Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 552: Don't abandon

After listening to the soldiers, Ji Yinbing's face remained calm and indifferent.

She shook her head slightly, and said firmly, "I want to go in."

After obtaining the consent of the privates, the two entered the city of Hama without the protection of the privates.

Inside the city, lifeless, full of sadness and desolation everywhere.

Ji Yinbing and Zhuang Long walked on the quiet street.

Every family closed their doors and windows tightly, and occasionally someone opened the window and stretched out a haggard and sallow face. They stared at the two abrupt city-breakers, their eyes insensitive.

They have long been forced to accept the facts, and they know that soon, they will end their lives like those women who have died.

Zhuang Long felt a little bit. He said, "They are the people abandoned by this world."

Ji Yinbing looked away from the peeping cheeks and heard Zhuang Long's words, she said, "So we are here." Ji Yinbing approached Zhuang Long and whispered, "We didn't abandon them."

This is a bit sensational.

Zhuang Long touched his nose, and the glib man couldn't hear others praise him seriously.

He said, "It sounds like we are very tall, like God."

Ji Yinbing shrugged, "If God is a woman, then the world will be crazy."

The two people joked about the active atmosphere, and gradually went deep into the city center.

"Let's stay in this hotel tonight."

In front of them is an eight-story building.

The city of Hama is not rich, and the best hotel in the city is not luxurious. People go to the city, the door of the hotel is wide open, there is not a single guest. The two did not pay for food and accommodation, and one chose a clean house to live in.

In the evening, they ate some canned food and left the hotel together.

They have to seize the time to collect the blood of the infected person.

When they went out this time, they were lucky enough to meet a 13 or 14-year-old girl. The little girl was almost unable to hold on any longer. She sat on the lawn in front of her house, looking up at Ji Yinbing and Zhuang Long, without speaking. Ji Yinbing was wearing isolation gown, she looked at the little girl's desperate and numb eyes and couldn't bear it.

She opened the bag on her back, found two pieces of chocolate from it, and handed it to the girl.

The girl stared at the chocolate, pondered for a long time, then stretched out a sore hand and took the chocolate. She peeled a piece, ate half of it, and burst into tears. Ji Yinbing was at a loss. Zhuang Long glanced at Ji Yinbing and walked to a quiet place.

Ji Yinbing squatted down in front of the girl.

"You cry, is it painful?" Ji Yinbing tried his best to speak English slowly, trying to make the girl hear clearly.

The girl seemed to understand, and she called out like a father.

Ji Yinbing thought, she probably missed her father.

Ji Yinbing sighed and sat down next to the girl. After the girl finished the chocolate, she spoke the language of country X and waved her hands, trying to express her meaning. Ji Yinbing stared at her movements for a long time, and finally, she asked tentatively, "You are asking, what are we doing here?"

The girl didn't know if Ji Yinbing understood her, she nodded, nor shook her head.

Ji Yinbing said, "Doctor." She pointed to herself and slowly preached, "I\'\'m—a—doctor." Seeing that the girl didn't understand, she took out a syringe from her bag. She made a blood draw to her arm. She wanted to tell the girl that she was a doctor.

But the girl misunderstood her meaning.

The girl took the initiative to hand her hand in front of Ji Yinbing. She pulled up her sleeves and said something that Ji Yinbing didn't understand.

Although he didn't understand, Ji Yinbing guessed what the girl meant.

She is letting herself draw her blood.

Ji Yinbing needs the girl's blood. In fact, the more blood samples she collects, the more beneficial the research results. She took a tube of the girl's blood and said, "I-need-more."

The girl tilted her head and looked at her.

Ji Yinbing held the needle for drawing blood and compared it patiently several times. The girl finally understood. Suddenly she stretched out her hand and pointed to a western-style building in the distance.

"There are people in there?" Ji Yinbing asked.

The girl understood what she meant and nodded.

Bid farewell to the girl, Ji Yinbing and Zhuang Long, and went to the western-style three-story building.

They rang the doorbell politely, and after a while, a woman in her forties walked out of her, dressed in a maid-like costume. The woman looked at them and asked their identities in pure American English.

Ji Yinbing and Zhuang Long explained their identities.

Hearing that they are virus experts, the woman's eyes lit up.

She warmly invited two people into the house.

After entering the house, the woman said, "I haven't been infected yet, but my lady is infected. She locked herself upstairs in order not to infect me." The woman looked upstairs with pain in her eyes, "We Not from country X, but from country A. As you know, there are many homeless orphans here. Miss wants to establish an orphanage here, so she decided to visit it herself.

The woman lowered her head and said in a sad tone, "I don't know, Miss' luck, it's so bad..."

Ji Yinbing admires this young lady a little, but also sympathizes with her a little.

She was here to do good things, but in the end...

"We want to take a tube of her blood, do you think it is convenient?"

The woman hesitated, then nodded.

"I'll talk to Miss."

The woman went upstairs to ask the young lady's opinion. Zhuang Long and Ji Yinbing were waiting downstairs.

Within a few minutes, the woman came downstairs and said, "Miss agreed."

"it is good."

The two followed the woman upstairs, along the way, the woman was talking to both of them, "Miss has been infected with the virus for two days. Yesterday she started to have a high fever, and today she has sores on her face. Miss is a beauty lover, so you Please don't be offended when you see the lady later."


Pushing open the door, Ji Yinbing and Zhuang Long entered one after another.

On the big round bed, lying a thin girl, she was covered with a white silk quilt, and her long golden hair was draped on the pillow. As the woman said, she loves beauty. In order to cover the sores on her face, she covered her face with a towel.

Only a pair of light blue eyes were revealed.

The girl should be very young. Although her skin looks a little dark yellow due to the torture of the virus, there are no wrinkles around the girl's eyes.

Her left arm was placed outside the quilt, and her sleeve was lifted over her arm, revealing a slender arm.

Zhuang Long put the bag by the bed, he looked down at the girl and said in a gentle voice, "I will draw a tube of blood from you. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt."

The girl looked at him quietly.

After a while, she nodded, "OK."

Zhuang Long sat down and just removed the disposable lancet bag when he saw the girl frowning.


Before the blood was drawn and the needle hadn't penetrated, she started to be scared.

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