Kurds were forcibly driven to market towns in the plains. Living to deal with the PKK militants, many people who were attached to their homes and did not want to leave soon disappeared.

Even the Chief of Staff of the Turkey Army declared openly that the essence of solving the Kurds is to eliminate guerrilla warfare, and to solve the essence of guerrilla warfare is to "dry" the "water" - the people, and the "fish" in the water - the guerrillas will naturally be unable to survive . The result is equivalent to the "Three Lights Policy" of the Japanese country that was staged again. The Kurds are fighting to the death, they are bleeding and dying, but there is no country or group to support them.

Under the suppression of the Turkish government, the problem of the Kurds is not big, but now, with the US war in Iraq, the Kurds have begun to rise again.

Because the United States is supporting the Kurds in Iraq and supporting them to seize power in Iraq! And it is implied that their future Iraq will be governed by the Kurds! Under such circumstances, the Kurds in Turkey are ready to move again! Among them, the armed forces of the PKK made the Turkish government more vigilant in every possible way.

"Move the army and continue to encircle and suppress the Kurdish armed forces." Efren said: "Also, restart our GAP project."

GAP Project! Hearing Efren's words, everyone present was stunned.

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