Red Soviet Union

Chapter 643: Southeast Anatolia Engineering

GAP, Southeast Anatolia Project, Great Anatolia Project in English, GAP for short, this project is proposed by the General Administration of Water Conservancy Engineering, the main agency of the Turkish government for national water resources planning, engineering construction and operation, which is based on water resources development. The overall development project of the watershed. This includes the construction of a series of dams on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers for irrigation and power generation.

The climate in the area where the project is located is hot and dry, with an average altitude of 1500-2000 meters. The landform features are mainly mountains and basins and plains formed by river erosion. After the completion of the GAP project, regional water transfer will be realized through diversion canals and tunnels, which can provide a large amount of water for the central and eastern regions every year and relieve the water pressure in economically developed regions.

As the country's main natural resource development agency, the State Administration of Water Resources is responsible for the management of all surface and groundwater resources and some public lands owned by the state. They have long targeted the convenience of these two rivers. The project has been planned, including 22 dams and 19 hydropower stations, with a total installed capacity of 7,476MW, an annual power generation capacity of 27,345GWh, and an irrigation area of ​​1.693 million square kilometers.

Such a large-scale hydropower project is a great event for the benefit of the entire country of Turkey! For example, if all the power stations are completed, more than half of the country's electricity can be generated by this hydropower station, which is very important for Turkey, which is short of resources. Turkey's grain production continues to increase, becoming an emerging grain exporter.

However, this project has been proposed for many years, but it has never been able to be implemented. Even in later generations, three dams and two hydropower stations have been built, with an installed capacity of 3,200MW, a power generation of 16,254GWh, and an irrigation area of ​​36,945 square kilometers. There are considerable discrepancies.

Among them, in addition to the issue of funding sources, the most important thing is the strong opposition from other countries, that is, Iraq and Syria!

The Euphrates and Tigris rivers are the cradle of Middle Eastern civilization. The ancient Middle Eastern civilization was born on the two river basins. These rivers originate in the mountains of eastern Turkey and are less than 80 kilometers apart. They flow through northern Syria and Iraq in the southeast direction. Persian Gulf.

If the Turks develop hydropower projects at the source of these two river basins, the Turks can get all the benefits, including hydropower and irrigation. However, their transitional use of water sources in the rivers will inevitably lead to downstream The amount of water is reduced or even dried up! In this case, the upstream Turkey is eating meat, and the downstream Syria and Iraq can only go to hell.

Therefore, after Turkey proposed such a project, Syria and Iraq expressed firm opposition. If Turkey wants to build such a hydropower project, it will undoubtedly declare war on Syria and Turkey!

Therefore, although Turkey has been brewing countless times, it has never been implemented. But now, things are different!

One of the biggest opposing countries, Iraq, is in a state of war! Saddam was killed in the war, and the Iraqi government forces were losing ground. Therefore, at this time, even if the Iraqis were against it, they would have no substantive action against Turkey at all! What is there to fear about a government that is about to perish?

As for the Kurds? What say do they have now? They have not won the Iraq war with the United States and shared the fruits of the war! Even if the Kurds raise objections, they are not qualified!

As for America? This is Turkey's internal affairs, and the United States will not be too lenient, right? Turkey has joined NATO and has to obey the United States militarily, but in the political affairs of such a country, Turkey has the right to make its own choices.

Therefore, this hydropower project in Turkey has very little resistance, and only Syria is left! Syria's current focus is still on the confrontation with Israel. They are the real feud. Without Iraq's joint advance, Syria will at most denounce it verbally, and should not resort to force.

In this way, Turkey can take this opportunity to completely repair the hydropower station! After the construction of this hydropower station, it will play a great role in promoting the economic development of Turkey!

Moreover, vaguely, Efren also felt that only in this way would it be enjoyable, after all, the grievances of the United States to Turkey were too great! Doing so on our own side can be considered disgusting to the United States, and the Americans can only let this situation go. snort!

The recent actions of the United States have really disappointed Turkey. They are doing this now for their own national interests.

"General, if we invest now, because we didn't plan ahead, the country may not be able to get too much money to invest." At this moment, an aide said to Evren.

This large-scale water conservancy project does not mean that it can be built. If the project is fully implemented, the investment required is astronomical, and it will take a few years of Turkey's GDP. Such a huge amount is not just casual. Can be built.

"We can attract private investment, or attract investment from other countries, and then we can promise 10 years of profits," Evren said.

Although he is a soldier, Efren still has keen political insight. Now this opportunity must be seized. The hydropower project must be fully launched as soon as possible. Therefore, other methods are needed to invest, especially in other countries! In this way, this project can be turned into an international, if Iraq wants to oppose it, it becomes an opposition to several developed countries in the world.

"Yes." The staff replied, this was indeed a solution.

In international struggles, not only military struggles, but also economic and political struggles are more important!


An unknown hill on the border between Iran and Turkey.

It is surrounded by rolling hills and mountains. This geographical location determines that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as there are a small number of guerrillas, it can have a great impact. Fighting in such mountains is a headache for all armies.

Among them, many mountains are still in an undeveloped state, and the lush trees have turned this place into a unique landscape of nature. At this time, although swords are drawn on the borders and wars will break out at any time, there is still the tranquility of nature here. .

A group of people walked in the woods, walking on fallen branches. They were fully armed and highly vigilant. These people wore Kurdish national costumes and turbans. , the eyes are piercing.

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