Hearing this, Ji Yinbing finally realized.

She smiled and said meaningfully, "It turns out that the look in the master's eyes is asking for a kiss."

Hearing the words "Sokki", I felt ashamed of the promise.

"I am leaving."

He turned around and left.

Only by running away can he conceal his embarrassment and embarrassment.

Ji Yinbing almost blurted out the sentence Don't go, but she held it back.

She watched Yannuo's car drive away, then raised her hand and touched her lips with her fingers. It doesn't matter, the short parting is for the next more perfect reunion.

After making a promise to return to the country, he began to take up tasks without stopping.

Yan promise is not only the master of the family, he is also a killer, but he is not the kind of killer who will help whoever pays. He is principled, one, does not kill the weak. Second, do not kill women and children. Three, don't kill the upright officials who are dedicated to the people...

He seems to kill nothing.

The promise is only to take on a task of one nature-to kill the wicked.

In his entire life, he has taken over thirteen transactions alone. Among them, beheaded a drug dealer who specially lured underage drug abusers. Killed three perverts who took pleasure in insulting and abuse of minors, and killed four murderous madmen who used serial imitating murders as fun.

The other people who were killed were also the evil ones.

While Yan Nuo was busy making money to eliminate harm, Ji Yinbing was also busy studying and meeting like-minded friends.

She often travels to and from Zhuang Long's home, and when she enters Zhuang Long's laboratory for the first time, Ji Yinbing falls in love with those fragile but transparent and cold instruments. The friendship between Zhuang Long and her has grown by leaps and bounds. They have become friends at the same school, and the relationship is also a teacher and a friend.

Zhuang Long knows all about Ji Yinbing, but wherever Ji Yinbing is puzzled and he is proficient, he will carefully explain to Ji Yinbing.

Under the influence of Zhuang Long, Ji Yinbing made rapid progress.

While studying, she participated in Zhuang Long's research and development. This year, a certain country in the Middle East suddenly broke out with a plague. Strangely, all the people affected by the plague were women. At first, the symptoms of plague virus poisoning were just like a woman's pregnancy.

At first, lethargy, then loss of appetite, and then nausea. Before the virus broke out completely, women would cry like babies and then fell to the ground and died.

At first, such plagues only occurred in the Middle East. Later, due to the virus carried by the human body, large areas of infection occurred in the entire Middle East and I countries in South Asia. The state burned those who died from the virus to ashes. Despite this, the plague virus has not been contained.

People from many virology research and development institutions around the world are paying attention to this matter at the same time. Virus experts everywhere are working overtime day and night, trying to find the virus and solve the plague. Although Zhuang Long is still studying for a Ph.D., his knowledge, knowledge and ability have long been able to stand alone.

At this time, he is full of enthusiasm and has watched many heroic movies that save the world. Zhuang Long also wants to be a hero and save mankind.

Zhuang Long decided to fly to the Middle East in person to investigate the situation in Hamar City in Country X, where the virus originated.

He packed his things and walked out of the apartments, but at the gate, he saw Ji Yinbing.

Ji Yinbing was wearing flat shoes and jeans, carrying a backpack, and wearing a peaked cap. His back was leaning against a tree trunk outside his apartment. When the door opened, Ji Yinbing straightened up. She raised her head and faced Zhuang Long who was standing on the stone ladder.

Zhuang Long's face sank, he said, "You go back."

Ji Yinbing said, "You are my teacher and my partner. I will accompany you wherever you go."

After hearing this, Zhuang Long was moved for a moment.

"I'm going to die." He took out the car key, and while walking to the parking space, he asked Ji Yinbing who was following him, "To die, are you going too?"

Ji Yinbing did not answer.

Zhuang Long bent over and drove away.

Before boarding the car, he looked back at the girl behind him.

Ji Yinbing is also looking at him, her eyes are firm, and she sees death as home. She said, "After choosing this major, we must do something worthy of this status. We study virology in order to develop an antidote to save humanity as soon as humans are harmed by viruses."

"In this world, there are still many viruses that cannot be cured. Such as AIDS, Ebola, Lassa virus..."

Her eyes were like torches, and her eyes burst into the fighting spirit and courage that belonged to young people. "If I don't even have the courage to contact the virus, how can I overcome it?" After speaking, she stared at Zhuang Long and waited for his answer.

Zhuang Long also stared at Ji Yinbing for a long while.

After a while, he curled his mouth and said blankly to Ji Yinbing, "My laboratory still lacks one of the most precious deputy." He raised his jaw while preparing for Ji Yinbing, and asked arrogantly but sincerely, "No. Know if I have the qualifications, invite our Xiao Bingbing to be my deputy?"

Hearing this, Ji Yinbing was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

The cold girl suddenly curled her lips and smiled, and she was so beautiful that Zhuang Long felt dizzy.

"my honor."

Zhuang Long opened his arms towards Ji Yinbing.

Ji Yinbing hesitated, only then approached him and gave him a hug.

This hug is clean and pure, without ambiguity.

They got in the car, rushed to the airport, and rushed to the capital of country X. When we arrived in the capital, we drove to the city of Hama.

The city of Hama has been controlled, no outsiders are allowed to enter, and no people inside are allowed to leave. It is like a dead city. The people living inside are waiting to die, and the people living outside are watching them die.

Outside the city, there were rows of soldiers guarding the city.

Zhuang Long drove a gray-green pickup truck. Seeing their arrival, all the soldiers were waiting.

"Stop!" The privates spoke in a language they didn't understand.

Zhuang Long jumped out of the car, wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans, and wearing a hat.

Ji Yinbing followed him out of the car.

The soldiers saw their appearance, and for a moment, they couldn't tell which country they were from.

Ji Yinbing's appearance is leaning towards the East, and although Zhuang Long is a national A, his ancestors are of upright Chinese descent, and his appearance is purely Chinese. When the two stand together, it is easy to be mistaken for Chinese.

Zhuang Long immediately gave an introduction in English, then took out his ID and handed it to the privates.

Knowing that they are PhDs in virology from country A, soldiers who were hostile to the people of country A, instantly awed them in awe.

"I must tell you, it's dangerous inside now."

"Almost 90% of the women have been infected with the virus, and the men in the city have all been evacuated. You go in..." The private soldier turned his gaze to Ji Yinbing. He said, "This lady, I advise you to think twice."

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